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PERBANDINGAN ANALISIS DISKRIMINAN DAN REGRESI LOGISTIK (Studi Kasus Klasifikasi Konsumen Berdasarkan Tempat Berbelanja di Wilayah Taman-Sidoarjo) MAULIDYA
MATHunesa: Jurnal Ilmiah Matematika Vol 3 No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (604.703 KB)


Abstrak Berbelanja merupakan aktifitas sehari-hari yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hidup. Salah satu tempat berbelanja adalah pasar. Jenis pasar menurut transaksinya dibedakan menjadi dua yaitu pasar modern dan pasar tradisional. Dengan semakin banyaknya tempat-tempat perbelanjaan, konsumen bisa menentukan sendiri dimana tempat mereka berbelanja. Mereka dapat memilih di pasar modern atau di pasar tradisional, tergantung pada kebutuhan dan daya beli. Beberapa tahun terakhir ini di Kabupaten Sidoarjo khususnya wilayah Taman, banyak dibangun supermarket maupun minimarket baru yang dapat mengancam keberadaan pasar tradisional. Hal ini mencerminkan adanya pergeseran perilaku konsumen yang dulunya hanya berbelanja di pasar tradisional, sekarang mulai beralih berbelanja di pasar modern. Pengelompokkan konsumen menjadi penting untuk mengetahui komposisi konsumen berdasarkan tempat kebiasaan mereka berbelanja kebutuhan sehari-hari. Tujuan klasifikasi adalah mengelompokkan obyek penelitian berdasarkan serangkaian variabel-variabel yang disebut sebagai variabel bebas. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan dua metode yaitu analisis diskriminan dan regresi logistik. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa variabel yang secara signifikan mempengaruhi pengelompokan konsumen berdasarkan tempat berbelanja dengan menggunakan metode analisis diskriminan adalah adalah variabel promosi. Sedangkan jika menggunakan regresi logistik variabel bebas yang berpengaruh adalah variabel pendidikan dan variabel promosi. Analisis diskriminan dan regresi logistik merupakan dua metode yang dapat digunakan sebagai metode pengklasifikasian objek, sehingga kedua metode tersebut dapat dibandingkan berdasarkan ketepatan pengelompokkanya. Hasil perbandingan kedua metode ini menunjukkan bahwa ketepatan klasifikasi pada analisis regresi logistik lebih tinggi, yaitu 88,0 persen untuk data learning dan 80,0 persen untuk data testing jika dibandingkan dengan analisis diskriminan yang hanya sebesar 86,7 persen untuk data learning dan 76,0 persen untuk data testing. Kata Kunci: Pasar, Analisis Diskriminan, Regresi Logistik Abstract Shopping is an activity that done by the society to fulfill their necessary of life. Market is one of the shopping place. Market divided in two kinds are: traditional and modern market. The consumers can determine their selves to bought in many shopping places. They also choose modern market or traditional market , depending on the needs and purchasing power . The last few years , especially region Taman in Sidoarjo area, many people built shopping center and minimarkets that threaten the existence of the traditional market. Now, many people move modern market as shoppinh place. Group of on consumers becames the important being to know the composition based on their habits in daily shopping . The purpose of classification aggomerate the objects of research based on variables are referred to as independent variables. The study used two methods discriminant analysis and logistic regressions. The result of study showed that the variables that significanly affect the grouping consumers based on place where the shop using discriminant analysis method is variable promotion. Mean while, if using logistic regression the impact for education variable and promotion variable. discriminant analysis and logistic regression are two methods that using object of classification method. The two methods can be comparing based on accuracy of agglomerate. The result of comparison these methods shows that the classification accuracy of the logistic regression analysis was higher, 88.0 percent for learning data, 80.0 percent for testing data, compared with discriminant analysis only amounted to 86.7 percent for the learning data and 76 , 0 percent for testing data. Keywords: Market, Discriminant analysis, Logistic regression
Deskripsi Karir Menggunakan Teori John Holland pada Siswa MTs Nurul Yaqin Septian Rendianto; Tika Angraeni; Tika Putri; Sari; Maulidya; Agus Heriyanto; Alivermana Wiguna
Proceedings University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta Undergraduate Conference Vol. 2 No. 1 (2022): Strengthening Youth Potentials for Sustainable Innovation
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/umygrace.v2i1.423


This research is motivated by the phenomenon of the lack of understanding of students towards self-understanding and their careers. For example, choosing a major or further study because of joining peers or the choice of parents only, then the student cannot be responsible for their future, or study in the majors that is not match their abilities, ultimately causing decreased performance, even causing the student to be expelled in college because of below-average grades. This research aims to present data related to career mapping using career inventory media for class VIII B Girls, VIII A Boys, and IX B Girls. This research used descriptive qualitative method, with the main data of career inventory tabulation and supporting data obtained through library research. Sampling technique in this research is stratified sampling with subjects in class VIII B female, VIII A male, and IX B female. The results of this research indicate the dynamics of personality classification and work interest with a career inventory in the form of students with realistic work personalities 1 student, intellectual 15 students, social 8 students, conventional 14 students, business 2 students, and artistic 8 students. While the work interests are outdoor 2 students, mechanical 5 students, computational 6 students, science 6 students, persuasive 3 students, artistic 9 students, literary 3 students, musical 7 students, social 6 students, and clerical 1 student. Through this research, data on factors that influence the choice of majors or further studies as part of each student's future career plans are presented.