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JOLLT Journal of Languages and Language Teaching Vol 8, No 2 (2020): IN PRESS
Publisher : UNDIKMA Mataram (Eks. IKIP Mataram)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33394/jollt.v8i2.2276


In an oral presentation of a second language, higher education students commonly face some problems in communication. To overcome these problems, communication strategies are necessary to be employed. In the speaking class of the Dayak Ngaju language course, especially in oral presentation in History of Islamic Civilization Study Program at IAIN Palangka Raya, the students employed communication strategies to overcome the problems in communication. However, most of the students tended to employ certain types of communication strategies in the oral presentation of the Dayak Ngaju language. Furthermore, there were no research reports which had been published regarding the types of communication strategies employed by the students of Dayak Ngaju language as a second language. Thus this study was intended to describe the types of communication strategies employed by the fifth-semester students of History of Islamic Civilization Study Program at IAIN Palangka Raya in oral presentation of Dayak Ngaju language. A descriptive qualitative design was employed in this study. Observation sheets, video recordings, field-notes, and interview guides are the instruments employed in this study. The results of this study showed that the students employed four of five types of communication strategies based on Celce-Murcia?s taxonomy, namely achievement or compensatory strategies, stalling or time-gaining strategies, self-monitoring strategies, and interactional strategies. The most frequent type employed was an achievement or compensatory strategies. Moreover, the most frequent subtype was code-switching. 
Developing English Materials Using ESP Approach for al-Qur’an and Tafsir Study Program Students Nurliana, Nurliana
Indonesian Journal of EFL and Linguistics INDONESIAN JOURNAL OF EFL AND LINGUISTICS, 4(2), NOVEMBER 2019
Publisher : Pusat Pelatihan, Riset, dan Pembelajaran Bahasa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (608.147 KB) | DOI: 10.21462/ijefl.v4i2.148


This study aimed at developing English materials using ESP approach for the first semester students of al-Qur’an and Tafsir Study Program at IAIN Palangka Raya in academic year 2018/2019. In this study, the model of materials development proposed by Sugiyono (2013:298) was adapted with the following steps: need assessment, reference of the research, development of English materials using ESP approach, expert validation, revision, try-out of the materials, revision, and final product. The instruments used consisted of questionnaire, observation, and interview. The data gathered was analyzed and described qualitatively. The students’ need based on the result of questionnaire was English materials using ESP approach. Considering that result, the English materials using ESP approach were developed and tried in 8 meetings. The data collected from try-out showed that the developed materials were applicable to the teaching-learning process and appropriate with the students’ need. Furthermore, the students responded positively toward the developed materials. They were active, motivated, and enthusiastic in doing the activities of the developed materials. English materials using ESP approach in the form of a textbook divided into eight units were the product of this study. The topics were Prayer, Fasting, Zakat, Muamalat, Food in Islamic Law, Property Right in Islamic Law, Inheritance in Islamic Law, and al-Qur’an and Science. The textbook was also supplemented with a list of vocabularies section, a list of regular verbs section, and a list of irregular verbs section.
Developing a Model of Supplementary English Materials Based on Local Content Nurliana Nurliana
Journal of English Language Studies Vol 4, No 1 (2019): Available Online in March 2019
Publisher : English Department - University of Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30870/jels.v4i1.4834


This research was intended to develop a model of supplementary English materials based on local content for the eighth-grade students of SMP Negeri 9 Palangka Raya in the second semester. In this research, the researcher adapted the development model proposed by Sugiyono (2013:298) with the following steps: need assessment, data analysis, reference of the research, development of a model of supplementary English materials, expert validation, revision, try-out of the model, revision, and final product. The instruments used in this research consisted of questionnaire, interview, and observation. The data obtained were analyzed and described qualitatively. The final product of this research was a model of supplementary English materials based on local content. The materials were divided into three units. The first unit was about descriptive text, particularly about describing things which included traditional musical instruments and weapons from Central Kalimantan. The second unit was about recount text, particularly about retelling experience in visiting tourism places in Central Kalimantan, especially Palangka Raya. The third unit was about narrative text, particularly about fables from Central Kalimantan.
The use of WhatsApp and Quizizz in higher education during Covid-19 pandemic: EFL students’ perspectives Nurliana - Nurliana
Journal of English Language Studies Vol 7, No 1 (2022): Available Online in March 2022
Publisher : English Department - University of Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30870/jels.v7i1.13870


