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Peran FKUB Dalam Menyelesaikan Konflik Keagamaan di Jawa Barat Deni Miharja; Mulyana Mulyana
Religious: Jurnal Studi Agama-Agama dan Lintas Budaya Vol 3, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (195.892 KB) | DOI: 10.15575/rjsalb.v3i2.4717


Based on reports from the Wahid Institute which examined the harmony of religious people from year to year, until 2011 data was obtained that there had been an increase in acts of intolerance that were higher than in previous years, most of which occurred in the name of religion against Ahmadis. The Wahid Institute report also found that West Java is the province that has the highest rate of violations from year to year. FKUB as an institution initiated by the Ministry of Religion has a strategic role in resolving religious conflicts. This study uses descriptive qualitative methods with anthropological and sociological approaches. The purpose of this study is to make a systematic, factual and accurate description or description of the facts, traits, and relationships between phenomena investigated related to the role of the FKUB in resolving religious conflicts in West Java.
IMPLEMENTATION OF GRATITUDE IN PROSOCIAL BEHAVIOR (Research on Volunteer of Ketimbang Ngemis Bandung Community) Sari Puteri Deta Larasati; Mulyana Mulyana; Naan Naan
Syifa al-Qulub Vol 5, No 1 (2020): Juli, Syifa Al-Qulub
Publisher : Fakultas Ushuluddin UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15575/saq.v5i1.9150


This reaserch is based on the background that gratitude is not only able to give meaning to someone, but also can encourage individuals to be more sensitive and direct their gratitude to the surrounding environment. This study besides aiming to find out how the meaning of gratitude and prosocial behavior carried out by Ketimbang Ngemis Bandung volunteers, in order to find out whether they implemented the gratitude to the right person or not. This research method uses descriptive qualitative analysis, which describes or tells the atmosphere of time, place, and events, which occur in the field as it is without any manipulation, this type of research uses a theoretical basis to be used as a guide to match the facts in field. The results of this study reveal that the Ketimbang Ngemis Bandung volunteers can recognize and appreciate all gifts received from outside themselves, such as always grateful and those who have helped them. It can be seen from those who have their own stories that give rise to gratitude who wish to do something for the good that they have got. In addition they are able to reflect their gratitude in the form of altruistic, such as conducting donation activities, namely by conducting a survey stage one, surveys stage two, and execution, so that donations can be distributed to the right people.
Jama’ah Rifa`iyah: From Radicalism to Indonesian Islamic Fundamentalism Abdul Basit Atamimi; Mulyana Mulyana; Siti Nurhasanah
International Journal of Islamic Khazanah Vol 10, No 2 (2020): IJIK
Publisher : UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (316.882 KB) | DOI: 10.15575/ijik.v10i2.8408


The Rifa`iyah Jama'ah is one of the Islamic mass organizations in Indonesia founded by Kiai Ahmad Rifa` I who seems to have disappeared from circulation because of the views handed down from the days of the Dutch colonial administration, that this group or teachings were heretical and opposed to more ulama moderate against the Netherlands. The purpose of this article is to find out the movements and teachings of the Raifa`iyah Jama'ah which are considered by some to be radical, and exclusivist organizations, but over time the Rifa`iyah congregation becomes a more lenient fundamentalist organization towards the government as an effort of existence organization to be accepted by the Indonesian people in general and not be considered a radical and heretical organization by the wider community. This research is library research. This study found three main findings that the teachings and political thought of KiaiRifa'i focused on three things: first, the Dutch colonial government was Kafir, and it was haram to be followed because it was oppressing the people. Secondly, the traditional bureaucrats, including the princes and ulemas who collaborated with the Dutch, were Dutch accomplices and they were wicked. Third, the practice of religion must not be mixed with the beliefs of the ancestors, which are considered heretical and polytheistic. Of course, such teachings were considered very dangerous by the Dutch. So on May 15, 1859, he was arrested and then exiled to Ambon, Maluku. Ten years in Ambon, he was moved to Sulawesi until he died in 1869. He was buried in the Kyai Mojo tomb complex, on a hill about one km from Kampung Jawa Tondano, Minahasa, Manado, North Sulawesi. 
The Priority of Gathering in the Perspective of Hadith Wilda Fauziah Rahman; Mulyana Mulyana
Gunung Djati Conference Series Vol. 4 (2021): The 1st Conference on Ushuluddin Studies
Publisher : UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (892.449 KB)


