Rahmi Amtha
Department of Oral Medicine, Faculty of Dentistry, Universitas Trisakti

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The differences of orthodontic tooth movement on menstrual and ovulation cycle Sonya Grecila Susilo; Rahmi Amtha; Boedi Oetomo Roeslan; Joko Kusnoto
Dental Journal (Majalah Kedokteran Gigi) Vol. 47 No. 4 (2014): December 2014
Publisher : Faculty of Dental Medicine, Universitas Airlangga https://fkg.unair.ac.id/en

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (445.651 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/j.djmkg.v47.i4.p177-180


Background: Estrogens are sex hormon that play an important role in bone metabolism, including in bone remodeling during orthodontic treatment. Women has a monthly cycle which is affected by fluctuations of estrogen that is menstruation and ovulation. Purpose: The study was aimed to determine the differences of orthodontic tooth movement during menstrual an ovulation cycle. Methods: Five women were given ± 100 g orthodontic force using fixed orthodontic appliance with straight wire technique at the time of menstruation and ovulation with an interval of 1.5 months. Orthodontic tooth movement and levels of estrogen were measured during menstruation and ovulation. Results: Statistical results showed a significant differences between estrogen levels and orthodontic tooth movement (p < 0.05). When estrogen levels decline as in menstruation, tooth movement as results of orthodontic force would increase, whereas when estrogen levels increase as the time of ovulation, tooth movement would decrease. Conclusion: The estrogen level in menstruation and ovulation cycle may affect the tooth movement on ortodontic treatment.Latar belakang: Estrogen merupakan hormon seks yang mempunyai peran penting dalam metabolisme tulang termasuk dalam remodeling tulang selama perawatan ortodonti. Wanita memiliki siklus bulanan yang dipengaruhi oleh fluktuasi estrogen yaitu menstruasi dan ovulasi. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan pergerakan gigi akibat gaya ortodonti pada siklus menstruasi dan ovulasi. Metode: Lima orang wanita diberikan gaya ortodonti ±100 gr menggunakan alat orthodontik cekat dengan teknik straight wire pada saat menstruasi dan ovulasi dengan selang waktu 1,5 bulan. Selain itu subyek juga diukur kadar estrogennya saat menstruasi dan ovulasi. Hasil: Hasil statistik menunjukan kadar estrogen berbanding terbalik dengan pergerakan gigi ortodonti (p < 0,05). Saat kadar estrogen menurun seperti pada menstruasi, maka pergerakan gigi akan meningkat, sedangkan pada saat kadar estrogen meningkat seperti saat ovulasi, maka pergerakan gigi akan menurun. Simpulan: Kadar estrogen pada siklus menstruasi dan ovulasi dapat mempengaruhi pergerakan gigi pada perawatan ortodonti.
Unidentified angular recurrent ulceration responsive to antiviral therapy Rahmi Amtha; Siti Aliyah Pradono
Dental Journal (Majalah Kedokteran Gigi) Vol. 46 No. 1 (2013): March 2013
Publisher : Faculty of Dental Medicine, Universitas Airlangga https://fkg.unair.ac.id/en

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (246.208 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/j.djmkg.v46.i1.p30-34