WhatsApp and Quizizz were used for English online learning during Covid-19 pandemic in three English classes of Islamic education department at IAIN Palangka Raya in Academic Year 2019/2020. The use of WhatsApp and Quizizz as the learning media for English online learning was important to be evaluated in order to reveal the advantages and disadvantages of those media by allowing the students to give their perspectives on the use of those media since they have concrete experience of using those media. Moreover, there were still no research reports that had been published regarding the perspectives of the EFL students in higher education on the use of WhatsApp and Quizizz as the learning media for English online learning during Covid-19 pandemic. Therefore, this research aimed to investigate the perspectives of the EFL students in higher education on the use of WhatsApp and Quizizz as the learning media for English online learning during Covid-19 pandemic. This research was designed as a qualitative survey research. The participants of this research were 102 second semester students from three English classes of Islamic education department at IAIN Palangka Raya in Academic Year 2019/2020. The result of this research showed that the students gave positive response on the use of WhatsApp and Quizizz as the learning media for English online learning during Covid-19 pandemic. It could be inferred that WhatsApp and Quizizz were the appropriate learning media to support English online learning process in higher education during Covid-19 pandemic
Developing a Model of English Listening Materials Using Total Physical Response Method Nurliana nurliana
EDUVELOP Vol 2 No 2 (2019): EDUVELOP (Journal of English Education and Development)
Publisher : Universitas Sulawesi Barat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (350.833 KB) | DOI: 10.31605/eduvelop.v2i2.245


This research was intended to develop a model of English listening materials using Total Physical Response method for the fourth-grade students of SD Negeri 8 Menteng Palangka. Research and Development (R&D) was the method used in this research. The procedure of this research consisted of eleven steps adapted from Sugiyono’s model: 1) Distributing questionnaires in need assessment, 2) Analyzing the result of questionnaires, 3) Reference of the research, 4) Developing the model of the materials, 5) Validating the model of the materials, 6) Revising the model of the materials, 7) Trying-out of the model, 8) Distributing questionnaires & interviewing, 9) Analyzing the result of questionnaires & interview, 10) Revising the tried-out model, and 11) Producing the final version of the materials. The data obtained were analyzed and described qualitatively. The final product of this research was a model of English listening materials using Total Physical Response method consisting of two units with the following topics: 1) Things in Classroom, and 2) Parts of Body and Face. Each unit consisted of eight parts. Each part consisted of three commands. Based on the research findings, it could be concluded that the model of the developed materials was appropriate with the students’ needs.
ELIT AGAMA DAN HARMONISASI SOSIAL DI PALANGKA RAYA Abubakar HM; Mualimin Mualimin; Nurliana Nurliana
Khazanah: Jurnal Studi Islam dan Humaniora Vol 16, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : UIN Antasari Banjarmasin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18592/khazanah.v16i2.2337


Abstract: This paper aims to analyze the social interaction among the religious elites in Palangka Raya. The focus of this writing was the patterns of interaction among the religious elites, the encouraging factors of interaction, and the implications of interaction among the religious communities towards the social life among the religious communities in Palangka Raya. This research is a field research using a qualitative method. The data was collected through observation and interview. It was concluded that the interaction among the religious elites in Palangka Raya was supported by the integrative strengths which enable the harmonious relationship among the religious elites. These integrative strengths were the cultural values which have rooted and have been inherited to the next generations, especially to Dayak society. The religious difference in Dayak culture is not seen as the opposing form, but as a human right and a personal choice of each person. On this level the patterns of interaction which will be formed is integrative solidarity. The harmonious relationship among the religious elites then has implications towards the social life among the religious communities. These implicationswere the realization of the harmonious and collaborative relationships among the religious communities in Palangka Raya.  Paper ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis interaksi sosial antara elit agama di Palangka Raya. Fokus kajian dalam tulisan ini terkait dengan pola interaksi elit agama, faktor pendorong interaksi, dan implikasi interaksi antara elit agama terhadap kehidupan sosial antar umat beragama di Kota Palangka Raya.Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian lapangan dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif.Untuk memperoleh data dilakukan dengan observasi dan wawancara.Hasil temuan dapat disimpulkan bahwa interaksi antarelit agama di Kota Palangka Raya ditopang oleh kekuatan integratif yang memungkinkan terjadinya hubungan harmonis antara elit agama.Kekuatan integratif tersebut adalah nilai-nilai budaya yang telah mengakar dan diwariskan secara turun-temurun khususnya pada masyarakat Dayak. Perbedaan agama dalam budaya Dayak tidak dipandang sebagai bentuk pertentangan, tetapi sebagai hak asasi dan pilihan pribadi setiap orang. Pada tataran ini pola interaksi yang akan terbentuk adalah bersifat solidaritas integratif. Hubungan yang harmonis antara elit agama kemudian berimplikasi pada kehidupan sosial antarumat beragama di Palangka Raya. Implikasi tersebut terutawa terwujudnya hubungan yang harmonis dan kolaboratif antarumat beragama di Palangka Raya.
Derivational Suffixes in Reading Texts of Higher Educational English Textbook Nurliana Nurliana
Journal of Foreign Language Teaching and Learning Vol 8, No 1 (2023): January
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/ftl.v8i1.16979


