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Skema Gamifikasi berbasis Kontrak Cerdas untuk Perguruan Tinggi di Pendidikan Tinggi Leli Honesti; Qurotul Aini; M Ikhsan Setiawan; Nuke Puji Lestari Santoso; Wahyu Yustika Prihastiwi
APTISI Transactions on Management (ATM) Vol 6 No 2 (2022): ATM (APTISI Transactions on Management: July)
Publisher : Pandawan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33050/atm.v6i2.1533


The Financial Scheme that plays an important role in helping students is the Gamification Scholarship Scheme. The Gamification scholarship scheme helps human life in the world of education. Gamification is an approach that uses elements in games or video games with the aim of motivating students in the learning process and maximizing feelings of enjoyment and engagement in the learning process. To encourage higher education, the government has done various things. However, there are several things that make it difficult for students to use it, such as distributing scholarships to students belonging to underprivileged families. The Gamification scholarship scheme is one of the most financially instrumental schemes in helping students, but it has not been verified which results in a lack of transparency between students and their respective Education Offices, then there is still a lack of tracking of application forms in this study, we propose a Smart Contract which addresses the lack of Scheme Scholarships for Colleges and Universities outlined above. It has four entities: Board of Education, Students, College and Bank. This Blockchain based smart contract has been developed to provide a user-friendly and transparent and constant environment between students and the education board. Blockchain platform has developed many applications but none can overcome the government scholarship scheme.
DESIGN FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING USING BLOCKCHAIN APPROACH IN EDUCATION Widhy Setyowati; Untung Rahardja; Qurotul Aini; Nuke Puji Lestari Santoso; Wahyu Yustika Prihastiwi
Media Riset Akuntansi, Auditing & Informasi Vol. 21 No. 2 (2021): September

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (276.833 KB) | DOI: 10.25105/mraai.v21i2.9448


Indonesia memasuki revolusi 4.0 yang membawa banyak sekali perubahan di segala bidang termasuk bidang teknologi. Teknologi keterbaharuan terbesar bersifat terdesentralisasi dengan ciri transparan, nyaman, permanen serta tidak bisa diganti yang biasa dikenal dengan Blockchain. Blockchain sudah diterapkan di banyak bidang semacam cryptocurrency, akuntansi serta tata kelola pendidikan. Tetapi, teknologi Blockchain saat ini sedang dalam sesi percobaan serta mempunyai sebagian permasalahan yang wajib dituntaskan tercantum kapasitas pemrosesan informasi yang terbatas, kerahasiaan data, serta kesusahan regulasi. Artikel ini menerangkan tentang kemampuan pelaksanaan teknologi Blockchain dalam akuntansi keuangan pendidikan pendidikan. Maka dari itu, penelitian ini mengusulkan desain framework bagi finansial pendidikan tinggi agar keamanan buku besar dapat ditingkatkan. Dalam jangka panjang, platform ini secara efisien bisa kurangi kesalahan dalam pengungkapan serta manajemen laba, tingkatkan mutu data akuntansi pendidikan serta kurangi asimetri data. Metode analisis dengan perhitungan skor SUS terhadap sistem Blockchain akuntansi menunjukkan 85, sehingga framework ini termasuk dalam kategori Net Promoter. Hasil akhir penelitian ini mampu mengoptimalkan finansial keuangan pada pendidikan tinggi dengan menggunakan Blockchain.  Indonesia is entering the 4.0 revolution, which brings many changes in all fields, including technology. The most extensive new technology is decentralized with transparent, convenient, permanent, and irreplaceable characteristics, commonly known as Blockchain. Blockchain has been applied in all fields, especially in the field of technology. But Blockchain technology is currently still in the pilot stage which has some issues and needs to be resolved. These include regulatory difficulties, limited information processing capacity, and data confidentiality. This article describes the ability to implement Blockchain technology in educational, financial accounting. Therefore, this study proposes a framework design for higher education finance to improve the security of the ledger. In the long term, this platform can efficiently reduce disclosure and earnings management errors, improve the quality of educational accounting data, and reduce data asymmetry. The analysis method by calculating the SUS score against the accounting Blockchain system shows 85, so this framework is included in the Net Promoter category. The final result of this research can optimize financial finance in higher education by using Blockchain.