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Mahkamah : Jurnal Kajian Hukum Islam Vol 2, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (508.337 KB) | DOI: 10.24235/mahkamah.v2i1.1503


Perkembangan sains di abad modern ini telah mewarnai berbagai ranah keilmuan, termasuk dalam hal ini ilmu falak dalam studi hukum Islam. Hal ini merupakan sebuah kebutuhan bagi umat Islam, karena hukum Islam seyogyanya harus dapat mengakomodir dan mendampingi perkembangan sains. Antara keduanya terdapat hubungan ketergantungan satu sama lainnya, sains memerlukan ilmu hukum Islam begitu pula sebaliknya hukum Islam Islam memerlukan sains. Sains sangat diperlukan dalam ranah keagamaan untuk memberikan pembenaran dan rasionalisasi ilmu keagamaan, walaupun tidak semua hukum Islam bisa dirasionalisasikan. Hukum Islam yang bersumber dari al-Qur`an dan Hadis diperlukan bagi sains sebagai filter dan tolak ukur keberlakuan sains. Apakah sains tersebut selaras dengan agama atau malah bertentangan. Ilmu Falak sebagai ilmu yang oleh sebagian tokoh falak disebut dengan Ilmu Astronomi dan yang merupakan ilmu pengetahuan tertua di dunia merupakan ilmu yang tidak luput dari pengaruh perkembangan sains. Hal ini dapat di maklumi karena Ilmu Falak atau Astronomi -data-data astronomis- akan berubah sesuai perubahan alam semesta atau komos. Selain itu di alam semesta sampai sekarang masih banyak teka-teki yang belum terpecahkan dan hal ini sangat menarik bagi para ilmuan. Bahkan apabila merujuk pada sejarah peradaban Islam tercatat bahwa Ilmu Falak atau Astronomi sempat mencapai masa keemasan seiring dengan masa keemasan peradaban Islam yang memicu perkembangan dalam studi hukum Islam.
INTEGRASI HISAB RUKYAT AWAL RAMADAN 1442 H DENGAN MODEL VISIBILITAS KASTNER sakirman sakirman; Judhistira Aria Utama; Othman bin Zainon
ELFALAKY: Jurnal Ilmu Falak Vol 6 No 2 (2022)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24252/ifk.v6i2.30766


There is no empirical evidence of the early hilal of Ramadan 1442 H that was observed through technological devices. The justification for witnessing the new moon still refers to the syar'i new moon term, not the astronomical new moon. The country of Brunei Darussalam can be used as an example when the astronomical hilal is not successfully observed, then the beginning of the hijri month is the next day or fulfills the ongoing month and there is no legal tolerance such as the use of the syar'i hilal term to replace the astronomical hilal. The integration of reckoning-rukyat is actually a methodological endeavor to perfect the criteria for the beginning of the Hijri month. Kastner's hilal visibility model is present in an effort to bridge the refinement of the criteria for the beginning of the hijri month. Through the criteria for the visibility of the hilal, Kastner offers a mathematical model that can be used as a role model for observing the hilal. Kastner's hilal visibility mathematical calculation model can be expressed in a curve that can be translated easily. Based on Kastner's hilal visibility, the early hilal of Ramadan 1442 H the hilal cannot be observed with the visual eye. Perukyat's testimony of seeing the hilal at the beginning of Ramadan 1442 H can be rejected by law because it is not based on empirical evidence in the form of a hilal image as a result of visual eye observation. According to Kasnter's hilal visibility model, the visibility of the hilal at the beginning of Ramadan 1442 H reached the maximum hilal visibility with a value of -1.68 for visual observations, the height of the hilal at the same time was 1.56 degrees (height difference between the Moon and the Sun at that time was 4, 46 degrees) with an elongation of 4.70 degrees. Observing the new moon without using tools such as a telescope, will not succeed in detecting the figure of the new moon, because the visibility of the new moon is still negative since sunset.
DEVOSI Vol 4 No 1 (2023): Devosi Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Islam 45 Bekasi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33558/devosi.v4i1.5830


Astronomy in Indonesia originates and develops from Islamic boarding schools. Currently, this science is not massively studied in Islamic boarding schools, because it is considered difficult to do something related to calculations. Whereas in the aspect of study in Fiqh, students are taught and given an in-depth explanation. The Hidayatul Quran Islamic Boarding School (PPHQ) in Batanghari, East Lampung, is no exception, which has two flagship programs, namely Diniyah Takmiliyah and Tahfidhul Qur'an. In the Diniyah Takmiliyah Program, where alfiyah class students have studied fiqh studies quite in depth, the study of istiqbalul qiblah fiqh is not overlooked. This service tries to complete the fiqh understanding of the Qibla that has been owned by the santri with a scientific understanding of the Qibla, both in terms of calculation and measurement. The method used is PAR (participatory action research) with the aim of seeing, hearing, as well as understanding social phenomena that occur. Through this method, the target community or group is used as a subject, not an object of activity. The results obtained were that the alfiyah class students had basic knowledge both in the field of fiqh and about the geography of the earth. So that this training can complement and add insight, knowledge, new understanding and new skills in determining the Qibla direction.
NUANSA: Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu Sosial dan Keagamaan Islam Vol. 14 No. 2 (2017)
Publisher : Research Institute and Community Engagement of IAIN MADURA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19105/nuansa.v14i2.1636


Hisab and rukyat issues have confiscated the energies of Muslims so great, it makes ukhuwah sometimes disturbed even in the celebration of Eid and Eid al-Adha. For a long time we are transfixed and chained to the problem only but not on the solution. As if the problem is merely the difference of the method of reckoning (astronomical calculations) and rukyat (hilal observations) that are impossible to unite, it is equally impossible to unite different schools of thought. The debates of the strongest arguments between the proponents of hisab and rukyat have been going on for hundreds of years, but the result has deepened the gap. This paper is trying to discuss the two problems mentioned above, to focus more on the discussion, the issues to be discussed are the concept of hisab and rukyat, history of hisab and rukyat, the strength and weaknesses between hisab and rukyat, the matched concept of hisab rukyat in Indonesia.