This research aims to analyze the types of derivational suffixes used in reading texts of the higher educational English textbook. This research employed qualitative research, specifically content analysis, as the research design. The data involved derivational suffixes found in 15 reading texts of the higher educational English textbook English for Islamic Studies, used by the al-Qur’an and Tafsir Sciences study program students at IAIN Palangka Raya. The data collected were analyzed systematically. This research indicated four types of derivational suffixes in the reading texts of the higher educational English textbook: nominal, adjectival, adverbial, and verbal. Nominal suffixes were the most frequently used derivational suffixes in the reading texts of the higher educational English textbook. The research findings implied that the types of derivational suffixes frequently occurring in higher educational English textbook reading texts should be emphasized more in teaching reading comprehension.
Jurnal Mahasiswa BK An-Nur : Berbeda, Bermakna, Mulia Vol 9, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Kalimantan Muhammad Arsyad Al-Banjari Banjarmasin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31602/jmbkan.v9i1.9070


Program MBKM dipercaya mampu mengasah keterampilan mahasiswa. Program yang dirancang Kemendikbudristek ini merupakan sarana untuk menciptakan lulusan yang siap menghadapi dunia pekerjaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui persepsi mahasiswa FUAD Institut Agama Islam Negeri Palangka Raya terhadap pelaksanaan program MBKM tahun 2022. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskrptif kuantitatif dengan menggunakan metode survei. Instrumen yang digunakan berupa kuesioner daring (google form) yang dibagikan kepada 25 mahasiswa FUAD yang telah melakukan program magang MBKM. Kuesioner ini diadopsi dari kuesioner yang dibuat oleh Kemendikbudristek. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa program MBKM yang dilaksanakan oleh FUAD tahun 2022 mendapatkan respon yang positif dari mahasiswa yang telah melakukan program magang MBKM.
Developing English Materials Using ESP Approach for al-Qur’an and Tafsir Study Program Students Nurliana Nurliana
Indonesian Journal of EFL and Linguistics Indonesian Journal of EFL and Linguistics, 4(2), November 2019
Publisher : Pusat Pelatihan, Riset, dan Pembelajaran Bahasa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21462/ijefl.v4i2.148


This study aimed at developing English materials using ESP approach for the first semester students of al-Qur’an and Tafsir Study Program at IAIN Palangka Raya in academic year 2018/2019. In this study, the model of materials development proposed by Sugiyono (2013:298) was adapted with the following steps: need assessment, reference of the research, development of English materials using ESP approach, expert validation, revision, try-out of the materials, revision, and final product. The instruments used consisted of questionnaire, observation, and interview. The data gathered was analyzed and described qualitatively. The students’ need based on the result of questionnaire was English materials using ESP approach. Considering that result, the English materials using ESP approach were developed and tried in 8 meetings. The data collected from try-out showed that the developed materials were applicable to the teaching-learning process and appropriate with the students’ need. Furthermore, the students responded positively toward the developed materials. They were active, motivated, and enthusiastic in doing the activities of the developed materials. English materials using ESP approach in the form of a textbook divided into eight units were the product of this study. The topics were Prayer, Fasting, Zakat, Muamalat, Food in Islamic Law, Property Right in Islamic Law, Inheritance in Islamic Law, and al-Qur’an and Science. The textbook was also supplemented with a list of vocabularies section, a list of regular verbs section, and a list of irregular verbs section.
Upaya Kalteng Pos Meraih Award di Ajang Penghargaan Serikat Persatuan Pers Nasional Mutoharoh Mutoharoh; Desi Erawati; Nurliana Nurliana; Agus Pramono
Innovative: Journal Of Social Science Research Vol. 3 No. 6 (2023): Innovative: Journal Of Social Science Research
Publisher : Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/innovative.v3i6.6209


Untuk menjaga kepercayaan serta eksistensi dari suatu berita, penting bagi media untuk mengikuti suatu ajang penghargaan. Mengikuti serta memenangkan suatu ajang penghargaan juga dilakukan oleh Kalteng Pos. Dengan konsistensi media cetak ini secara konsisten memenangkan penghargaan dalam ajang SPS Awards. Sehingga untuk mendapatkan hasil yang sesuai target tentu diperlukan adanya persiapan strategi agar mendapatkan hasil yang sesuai. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis strategi Kalteng Pos dalam meraih penghargaan di ajang SPS Award. Melalui pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif dengan data yang diperoleh melalui wawancara, observasi, dan analisis dokumen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Kalteng Pos memiliki perencanaan berkala, termasuk aspek kualitas dan kuantitas berita. Implementasi dari penelitian ini diharapkan mampu menjadi alternatif media cetak lokal lainnya, dalam bertahan dan menjaga kepercayaan khalayak serta eksistensinya.