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Da’i Credibility in The Post-Truth Era: A Study of Da’i in Surabaya Maulidatus Syahrotin Naqqiyah; Ali Nurdin
Ilmu Dakwah: Academic Journal for Homiletic Studies Vol 13, No 2 (2019): Ilmu Dakwah: Academic Journal for Homiletic Studies (Accreditated of Sinta 2)
Publisher : Faculty of Da'wah and Communication, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati, Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15575/idajhs.v13i2.6725


The development of media technology and the level of one's ability to use social media to be one of the triggers for the birth of the post-truth era, an era in which too much truth will become a lie. Da'wah in the post-truth era requires the credibility of a competent preacher to bring people back so that they are not lulled by the flow of technological development. This study aims to describe the methods of da’i (Islamic preachers) in building and increasing their credibility in the post-truth era in Surabaya. The study conducted by  descriptive-qualitative and the data collection techniques used interview and observation. Data were analyzed by the perspective of the source credibility theory. The results of study describe that building and increasing its credibility, a da’i uses several methods applied in preaching in the post-truth era by including his scientific ‘sanad’ clearly, using the main literature as reference material such as classic books that are synergized with contemporary literature (internet), having written works that have been published, and sorting diction messages in accordance with mad’u or the communicant situation.   Perkembangan teknologi media dan tingkat kemampuan seseorang dalam menggunakan media sosial menjadi salah satu pemicu lahirnya era post-truth, yaitu era di mana sebuah kebenaran yang terlampau berlebihan akan menjadi sebuah kebohongan. Dakwah di era post-truth  memerlukan kredibilitas seorang da’i yang kompeten untuk membawa kembali masyarakat agar tidak terlena oleh arus perkembangan teknologi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan cara da’i dalam membangun dan meningkatkan kredibilitasnya di era post-truth di Surabaya. Penelitian dilakukan dengan jenis deskriptif-kualitatif dan teknik pengumpulan data dengan wawancara dan pengamatan. Data dianalisis dengan perspektif teori kredibilitas sumber. Hasil penelitian mendeskripsikan bahwa dalam membangun dan meningkatkan kredibilitasnya, seorang da’i menggunakan beberapa cara yang diterapkan dalam berdakwah di era post-truth yaitu dengan menyertakan sanad keilmuan yang dimilikinya dengan jelas, menggunakan literatur utama sebagai referensi materi, seperti kitab-kitab klasik yang disinergikan dengan literatur kekinian (internet), memiliki hasil karya tulis yang telah dipublikasikan, dan pemilihan diksi pesan yang sesuai dengan keadaan mad’unya.
Komunikasi Sosial Generasi Milenial di Era Industri 4.0 Ali Nurdin; Mufti Labib
Communicatus: Jurnal Ilmu komunikasi Vol 5, No 2 (2021): Communicatus: Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi
Publisher : Fakultas Dakwah dan Komunikasi UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15575/cjik.v5i2.14912


The purpose of this study is to describe the social communication process of the millennial generation in the midst of the folds of virtual space based on industry 4.0. This study uses a descriptive-qualitative type to describe the social communication behavior tendencies of the millennial generation. Data collection was carried out by distributing semi-open questions randomly through the Google Form application to the millennial generation in Surabaya. The results of the study explain that the millennial generation's social communication process is carried out in three stages; first, building social communication on the basis of social media and direct face-to-face communication. Second, the use of adaptive language style according to the communication context, and communication symbols using verbal signs through text and non-verbal signs through emoji symbols. Third, the formation of the image of the millennial generation is done by managing speech, writing, comments, and emojis based on the values of honesty and openness. The contribution of this research is that there is a map of shifts in social communication patterns from direct face-to-face communication patterns to internet-based and social media-based communication patterns.
The Harmonious Communication Model on Among Religious Adherents in Sorong, West Papua Ali Nurdin; Pudji Rahmawati; Sulhawi Rubba
Jurnal Pekommas Vol 5, No 2 (2020): Oktober 2020