This study aims to discuss the importance of friendship from the hadith perspective. This research is a qualitative type through literature study with the hadith analysis method. The results and discussion of this research include the meaning of friendship, hadiths about friendship, and efforts to build friendship from hadith perspective. This study concludes that Gathering is a worship activity that has enormous virtues, both in the form of gifts in the world and rewards in the hereafter. Gathering has a very important meaning, especially in one's life and generally for Muslims as a whole. Gathering is a milestone that strengthens many things, from unity, care, compassion, and livelihood, making it easier for someone to enter heaven. If each individual is able to build good friendship, there will be many conveniences. Therefore, the vehicle for hospitality must always be built and preserved.
Takhrij and Syarah Hadith of Chemistry: StudiesUtilization of Black Seed Plants as Herbal Medicines Jajat Sudrajat; Moch Imron Taufiq; Rizka Fitriyani S; Mulyana Mulyana; Asep Saeful Mimbar
Gunung Djati Conference Series Vol. 5 (2021): Proceedings Conference on Chemistry and Hadith Studies
Publisher : UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

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The purpose of this research is to discuss the hadith of the Prophet. about the use of Black Seed. This research method is qualitative through the approach of takhrij and sharah hadith with analysis chemistry. The results and discussion of this research is that the use of Black Seed as medicine has become one of the options at the time of the Prophet, and is known in the world of modern medicine as one of the herbal medicines that are rich in benefits. The conclusion of this research is takhrij and syarah hadith of the Prophet about the benefits of Black Seed with chemical analysis has a very good role in a health perspective.
The Virtue of Hajj from a Hadith Perspective: The Study of Ma'anil Hadith Nurasiah Jamil; Mulyana Mulyana
Gunung Djati Conference Series Vol. 4 (2021): The 1st Conference on Ushuluddin Studies
Publisher : UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (283.544 KB)


This study aims to determine the understanding of hadith on the virtues of the pilgrimage. This research is a qualitative type that applies heritage studies by applying the ma'anil hadith method and historical analysis. The results and discussion of the study include the understanding of the pilgrimage, the hadith of the virtues of the pilgrimage, and the virtues of the pilgrimage in terms of various aspects. This study concludes that the virtue of Hajj is more important than Umrah. The wisdom of the pilgrimage is the positive values ​​or benefits contained in the pilgrimage that can be carried out by people who carry it out correctly and sincerely to Allah swt. The most prominent value of the pilgrimage is as an annual Mu'tamar.
Peran Qanaah dalam Mengatasi Masalah Ekonomi Rumah Tangga Rahmi Rahmawati; Mulyana Mulyana; Adnan Adnan
Jurnal Riset Agama Vol 2, No 2 (2022): Agustus
Publisher : Fakultas Ushuluddin UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (286.352 KB) | DOI: 10.15575/jra.v2i2.16981


This research aims to discuss the role of qanaah attitude in dealing with household economic problems based on the perspective of the idrisiyyah order's prosperous family development institution. This research uses qualitative research methods where the resulting source comes from observations and interviews and literature related to research. The results of this study give the understanding that qanaah is a form of gratitude for the efforts that have been made to pick up sustenance. In addition, qanaah is also interpreted as an attitude of acceptance towards all destiny and decrees from Allah Swt., and still accompanied by still trying and trying to get what we need. The Prosperous Family Development Institute is a container in which there are coaching programs as a form of service to pilgrims who want or are married.  LPKS provides guidance on how to become a human being who has good morals and provides tips on how to be a good household. As for the conclusion that can be drawn, the role of qanaah in dealing with economic problems in the household is very important, because with qanaah humans will always feel enough with what they have received so that it will minimize conflicts that occur in the household due to the absence of demands from both sides. This research recommends the importance of understanding and applying qanaah attitudes in family life in order to create a harmonious family.