Background: Recurrent ulcer on angular area is usually called stomatitis angularis. It is caused by many factors such as vertical dimension reduce, vitamin B12, and immune system deficiency, C. albicans and staphylococcus involvement. Clinically is characterized by painful fissure with erythematous base without fever. Purpose: to describe an unidentified angular ulcer proceeded by recurrent ulcers with no response of topical therapy. Case: An 18-years old male came to Oral Medicine clinic in RSCM who complained of angular recurrent ulcers since 3 years ago which developed on skin and bleed easily on mouth opening. Patient had fever before the onset of ulcers. Large, painful, irregular ulcers covered by red crustae on angular area bilaterally. Patient has been treated with various drugs without improvement and lead to mouth opening limitation. Intra oral shows herpetiformtype of ulcer and swollen of gingival. Case management: Provisional diagnosis was established as viral infection thus acyclovir 200 mg five times daily for two weeks and topical anti inflammation gel were administered. Blood test for IgG/IgM of HSV1 and HSV2 were non reactive, however ulceration showed a remarkable improvement. The ulcers healed completely after next 2 weeks with acyclovir. Conclusion: The angular ulceration on above patient failed to fulfill the criteria of stomatitis angularis or herpes labialis lesion. However it showed a good response to antiviral. Therefore, unidentified angular ulceration was appointed, as the lesion might be triggered by other type of human herpes virus or types of virus that response to acyclovir.Latar belakang: ulser rekuren pada sudut mulut biasanya disebut stomatitis angularis. Kelainan ini disebabkan oleh banyak faktor seperti berkurangnya dimensi vertikal, defisiensi vitamin B12 dan sistem kekebalan tubuh, infeksi C. albicans serta staphylococcus. Secara klinis kelainan ini ditandai dengan fisur sakit pada sudut mulut dengan dasar eritematus tanpa disertai demam. Tujuan: Melaporkan kasus ulser sudut mulut rekuren yang tidak biasa, tanpa respon terhadap terapi topikal yang biasa diberikan. Kasus: Seorang lakilaki berusia 18 tahun datang ke klinik Penyakit Mulut RSCM dengan keluhan ulser rekuren pada sudut mulut yang meluas ke kulit sekitarnya sejak 3 tahun yang lalu. Ulser mudah berdarah saat pasien membuka mulut dan demam sebelum lesi timbul. Ulser membesar, bilateral, sakit, tepi tidak teratur, ditutupi oleh krusta merah. Pasien telah diobati dengan berbagai obat, namun tidak menunjukkan perbaikan. Intra oral tampak ulser jenis herpetiformis pada gingiva disertai dengan pembengkakan. Tatalaksana kasus: Diagnosis awal ditegakkan sebagai infeksi virus, oleh karena itu pasien diberikan acyclovir 200 mg lima kali sehari selama dua minggu dan gel anti radang topikal. Walaupun hasil darah IgG/IgM HSV1 dan HSV2 non reaktif, namun ulserasi menunjukkan penyembuhan yang luar biasa dengan anti virus yang diberikan. Ulser sembuh sempurna setelah pemakaian acyclovir 2 minggu berikutnya. Kesimpulan: ulserasi sudut mulut pada pasien di atas gagal memenuhi kriteria stomatitis angularis atau herpes labialis. Namun ulser menunjukkan respon yang amat baik terhadap antivirus. Diagnosis ditetapkan sebagai ulserasi sudut mulut yang tidak teridentifikasi. Kemungkinan lesi dipicu oleh virus herpes manusia jenis lain atau jenis virus yang memberikan respon terhadap asiklovir.
Diagnosis and management of Crohn’s disease in retarded child Rahmi Amtha
Dental Journal (Majalah Kedokteran Gigi) Vol. 42 No. 2 (2009): June 2009
Publisher : Faculty of Dental Medicine, Universitas Airlangga https://fkg.unair.ac.id/en

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (768.448 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/j.djmkg.v42.i2.p55-59


Background: Crohn’s disease is an uncommon condition characterized by granulomatous lesions. It is a rare disease and affects mainly in the terminal ileum. It may also manifest in the oral cavity as an unhealed, painful chronic apthous-like ulcer and may be undiganosed, so that it leads to the mismanagement of the disease. Purpose: To overview the establisment and managment of a retarded child with chronic painfull ulcers and gastrointestinal problems. Case: An 11-year-old retarded child who complained of ulcers since 6 months ago on the both side of the cheek and the lateral border of the tongue. Large irregular lesions were found accompanied by lips swelling, gingival hyperplasia, mucosal tags, hypersalivation. The blood test showed that the patient was suffering from anemia and haematinic (Fe, Folat and vitamin B12) deficiencies. Weight loss occurred for last 6 months, abdominal pain and constipation were also identified. Daily food pattern showed imbalance food intake. Histopathology features showed granolumatous lesions and was confirmed as a Crohn’s disease. Case management: Reassurance and team work with gastroenterologist were performed. Systemic sulfasalazin combined with corticosteroid and multivitamin were administered. Oral hygiene was maintained with hyaluronic acid mouthwash. Reduced in size of ulcer, pain and swelling were shown gradually. Oral ulcers and gastrointestinal symptoms disappeared after 2 months treatment. Conclusion: Diagnosis of Crohn’s disease needs a comprehensive clinical examination and histopathological test are mandatory to be able to manage the disease thoroughly.
Expression of CD133 in various premalignant and proliferative lesions Rahmi Amtha; Indrayadi Gunardi; Ferry Sandra; Diah Savitri Ernawati
Dental Journal (Majalah Kedokteran Gigi) Vol. 48 No. 2 (2015): June 2015
Publisher : Faculty of Dental Medicine, Universitas Airlangga https://fkg.unair.ac.id/en

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (282.723 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/j.djmkg.v48.i2.p64-68


Background: In Jakarta, oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) usually detected in late stage with very low survival rate ofabout 1.1 years. OSCC may be preceded by premalignant lesion, so that early detection of the lesion may decrease the mortality rate due to oral malignancy. CD133 is a hematopoietic stem cell that play role in tissue regeneration, inflammation and tumor. Upregulated of CD133 was reported on tumor progression. Purpose: The aim of study is to determine circulating CD133 expression on premalignant (PML) and proliferative (PL) lesion. Method: Observational research was carried out on patients who seek treatment of PML and PL at Oral Medicine clinic. CD133 was taken from peripheral blood serum, examined using PCR. Data was analyzed by Chi square test. Result: 15 subjects (each of five subjects for PML, PL and control) consist of 40% male and 60% female. Age group of above 41 years old was most affected PML and PL (66.7%). Tongue is common site for oral lesion (40%). There is a significant different of circulating CD133 rate among all groups lesion (p=0.039). Conclusion: CD133 express differently in premalignant and proliferative lesions.