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30818/jpkm.2020.2050205


This research objective is to describe the process and model of harmonious communication among religious adherents and the supporting and inhibiting factors for the occurrence of harmonious communication in Sorong, West Papua. This research uses a qualitative approach with descriptive research to understand the process and model of communication between religious adherents. The research subject of interfaith leaders in Sorong amounted to 7 informant. The data collection method was done by interview and documentation techniques.  Furthermore, the research result is a description of the process of harmonious communication among religious adherents carried out through the stages of structuring harmony and productivity. While, the stages of structuring harmony are carried out through the process of instilling mutual understanding, tolerance, and mutual respect among the adherents of the religion. The steps have resulted in productivity, namely; the realization of harmony among religious communities, and rised to a harmonious communication model that was built based on peace, tolerance, and cooperation. Supporting factors for harmonious communication are the role of the "Forum on Religious Harmony" (FKUB) and the role of religion and culture.  The factor of inhibiting is the existence of socio-economic inequality and ineffective communication between local leaders and communities and national leaders.
Budaya Islam Nelayan Pesisir Utara Lamongan Jawa Timur Ali Nurdin
IBDA` : Jurnal Kajian Islam dan Budaya Vol 18 No 1 (2020): IBDA': Jurnal Kajian Islam dan Budaya
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, Universitas Islam Negeri Profesor Kiai Haji Saifuddin Zuhri Purwokerto Purwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (193.354 KB) | DOI: 10.24090/ibda.v18i1.3359


This study aims to understand and describe the religious traditions of fishers in Pesisir Utara Lamongan, East Java in their daily realities that shape transcendental experiences. This study uses a phenomenological approach to describe the experience of the religious practice of the fishers in Pesisir Utara Lamongan, East Java. The data were collected through in-depth interviews and were analyzed using flow models with the viewpoint of symbolic interaction theory that explored the symbolic meaning of the fishers’ behavior. The results of this study described that the daily experience of the fishers in social life is constructed in three religious practices, namely monotheism, social life, and worship. The monotheistic dimension of the fishers is transformed from offerings to monotheism. The dimension of the social life of the fishers is constructed based on the monotheism of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) and Muhammadiyah teachings. The dimension of worship of the fishers is portrayed in the practice of religious prayer, fasting, and going to wise persons formed by the results of interaction with the surrounding social world. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memahami dan mendeskripsikan tradisi keagamaan nelayan Pesisir Utara Lamongan, Jawa Timur dalam realitas keseharian yang membentuk pengalaman transendental. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan fenomenologi untuk mendeskripsikan pengalaman praktik keagamaan nelayan Pesisir Utara Lamongan, Jawa Timur. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara mendalam dan dianalisis dengan menggunakan model alir dengan sudut pandang teori interaksi simbolik yang mengeksplorasi makna simbolik perilaku nelayan. Hasil penelitian ini mendeskripsikan bahwa pengalaman keseharian nelayan dalam kehidupan sosial terkonstruksi dalam tiga praktik keagamaan yaitu dimensi tauhid, kehidupan sosial, dan ibadah. Dimensi tauhid nelayan mengalami transformasi dari sesajen ke tauhid. Dimensi kehidupan sosial nelayan dikonstruksi berbasis tauhid ajaran Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) dan Muhammadiyah. Dimensi ibadah nelayan terpotret dalam praktik keagamaan sholat, puasa, dan pergi ke orang pintar yang dibentuk atas hasil interaksi dengan dunia sosial di sekitarnya.
Impression Management Komunikasi Lintas Agama Di Sorong, Papua Barat Ali Nurdin; Ahmadi Ahmadi; Rr. Suhartini; Mustain Mustain; Ali Abdul Wakhid
AL-ADYAN Vol 17, No 1 (2022): Al-Adyan: Jurnal Studi Lintas Agama
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (516.152 KB) | DOI: 10.24042/al-adyan.v17i1.11627


Indonesia as a country with a diversity of religions provides part of a strong guideline in the society. The purpose of this study is to describe the management of impressions in inter-religious communication in Sorong, West Papua. The approach of research uses a phenomenology of descriptive-qualitative type with the perspective of dramaturgy theory. Moreover, the data were collected through interviews with religious leaders of Papua, while the observations were made to understand the situation of social interaction in society as well as documentation related to research themes. Furthermore, the data analysis is by grouping information, making categories, and producing findings. Meanwhile, the results of this study will describe that the process of managing impressions in interreligious communication in the Sorong, West Papua is the appearance of stage impressions, appearances, and behavioral styles. Stage impression management is done externally and internally. In addition, the external stage performance was carried out through the Religious Communication Forum (FKUB/Forum Komunikasi Umat Beragama) meeting, while the internal stage was held in a meeting at a place of worship. As for the appearance and style of behavior based on local Papuan customs by the traditional guidelines and religious teachings adopted. Therefore, the overall management of impressions by religious communities as a social capital that could minimize horizontal conflict in the name of religion
The Harmonious Communication Model on Among Religious Adherents in Sorong, West Papua Ali Nurdin; Pudji Rahmawati; Sulhawi Rubba
Jurnal Pekommas Vol 5 No 2 (2020): October 2020
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Multi Media “MMTC” Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30818/jpkm.2020.2050205


