Dewa Ayu Anggi Paramitha
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Publisher : Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University, Semarang, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (333.796 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/dmj.v8i2.23785


Latar belakang: Penggunaan pupuk nanosilika koloid secara luas menyebabkan rumah tangga pertanian Indonesia berisiko terpapar lewat jalur semprot. Pada penelitian sebelumnya, inhalasi nanosilika dapat menyebabkan masalah organĀ  paru dan hepar karena dapat berpindah ke sirkulasi sistemik. Untuk itu, efek toksisitas pupuk nanosilika secara inhalasi penting untuk diuji pada organ hepar pada hewan coba. Tujuan: Mengamati pengaruh paparan inhalasi pupuk nanosilika koloid terhadap gambaran histopatologi hepar pada tikus Wistar jantan. Metode: Penelitian menggunakan desain Post Test Only Control Group dengan sampel 24 tikus Wistar yang dibagi dalam 4 kelompok yaitu K diberi inhalasi aquades, kelompok perlakuan diberi inhalasi pupuk nanosilika dengan dosis P1 7 ml/L, P2 35 ml/L, dan P3 175 ml/L. Semua kelompok diberi inhalasi 2 kali sehari selama 14 hari. Preparat organ hepar diamati dibawah mikroskop cahaya, jumlah hepatosit degenerasi/nekrosis (sel/LP) dan derajat infiltrasi sel inflamasi porta dinyatakan dengan modified Knodell score.1 Data dianalisis dengan uji Kruskall-Wallis dan dilanjutkan dengan Mann-Whitney. Hasil: Jumlah hepatosit degenerasi/nekrosis memiliki perbedaan bermakna (p=0,017) antara K [0,00(0,00-0,00)] dengan P1 [3,90(0,00-20,20)] dan P2 [1,70(0,80-8,20)], namun tidak bermakna pada P3 [1,30(0,00-5,60)] dan antar kelompok lainnya. Derajat infiltrasi sel inflamasi memiliki perbedaan bermakna (p=0,000). Derajat inflamasi terberat terdapat pada kelompok P2 (23.3% berat) dan teringan pada kelompok kontrol (100% ringan). Kesimpulan: Paparan inhalasi pupuk nanosilika pada tikus Wistar jantan dapat menyebabkan degenerasi/nekrosis pada hepatosit dan infiltrasi sel inflamasi periporta yang signifikan secara statistik.Kata kunci: Nanosilika, Inhalasi, Hepar, Tikus Wistar, Histopatologi, Dosis, Konsentrasi
Reducing Treatment Burden for Age-Related Macular Degeneration Patients: A Systematic Review of Ranibizumab Port Delivery System: Oral Presentation - Observational Study - General practitioner Dewa Ayu Anggi Paramitha; Ajeng Kartika Ayu Putri; Seruni Hanna Ardhia; Jovita Jutamulia
Majalah Oftalmologi Indonesia Vol 49 No S2 (2023): Supplement Edition
Publisher : The Indonesian Ophthalmologists Association (IOA, Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Mata Indonesia (Perdami))

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35749/v8vmp587


Introduction & ObjectivesRanibizumab port delivery system (PDS) is a newly developed method that provides a continuous,long-term supply of ranibizumab into the vitreous, reducing the burden of monthly intravitrealinjection visits for neovascular age-related macular degeneration (nAMD) patients. This review aimsto evaluate the efficacy and safety of ranibizumab PDS in nAMD. MethodsAn extensive literature search was performed on 4 online databases: PubMed, Cochrane, ProQuest,and ScienceDirect. The inclusion criteria are human studies comparing ranibizumab port deliverysystem and intravitreal ranibizumab, English language, with full-text journal available. The mainoutcome measurements are best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) in Early Treatment DiabeticRetinopathy Study (ETDRS) letters, central foveal thickness (CFT), and adverse events. ResultsTwo randomized controlled trials (RCTs) with a total of 638 adults were evaluated. At week 96,ranibizumab PDS reported observed mean BCVA changes from baseline (-1.0; +4.2; ETDRS letters)compared to monthly intravitreal ranibizumab (-1.1; +6.1; ETDRS letters). However, there was anincrease in mean CFT changes from baseline (+9.9; +22.3 vs ?1.3; ?35.8, ?m) and severe adverseevents frequency (22; 4 vs 4; 0) with ranibizumab PDS versus monthly intravitreal ranibizumab,respectively. ConclusionRanibizumab PDS showed comparable visual outcomes to intravitreal ranibizumab whiledemonstrating inferior anatomical outcomes and higher incidence of severe adverse effects. Despitethis, with fewer treatment visits required for up to 24 weeks, ranibizumab PDS can potentiallyreduce the treatment burden in nAMD patients with poor compliance. Further studies are needed toprovide better patient eligibility guidelines and recommendations for adverse event management ofranibizumab PDS.
Reducing Treatment Burden for Age-Related Macular Degeneration Patients: A Systematic Review of Ranibizumab Port Delivery System Dewa Ayu Anggi Paramitha; Ajeng Kartika Ayu Putri; Seruni Hanna Ardhia; Jovita Jutamulia
Majalah Oftalmologi Indonesia Vol 49 No S2 (2023): Supplement Edition
Publisher : The Indonesian Ophthalmologists Association (IOA, Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Mata Indonesia (Perdami))

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35749/zh73sh38


Introduction & ObjectivesRanibizumab port delivery system (PDS) is a newly developed method that provides a continuous,long-term supply of ranibizumab into the vitreous, reducing the burden of monthly intravitrealinjection visits for neovascular age-related macular degeneration (nAMD) patients. This review aimsto evaluate the efficacy and safety of ranibizumab PDS in nAMD. MethodsAn extensive literature search was performed on 4 online databases: PubMed, Cochrane, ProQuest,and ScienceDirect. The inclusion criteria are human studies comparing ranibizumab port deliverysystem and intravitreal ranibizumab, English language, with full-text journal available. The mainoutcome measurements are best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) in Early Treatment DiabeticRetinopathy Study (ETDRS) letters, central foveal thickness (CFT), and adverse events. ResultsTwo randomized controlled trials (RCTs) with a total of 638 adults were evaluated. At week 96,ranibizumab PDS reported observed mean BCVA changes from baseline (-1.0; +4.2; ETDRS letters)compared to monthly intravitreal ranibizumab (-1.1; +6.1; ETDRS letters). However, there was anincrease in mean CFT changes from baseline (+9.9; +22.3 vs ?1.3; ?35.8, ?m) and severe adverseevents frequency (22; 4 vs 4; 0) with ranibizumab PDS versus monthly intravitreal ranibizumab,respectively. ConclusionRanibizumab PDS showed comparable visual outcomes to intravitreal ranibizumab whiledemonstrating inferior anatomical outcomes and higher incidence of severe adverse effects. Despitethis, with fewer treatment visits required for up to 24 weeks, ranibizumab PDS can potentiallyreduce the treatment burden in nAMD patients with poor compliance. Further studies are needed toprovide better patient eligibility guidelines and recommendations for adverse event management ofranibizumab PDS.