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Journal : Journal of Engineering and Information Technology for Community Service

Penerapan Perpustakaan Digital Pada SMA Negeri 1 Padang Cermin Styawati Styawati; Selamet Samsugi; Yuri Rahmanto; Lili Andraini; Izudin Ismail
Journal of Engineering and Information Technology for Community Service Vol 1, No 3 (2023): Volume 1, Issue 3, January 2023
Publisher : Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33365/jeit-cs.v1i2.168


SMA Negeri 1 Padang Cermin merupakan salah satu SMA yang memiliki fasilitas lengkap di sekolah, salah satunya yaitu perpustakaan. Perpustakaan di SMAN 1 Padang Cermin masih bersifat konvensional/belum terkomputerisasi. Saat ini siswa dalam mengakses koleksi buku di perpustakan masih harus datang langsung ke perpustakaan, jika di perpustakaan sedang ramai, maka banyak siswa yang tidak dapat duduk dengan nyaman untuk membaca koleksi di perpustakaan. Selain itu proses peminjaman buku juga mengharuskan siswanya untuk datang langsung ke sekolah. Permasalahan sistem perpustakaan konvensional dapat diselesaikan dengan membangun sistem perpustakaan berbasis web. Sistem yang dibangun dapat memfasilitasi penggunanya dalam malakukan peminjaman dan akses buku dimanapun dan kapanpun mereka berada. Sistem ini juga dapat menampilkan history para peminjam buku secara online sehingga pengguna mengetahui buku dengan judul a dipinjam oleh siapa. Sistem Perpustakaan Digital yang diterapkan di SMA N 1 Padang Cermin harapannya dapat mempermudah para guru dan siswa dalam melakukan peminjaman buku dan mengakses buku
Pelatihan Pengelolaan Website Desa Ade Surahman; Tri Darma Rosmala Sari; Lili Andraini; Izudin Ismail
Journal of Engineering and Information Technology for Community Service Vol 1, No 3 (2023): Volume 1, Issue 3, January 2023
Publisher : Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33365/jeit-cs.v1i3.187


Panggungrejo is a village in the Sukoharjo District, Pringsewu Regency, Lampung Province, Indonesia. This village has an area of 450 hectares. The majority of the livelihoods of Pekon Panggung Rejo residents are farmers, chicken breeders, red cattle breeders and traders. Apart from that, there are also residents who work as civil servants, the TNI and masons, other residents work as laborers managing oil palm and rubber. Panggung Rejo Village has the potential to become a tourist village because of its natural beauty. Based on interviews conducted with the head of Pekon Panggung Rejo, it was found that the problem being faced by partners was that the village website operator changed assignments and domiciles, so that the management of the village website stopped, because there were no village officials who could operate the website. Therefore, the PKM team from the Indonesian Technocrat University provided training on creating and managing Village websites, including Facebook and IG, as well as training on basic computer knowledge such as Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel for Village officials, so as to make it easier for the community to find information and services. Village. The expected outputs from this PKM activity are scientific articles published in community service journals, and news published in newspapers. The activity was carried out for 6 months, starting in early July and ending in December 2021.