This research objective is to describe the process and model of harmonious communication among religious adherents and the supporting and inhibiting factors for the occurrence of harmonious communication in Sorong, West Papua. This research uses a qualitative approach with descriptive research to understand the process and model of communication between religious adherents. The research subject of interfaith leaders in Sorong amounted to 7 informant. The data collection method was done by interview and documentation techniques.  Furthermore, the research result is a description of the process of harmonious communication among religious adherents carried out through the stages of structuring harmony and productivity. While, the stages of structuring harmony are carried out through the process of instilling mutual understanding, tolerance, and mutual respect among the adherents of the religion. The steps have resulted in productivity, namely; the realization of harmony among religious communities, and rised to a harmonious communication model that was built based on peace, tolerance, and cooperation. Supporting factors for harmonious communication are the role of the "Forum on Religious Harmony" (FKUB) and the role of religion and culture.  The factor of inhibiting is the existence of socio-economic inequality and ineffective communication between local leaders and communities and national leaders.
Akar Komunikasi dalam Al-Qur'an Ali Nurdin
Jurnal Kajian Komunikasi Vol 2, No 1 (2014): June 2014
Publisher : Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1169.979 KB) | DOI: 10.24198/jkk.v2i1.6047


Tema penelitian ini adalah “Akar Komunikasi dalam Al-Qur’an” yang sengaja dipilih dengan tujuan menjelaskan akar komunikasi: intrapersonal, interpersonal, komunikasi massa, antar budaya, dan komunikasi organisasi dalam al - Qur’an dan menjelaskan relevansi konsep komunikasi dalam Al-Qur’an dengan konsep komunikasi dalam perspektif ahli komunikasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif berdasarkan kajian literatur dengan pendekatan penafsiran tematik. Sumber data utama dan pertama dalam penelitian ini adalah Al-Qur’an. Sumber-sumber lain adalah berbagai tafsir buku terbatas pada buku-buku tafsir yang dianggap representatif dan tersedia, yaitu: tafsir Al-Qur’an Al-Mishbah dan tafsir Al-Qur’an Al-Adzim. Studi ini menemukan bahwa akar dari komunikasi intrapersonal di AlQur’an menempatkan pikiran (immaterial) sebagai pusat kontrol untuk jiwa untuk memberikan rangsangan kepada indera pendengaran dan penglihatan (material), dan menghasilkan pikiran. Akar komunikasi interpersonal di Al-Qur’an lebih didasarkan pada etika komunikasi atau bagaimana berbicara dengan orang lain dengan kebijaksanaan, mauidhah, dan Mujadalah. Ini didasarkan pada prinsip sadidan qawlan, balighan qawlan, qawlan maysuran, layyinan qawlan, qawlan Kariman, qawlan ma’rufan. Akar komunikasi massa di Al-Qur’an menempatkan dirinya sebagai pusat informasi / berita yang memiliki kebenaran mutlak. Al-Qur’an memberikan pedoman bagi manusia dalam memberikan informasi / berita kepada orang lain yang harus disertai dengan kejujuran, keadilan, akurasi, dan dapat dipertanggungjawabkan. Al-Qur’an mendesak masyarakat untuk berhati-hati (tidak mudah percaya) dalam menerima informasi atau berita. Akar komunikasi antar budaya dalam Al-Qur’an dimulai dari sifat manusia diciptakan di dunia untuk mengenal satu sama lain (komunikasi) dengan keragaman latar belakang agama, etnis, bangsa, jenis kelamin dan sebagainya. Akar dari komunikasi organisasi di Al-Qur’an memerintahkan beberapa orang untuk membentuk suatu organisasi atau lembaga untuk mengoptimalkan upaya amar ma’ruf dan nahi munkar (memerintahkan kebaikan dan mencegah keburukan). Konsep keterkaitan komunikasi dalam Al-Qur’an dengan konsep komunikasi Barat mengandung nilai menjelaskan satu sama lain. Ini berarti bahwa bagi umat Islam, Al-Qur’an adalah pedoman hidup, sedangkan komunikasi barat dapat digunakan untuk menjelaskan makna dari isi Al-Qur’an.