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All Journal Al-Irsyad Al-Nafs
Sitti Trinurmi
Bimbingan Penyuluhan Islam Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar

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Publisher : Al-Irsyad Al-Nafs : Jurnal Bimbingan dan Penyuluhan Islam

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Suggestion is very important in the learning achievements of students, because the suggestion will be easily accepted by others. When the critical power is inhibited, it would be easily accepted others, when his ability was dissociation. Suggestions will be easily accepted others, when the material has the support of many people (majority of suggestion), the giver of suggestion is the one who has the authority and, if the person concerned has no opinion that precedes the line. How do suggestion for students in learning achievement is; an educator should instill a strong intention and motivation in the students themselves, identifies the position, gestures, language as well as brain waves with learners. Educators must combine between equate positions and directing something, using language or positive words, give sincere compliments to learners, especially when he managed to do or accomplish achievements, and provide a role model through speech and behavior consistent
Publisher : Al-Irsyad Al-Nafs : Jurnal Bimbingan dan Penyuluhan Islam

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Islamic education is the task of guiding and directing the development and learners from stage to stage up to the point of optimal. The purpose of education is to create a good man (al-insan al-Salih) that is certain is universal and it is definitely recognized everyone and everything flows without questioning in any country and any religion. Lots of really what was raised by the experts Muslims but are all essentially the same as above. Besides that education is also to enhance human morals. Basic philosophy and goals of Islamic education is essentially identical to the basis and purpose of Islam or rather the goal of Islam itself. The nature and purpose of human life is the nature and purpose of human life associated with the nature and objectives of Islamic education is to educate individuals virtuous with regard to the development of spiritual, emotional, social, intellectual and physical, educate members of social groups devout, both in the family and the Muslim community.
Publisher : Al-Irsyad Al-Nafs : Jurnal Bimbingan dan Penyuluhan Islam

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There are several factors that cause the emergence of mental disorders of children during their growth and development, among others; lack of nutrition, parental behavior, poor hygiene, an environment that is not conducive, the result can cause several kinds of disorders, both physical and psychological, including; impaired motor development. language development disorders, mental reterdation, celebral palsy, sindrown down and autism disorders. To help overcome the mental problems of children in their growth and development, there are several services that must be provided, namely student understanding services (data collection), information provision services, advisory services, placement services, problem solving and habituation services. This service is tailored to the approach of the crisis approach, remedial approach, prefentive approach, and development approach. Also instructional and interactive education approaches, systems support approaches and personal development approaches
Publisher : Al-Irsyad Al-Nafs : Jurnal Bimbingan dan Penyuluhan Islam

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Humans are the perfect creation of Allah compared to other creatures. It was marked by the completeness of reason and passion possessed by humans. Intellect is the potential possessed by humans to distinguish what is good and what is bad, while lust is a tendency or human desire to have everything in human life, including a tendency to do things that deviate. Intellect and lust are what in human life always experience upheaval between the whisper of reason and the whisper of lust. The struggle of struggle between the whisper of reason and the whisper of lust is a problem in human life which is faced from time to time. The complexity of the problematic has brought and directed some people to experience conflicts and obstacles in fulfilling their worldly desires, and can even cause mental stress that can disrupt life's stability. Islamic guidance is one of the efforts and strategies in order to help individuals overcome conflicts in human life, as well as efforts to improve the spiritual quality of human beings. In the world of education, students are a group that is very vulnerable and difficult to avoid the very complex life problems. That is caused by the potential of the intellect possessed by students still in the developmental stages so that the curiosity tends to be greater. This is what makes most of the students who fall into deviant behavior. From the reality of the problems that occur above gives a general picture that with the increase in science and technology it is not enough to realize eternal happiness. Therefore, to form an Islamic young generation, the implementation of Islamic guidance and counseling for students is seen as very strategic in order to reduce the deviant behavior of students at school. The application of the Islamic guidance and counseling system to schools is a manifestation of the concern of the school to reduce deviant behavior among its students. In its application, Islamic guidance and counseling carried out in schools must be guided by the Koran and Hadith.
Publisher : Al-Irsyad Al-Nafs : Jurnal Bimbingan dan Penyuluhan Islam

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Group therapy is used when patients experience characteristics of disorders such as self-concept confusion, low self-esteem, changes in sensory perception, hallucinations, violence, or withdrawal from the social environment that can no longer be handled by individual therapy. In practice, group therapy varies as much as individual therapy. The earliest forms of group therapy were didactic in which the group leader lectured, reassured, and directed. Due to new developments in this field, group leaders perform the same functions for groups as individual therapists do for their patients. He encourages, reveals, examines motives, provides interpretations, and gradually evokes the participation of each member of the group in this function. Uses of Group Therapy. Participation in a group therapy experience will remove the patient's feelings of isolation and uniqueness from his illness, thereby dispelling his anxieties and encouraging him to talk about his inner feelings wholeheartedly.
Al-Irsyad Al-Nafs : Jurnal Bimbingan dan Penyuluhan Islam Vol 8 No 2 (2021): AL IRSYAD AL-NAFS
Publisher : Jurusan Bimbingan dan Penyuluhan Islam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24252/al-irsyad al-nafs.v8i2.27409


