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TELAAH METODOLOGI ILMU ALQURAN: Konstruksi, Dekonstruksi, dan Rekonstruksi Ilmu Makkiyyah-Madaniyyah Munawir Munawir
Diya Al-Afkar: Jurnal Studi al-Quran dan al-Hadis Vol 8, No 1 (2020): Juni
Publisher : IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24235/diyaafkar.v8i1.6323


Makkiyah-Madaniyyah as a science, in its development must having a shift in paradigma (shifting paradigm). From the old construction as an established  science (normal science), then experiencing anomalies and crises, and finally rise to a new paradigm.  The paradigm shif in a scientific building is something that is inevitable. This is not because the old scientific building is wrong, but because the old scientific is less supported to solve the current problems, till a new scientific building is needed. This article examines the process of developing the Makkiyah-Madaniyyah science. Through a descriptive  study of the construction of old Makkiyah-Madaniyyah science, then analyzed using the paradigm shift theory, then the answer was found that the reconstruction of the new Makkiyah-Madaniyyah was based on historical data especially the Prophet’s  migration from Makkah to Madinah, which then used historical data as a basis analysis reconstruct the values of usul (Universality) of the Qur’an and the values of furu’ (location and temporality) of Qur’an.
Ahl Al-Hadith dan Ahl Al-Ra’y: Dari Konstruksi Metodologi Hingga Tipologi Pemahaman Hadis Dialektik Munawir Munawir
Mutawatir : Jurnal Keilmuan Tafsir Hadith Vol. 9 No. 2 (2019): DESEMBER
Publisher : Jurusan Tafsir Hadis Fakultas Ushuluddin dan Filsafat UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (379.838 KB) | DOI: 10.15642/mutawatir.2019.9.2.237-255


The complexity of the Prophetic traditions is not only related to the validity of the sanad and matn, but also to the socio-historical setting that lies behind the text of a hadith, even also the psychology of the Prophet himself. Amidst the complexity, there are two large groups which have different construction of understanding and tend to be in conflict, namely the ahl al-hadith and the ahl al-ra’y. This article addresses two basic questions: first, how is the construction of the method of understanding of both traditions; and second, how is the typology of dialectic hadith understanding between two of them? Based on qualitative-interpretative methods and historical approaches, I argue that the understanding of the hadith of the ahl al-hadith pivots on the rules of al-‘ibrat (fi akhbar al-sunnah bi ‘umum al-lafz la bi khusus al-sabab, while the method of understanding the hadith of the ahl al-ra’y lies on the rules of al-hadith salih li kull zaman wa makan. The typology of understanding of the dialectic hadith between the two groups pivots on the rules of al-‘ibrat (fi akhbar al-sunnah) bi khusus} al-sabab la bi ‘umum al-lafz.
Penerapan Hukum Allah : Studi Pribumisasi HAMKA terhadap QS. Al-Ma>’idah: 44, 45, dan 47 dalam Tafsir Al-Azhar Munawir Munawir
Nun : Jurnal Studi Alquran dan Tafsir di Nusantara Vol 4, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Asosiasi Ilmu Alqur'an dan Tafsir se-Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (846.447 KB) | DOI: 10.32495/nun.v4i1.37


Penerapan hukum-hukum Allah adalah dua satu isu problematik dalam konteks hubungan antar agama dan negara bagi umat Islam Indonesia. Letak problematiknya adalah, agama (tekstualitas Al-Qur’an) menyeru umatnya untuk berhukum dengan hukum Allah, akan tetapi negara (sekalipun mayoritas penduduknya beragama Islam) dalam perundangannya justru tidak menggunakan hukum (Syari’at) Islam, melainkan UUD 1945. Bagaimanakah HAMKA -sebagai seorang muslim Indonesia- merespon dan menjawab problematika tersebut? Melalui telaah penafsirannya terhadap ayat-ayat penerapan hukum Allah dalam Tafsir al-Azhar, diperoleh jawaban bahwa umat Islam memang, semuanya wajib menerapkan hukum Allah, akan tetapi Indonesia (negara bangsa) adalah bentuk terbaik untuk umat Islam Indonesia. Negara ini menjamin setiap warganya bebas melaksanakan ajaran agama dan kepercayaannya masing-masing, prinsip ini tidak bertentangan dengan spirit hukum Islam ‘mendatangkan manfaat dan menolak bahaya’. Dengan ini umat Islam bisa menjadi muslim yang baik, sekaligus menjadi warga negara yang baik pula.
Muslim Puritan Dan Muslim Moderat (Pembacaan Terhadap Kedudukan Perempuan) Munawir Munawir
FIKRAH Vol 5, No 1 (2017): June 2017
Publisher : Prodi Aqidah dan Filsafat Islam, Jurusan Ushuluddin, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (5652.258 KB) | DOI: 10.21043/fikrah.v5i1.2068


