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Implementasi Perda Nomor 8 Tahun 2015 Tentang UMKM Di Kabupaten Serang Dalam Pengembangan Kerajinan Gerabah Di Desa Bumi Jaya Kecamatan Ciruas Rizki Amilia; Abdul Hamid; Rd Nia Kania Kurniawati
JIPAGS (Journal of Indonesian Public Administration and Governance Studies) Vol 5, No 2 (2021)
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Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31506/jipags.v5i2.9634


This study discusses the Implementation of Regional Regulation No. 8 of 2015 concerning SMEs in Serang Regency in the Development of Pottery Crafts in Bumi Jaya Village, Ciruas District. The purpose of this study was to determine the implementation efforts made by the Serang District Government through the Department of Cooperatives, Industry and Trade for micro pottery businesses in Desa Bumi Jaya, Ciruas District. This research uses a descriptive method with a qualitative approach. Determination of informants in this study using purposive sampling technique. Data collection techniques are done through observation, direct interviews and documentation. Testing the validity of the data in this study was carried out by triangulating data sources and member checks associated with the theory of public policy implementation Van Metter & Van Horn, Deddy Mulyadi 2016. Which consists of six indicators namely policy standards and targets, resources, communication between organizations and strengthening activists, implementing agent characteristics, socio-economic and political conditions, and implementor disposition. The data analysis technique uses the concept proposed by Miles and Hubberman. The results showed that the effort to implement Perda Number 8 of 2015 concerning MSMEs in Serang Regency in the Development of Pottery Crafts in Bumi Jaya Village, Ciruas District was still not optimal. This refers to the implementation efforts made by the Department of Cooperatives, Industry and Trade of Serang Regency which are still nature thorough in and are more oriented to routine government work. These conditions ultimately hindered the process of implementation for pottery artisans in Desa Bumi Jaya. The researcher recommends that the Department of Industry and Trade Cooperatives of Serang Regency to provide assistance in the form of capital for each pottery SME group in Bumi Jaya Village for the implementation of the perda, has integrity to the MSME pottery actors in Bumi Jaya Village to more intensely provide an understanding of based marketing ways e-commerce to improve better product competitiveness by making existing earthenware vessels in Bumi Jaya Village become icons or landmarks in Serang Regency that prioritize the potential of the region and provide new innovations that will increase the knowledge of the craftsmen to technology literacy
JIPAGS (Journal of Indonesian Public Administration and Governance Studies) Vol 2, No 1 (2018)
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Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31506/jipags.v2i1.4770


This research is motivated by the grow number of street vendors (PKL) in Serang City who used sidewalks, roads and other public facilities to become a selling place which are not intended. The purpose of this research is to find out how big is the Implementation of Policy of Structuring of Street Vendors  in Serang City. Data collection techniques in the form of questionnaires based on the George Edward III’s Policy Implementation theory that consists of communication, resources, disposition, and bureaucratic structure. The method used in this research is quantitative by taking samples as much as 90 street vendors  using Taro Yamane formula. From the discussion, it can be concluded that Implementation of the Policy of Structuring of Street Vendors  in Serang City reached 57.70%. This proves that the implementation of the policy of structuring street vendors in Serang City has not been running well. The suggestion of this research is to provide an adequate and strategic location for street vendors  as well as complete socialization to street vendors  and the community about the policy of structuring of street vendors.
JIPAGS (Journal of Indonesian Public Administration and Governance Studies) Vol 5, No 1 (2021)
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Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31506/jipags.v5i1.9426


Undang-Undang No.24 Tahun 2000 tentang Perjanjian Internasional memungkinkan pemerintah daerah (Pemda) di Indonesia membuat perjanjian dengan provinsi atau kota di negara lain. Di Indonesia tercatat bahwa pada saat ini terdapat sekitar 100 kerjasama internasional yang berbentuk sisterhood. Hubungan yang telah ada itu kemudian seharusnya dibina dan dikembangkan melalui berbagai level kebijakan untuk menjaga sejarah, dan mendapatkan hasil luaran yang bisa dikerjakan bersama di masa sekarang dan yang akan datang. Akan tetapi secara umum, jalinan sister city ini hanya 15% yang masih tetap berjalan, kemudian tidak sampai 20% berjalan dengan seadanya dan sisanya lebih dari 65% hampir tidak melakukan kegiatan apapun. Kota Bandung telah menjalin kemitraan dengan 5 kota di dunia antara lain yaitu: Braunschweig (Jerman, sejak tahun 1960), Fort Worth (AS, sejak tahun 1990), Suwon (Korea Selatan), dan Yingkou dan Lizhuo (RRC). Sedangkan jalinan dengan kota-kota di dalam negeri yaitu dengan kota Surabaya dan Kota Batam dengan maksud untuk saling mengisi dalam berbagai bidang kegiatan dan juga untuk menjaga dan memelihara hubungan baik antar pemerintah (Sekda Kota Bandung, 2011:7). Kota Braunschweig, Jerman dengan Kota Bandung merupakan jalinan sister city terlama di Indonesia dan pelopor bagi pembentukan sister city lainnya. Bidang kerjasamanya meliputi ekonomi, sosial budaya, pendidikan, pertukaran pemuda, pelatihan, kesenian dan olahraga. Namun jalinan antara Bandung – Braunschweig kemudian tersendat di awal tahun 2002. Menggunakan metode deksriptif kualitatif dan mengacu kepada kebijakan Publik George C. Edward penelitian ini mendapatkan hasil bahwa kesepakatan sister city Pemkot Bandung dengan kota Braunshcweig, dari segi komunikasi, disposisi, sumber daya, dan struktur birokrasi tidak ada kelanjutan yang berarti setelah MoU ditandatangani atau menjadi silent Mou. Atau dengan kata lain Peraturan Menteri Dalam Negeri Nomor 3 Tahun 2008 tidak terpenuhi dengan baik.
JIPAGS (Journal of Indonesian Public Administration and Governance Studies) Vol 3, No 2 (2019)
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Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31506/jipags.v3i2.7549