Suggestions are part of hypnosis. Hypnosis among the public is still a scary thing and part of black magic. The subconscious mind is more neutral and suggestive. The subconscious mind can be assumed to be a long-term human memory that stores various circumstances, events based on the experience of self or others. The influence of suggestion greatly affects the development of children because suggestions are stimuli, influences, or stimuli that an individual gives to other individuals in such a way that the person who is advised obeys or performs what he or she suggests without thinking again critically and rationally. Especially for children who are still unstable so the selection of the right word or language is very helpful for parents in giving suggestions to children. Suggestions can be done in the child's environment where they grow and develop, namely the family environment, school environment and community environment. A suggestion will be stored in the subconscious mind, which will affect the child's behavior, character, and mindset. Parents can reprogram a child's subconscious mind by giving positive suggestions through the use of positive language and not using negative language, as well as providing affectionate behavior. Sensitivity is the main key in building approaches and planting suggestions to children.
Al-Irsyad Al-Nafs : Jurnal Bimbingan dan Penyuluhan Islam Vol 9 No 1 (2022): AL-IRSYAD AL-NAFS
Publisher : Jurusan Bimbingan dan Penyuluhan Islam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24252/al-irsyad al-nafs.v9i1.31242


In learning, behaviorism is known as behavioral psychology, that is, a learning theory that is based on the idea that all behavior is obtained through conditioning. There are three types of conditioning, namely: (a) Contiguity, (b) Classical Conditioning Theory/ Classical Habituation Theory, and (c) Operant Conditioning Theory / Response Behavior Habituation Theory. These three theories suggest that learning is an observable change in behavior, which occurs through a stimulus-response accompanied by reinforcement. Behavioristic learning theory explains learning is a change in behavior that can be observed, measured, and assessed concretely. Change occurs through stimuli (stimulants) that give rise to reactive behavioral relationships (responses) based on mechanistic laws. Stimulants are nothing but the child's learning environment, both internal and external that are the cause of learning. While the response is a result or impact, in the form of a physical reaction to a stimulant. Learning means the strengthening of bonds, associations, traits, and behavioral tendencies of the S-R (stimulus-Response). There are several approaches and models in Learning Behaviorism, namely: Attention, Tension, Production, and, Motivation. This method of behaviorism is very suitable for the acquisition of abilities that require practice and habituation containing elements such as; Speed, spontaneity, flexibility, reflexes, endurance, and so on, for example, foreign language conversation, typing, dancing, using a computer, swimming, sports and so on. This theory is also suitable to be applied to train children who still need the dominance of adult roles, like to repeat and should be familiarized, like to imitate, and are happy with forms of direct appreciation such as being given sweets or praise.
Al-Irsyad Al-Nafs : Jurnal Bimbingan dan Penyuluhan Islam Vol 9 No 2 (2022): AL-IRSYAD AL-NAFS
Publisher : Jurusan Bimbingan dan Penyuluhan Islam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24252/al-irsyad al-nafs.v9i2.34305


The journal that was created aims to describe how the form of Islamic guidance for the sakinah family is. The main problem contained in this research is how the Islamic Guidance Method in forming the Sakinah Family in Somba Opu District, Gowa Regency, with the sub-problem used by the researcher, namely How is the form of the implementation of Islamic Guidance for pre- and post-wedding couples in understanding the rights and obligations in marriage in Somba Opu District, Gowa Regency? What are the supporting factors and inhibiting factors in implementing Islamic Guidance for couples who want to get married (Pre-marriage) and Post-marriage (after marriage) in Somba Opu District, Gowa Regency. This study uses descriptive qualitative research located at KUA (Religious Affairs Office) Somba Opu District, Gowa Regency. The research approach used by the researcher is the Islamic Counseling Guidance Approach. Primary data sources used by researchers are religious instructors including, Hj. Husnawiah (instructor), Bapak Suharman (instructor), Darul Aska (instructor) and several additional informants such as Bp. Rasyiduddi as Head of KUA, Saiful Hasan (client), Nurul (client), Azalia (client), Alif Imran (client), Dr. Aldam Rajab (Principal). Secondary data sources used are theses, journals, literature, and other data sources that can be used as a complement. Data collection methods used by researchers are observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis was carried out using the reduction and presentation stages.