Puritans Muslim -with a spirit of the Quran and Sunnah- made Islam in the time of Prophet Sawas an authentic and final model. Using a textual approach, they understand Islam rigidly so that all the features of Islam mixed with local locality (non-Arabic) are considered to be viruses and must be sterilized to get pure. In contrast to moderate Muslims, though both of them are in line with the Qur'an and Sunnah, they are not using a textual approach but contextualist or even philosophical. Islam at the time of the Prophet saw was viewed by moderate Muslims as a historic and dialectical Islam with socio-cultural society, because they understand Islam flexibly. With different approaches in the return movement in the Quran and Sunnah, the two Islamic epistemes are different, as seen in the issue of women's position. In the history, Puritan Muslims often use violence in the name of religion to defend and spread its ideology. The above study is based on historical study with descriptive-qualitative approach.
PESANTREN DAN WACANA FIKIH KONTEMPORER Ansori Ansori; Agus Sunaryo; Munawir Munawir
Jurnal Penelitian Agama Vol 12 No 2 (2011)
Publisher : IAIN Purwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2855.925 KB) | DOI: 10.24090/jpa.v12i2.2011.pp258-272


The concept of figh should be able to accommodate the interests of Muslims in Indonesia. For that reason, figh that should be formulated is one with local values and based on syari in guarding the five basic principles of determining law. The five principles are: keeping the faith, keeping the spirit, keeping the offspring, guarding property, and maintaining common sense. Figh should also be able to meet all the basic needs of the Muslims: primary (darunyyat), secondary (hajiyyat). and tertiary (luxunes) needs.
Problematika Seputar Kodifikasi Al-Qur'an Munawir Munawir
MAGHZA Vol 3 No 2 (2018): Juli - Desember 2018
Publisher : Fakultas Ushuluddin Adab dan Humaniora (FUAH), Universitas Islam Negeri Profesor Kiai Haji Saifuddin Zuhri Purwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1129.093 KB) | DOI: 10.24090/maghza.v3i2.2128


Historically, the bookkeeping of the Koran is not as complicated as the books of Hadith. But that does not mean that the codification process of the Qur'an is not interesting to learn. In this case, there are a number of questions that remain relevant to convey; Is the Qur'an still true today? What is the true structure of the Qur'an? Are there standard standards for Koran arrangements agreed upon by Muslims throughout the world? These questions about the codification of the Qur'an often arise, because in the course of the Qur'an, in its capacity as a book (a piece of paper) is bound where there are dictums in Arabic that Muslims consider to be revelations from God - the codification process is no longer normative, but very historical, because related to various types of discourses (social, political, etc.) that surround it. In this context, historical and analytic studies of the historical codification of the Qur'an need to be presented, and this paper was written to meet those needs. Through the study of history based on Muslim scholarship about the history of the Quranic codification from the time of the Prophet Saw. to standardization in the form of reading and writing, which was then supplemented with critical analysis based on Western scholarship, it found that standardization "writing" the Qur'an in rasm Uṡmānī cultural products, and therefore open and allow for tashih, criticism, or even revision with more valid data findings. This does not mean the desecration of the Qur'an, but as a logical consequence of the existence of rasm Uṡmānī as something which is a human form.
Arah Baru Pengembangan Ulumul Quran mustain yusuf; Munawir Munawir
MAGHZA Vol 4 No 2 (2019): Juli-Desember 2019
Publisher : Fakultas Ushuluddin Adab dan Humaniora (FUAH), Universitas Islam Negeri Profesor Kiai Haji Saifuddin Zuhri Purwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (480.012 KB) | DOI: 10.24090/maghza.v4i2.3434


Muhkam science and mutasyabbih are the results of human construction. Its existence is clearly not absolutely true. As a science, muhkam and mutasyabbih are always open to all developments. This research - using Thomas Kuhn's shifting paradigm framework - analyzes the direction of the development of muhkam-mutasyabbih science starting from normal science, anomaly/crisis, and new paradigm. From this analysis, the answer is obtained that the construction of muhkam-mutasyabbih (normal science) is based on the textuality of the verse. This construction experiences anomaly and even crisis when dealing with maqashidul Qur'an, because by relying solely on verse textuality, there is often a counterproductive product between interpretation based on muhkam science and mutasyabbih with the maqashidul Qur'an itself. Here a new paradigm is born, value-based muhkam-mutasyabbih; muhkam is fundamental and universal values ​​(ushul Al-Qur'an), while mutasyabbih are implementational values ​​that are local-temporal (furu 'Al-Qur'an).