Many people believe that they only have Land and Building Tax (SPPT-PBB) Tax Returns and that their land is legally enforceable. SPPT-PBB is a substitute form for Girik which is no longer recognized after the birth of the Basic Agrarian Law (UUPA). Therefore some of the problems that have been explained do indeed require the activities of making land certificates in order to have land rights with legal force. However, the community considered that to obtain the land certificate was very difficult, took a long time and required very expensive fees. Therefore, the writer wants to follow up on the problem and test it using theory and analyze it quantitatively with the aim of finding the influence of "Community Attitudes and Perceptions About Apparatus Behavior Towards Interest in Making Land Deed in Serang District, Serang City, Banten Province". In this research, attitude theory (Azwar 2013), apparatus behavior theory (Siagian 1994), and interest theory (Ajzen 2005). The samples in this study were 279 respondents who were selected by systematic random sampling based on the 2018 land deed register data in Serang District. The questionnaire was distributed by visiting the respondent's house as the owner of the registered land rights in Serang District. The results of this study are the variable community attitudes (X1) to the interest in making a land deed (Y) obtained a significance value of 0.048 < level 0.05 = Ho rejected, meaning that the variable X1 has a significant influence on the variable Y. Perceptual variable (apparatus) ) to the interest in making a land deed (Y) obtained a significance value of 0.118 > level 0.05 = Ho accepted, meaning that the variable X2 does not have a significant effect on the variable Y. Together variables of community attitudes (X1) and perceptions of apparatus behavior (X2) to the interest in making land deed (Y) obtained a significance value of 0.035 < level 0.05 = Ho rejected, meaning that the variables X1 and X2 have a significant effect on the variable Y
STUDI FENOMENOLOGI PERIHAL PELAKOR DI KABUPATEN TANGERANG Giolia Arsy Robbiah; Naniek Afrilla Framanik; Nia Kania Kurniawati
Publisher : Magister Komunikasi Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (249.869 KB) | DOI: 10.31506/jsc.v2i1.8036


AbstrakBeberapa tahun belakangan maraknya pemberitaan media mengenai kasus perselingkuhan pada rumah tangga seseorang yang membuat istilah pelakor ini mencuat. Dalam perselingkuhan ada dua pihak yang terlibat, namun hanya pihak perempuan yang mendapatkan istilah dengan konotasi negatif seperti ini yang membentuk kesan-kesan tertentu terhadap seorang wanita selingkuhan seorang pria yang sudah beristri. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif eksploratif. Dengan mengumpulkan data melalui observasi, dan wawancara terhadap 5 informan. Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yakni teori Dramaturgi, Erving Goffman. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan adanya perbedaan gaya dan perilaku pelakor saat berada di panggung depan dan panggung belakang adanya pengelolaan kesan tertentu untuk menghasilkan konsep diri dari dirinya sendiri maupun orang lain terutama saat berada di panggung depan pelakor cenderung menjadi sosok yang lebih berkarakter, dan memiliki cara berpenampilan, ekspresi maupun perilaku yang lebih formal baik dalam bentuk komunikasi secara verbal maupun non verbal. Sedangkan saat berada di panggung belakang pelakor lebih menunjukkan cara berpenampilan dan bersikap yang lebih apa adanya sebagai bentuk interpretasi pada lingkungan sekitarnya. Kata Kunci : Fenomena, Pelakor, Dramaturgi, Erving Goffman AbstractA few years ago there was a lot of media coverage of an affair in someone's household that made the term pelakor appear. In the affair there are two parties involved, but only the women who get the term with a negative connotation like this which forms certain impressions of a woman having an affair with a married man. This research uses explorative qualitative. By collecting data through observation, and interviews with 5 informants. The theory used in this research is Dramaturgi Theory of Erving Goffman. The results of this research shows the different styles and behavior of the actors when they are on the front stage and the back stage of the management of certain impressions to produce self-concepts from themselves and others, especially when they are on the front stage, pelakor tend to be more character, and have a way of appearance, expression and more formal behavior both in the form of verbal and non verbal communication. Whereas when they are on the back stage, pelakor show more natural ways of looking and acting as a form of interpretation of the surrounding environment.Keywords: Phenomenon, home wrecker, Dramaturgy Theory, Erving Goffman