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Jurnal Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Alam dan Lingkungan (Journal of Natural Resources and Environmental Management) Vol. 12 No. 1 (2022): Jurnal Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Alam dan Lingkungan (JPSL)
Publisher : Graduate School Bogor Agricultural University (SPs IPB)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29244/jpsl.12.1.134-146


One of the villages in Bali that is still running its daily life traditionally is Tenganan Pegringsingan village. This village is located in Manggis District, Karangasem Regency, Bali Province. This village is a Bali Age village (original Balinese village). This village has three hills, namely Kangin Hill, Kauh Hill, and Kaja Hill. The condition of the forest is very sustainable, because it is managed traditionally. There are various plant species in it, some are used traditionally and there are some plant species that have not been used traditionally. In the meantime, there has been no research that has recorded the plant species in the forest, both those that can be used by the local community and those that have not been utilized. This study were to determine the composition of useful plant species in the forest of Tenganan Pegringsingan village, Bali. and to determine the diversity index of useful plant species in the forest of Tenganan Pegringsingan village. This study was an explorative study. The population of this study was the entire useful plant species in the area of Bukit Kangin forest. The sample of this study was the entire useful plant species covered by the squares sized of 20x20m (for data collection of mature habitus species), 10x10m (for sapling), and 1x1m (for seedling), 65 squares for each data collection. The plant species composition analyzed descriptively and diversity index refers to Shannon-Wiener. Then, it followed by the analysis of equity (E) and species richness (R). The results of the study showed that (1) there were 77 plant species in Bukit Kangin forest. Based on the Tenganan Pegringsingan Bali Aga social culture, 46 of them (60%) were useful plant species for the local people, whereas the remaining 31 plant species (40%) were the unutilized plant species, (2) There were 31 plant families which consisted of 46 useful plant species with as many as 2,249 total species individual. The conclusion of this research is the majority (60%) of these plants is used by the local community and 40% are not traditionally used by the local community. Useful plants traditionally utilized by local communities are for the purposes of religious ceremonial material (Hindu) as many as 29 plant species (35.80%), for medicinal purposes as many as 18 plant species (27.70%), as many as 17 plant species food ( 20.99%), the need for board materials is 13 plant species (16.05%), the need for clothing and industrial materials is 2 plant species (2.47%).
Analysis of Diversity and Abundance Soil Insects in Taman Gumi Banten, Forest of Wanagiri Village, Buleleng I Made Oka Riawan; Ida Ayu Purnama Bestari; Ni Luh Putu Ananda Saraswati Saraswati; Ni Kadek Putri Adnyaningsih; I Kadek Perdiana
Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi Undiksha Vol. 9 No. 2 (2022)
Publisher : Undiksha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/jjpb.v9i2.48985


The forest in Wanagiri Village about 1.055 ha, and almost 250 ha of that forest managed as “village forest”. Village forest is the forest that is used by villagers, and in addition to being a natural reservoir area and maintaining water availability. This research aims to explored diversity and abundance soil insects that play a role in maintaining soil fertility. Surface insects were collected using the pitfall trap method, while infauna or ground insects were collected using the core method. The site of this research consists of 8 plots each site with random purposive sampling. The results showed that macrofauna species were higher than infauna. The diversity Index of soil insects is in the low category (0.355987).
Analisis Molekuler dan Morfologi P. amabilis Transgenik dengan Gen Pembungaan PaFT Ida Ayu Purnama Bestari
Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi Undiksha Vol. 9 No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : Undiksha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Phalaenopsis amabilis (L.) Blume or moon orchid is a type of orchid that has high economic and aesthetic value, but the flowering time is relatively long. Induction of flowering was carried out by inserting the PaFT gene with the ubiquitin promoter in the plant to obtain transgenic candidate plants (transformants). Transformant plants were grown in New Phalaenopsis (NP) medium for 40 weeks. Molecular analysis on transformant plants obtained P. amabilis transgenic. Amplification with ubiquitin (forward) and T-Nos (reverse) and deg PaFT primers in transgenic plants obtained DNA sequences of 1137 bp and 533 bp, while for non-transformant plants with deg PaFT primers, DNA bands of 1500 bp were obtained. The development of transgenic and non-transformant plants were then compared at 10, 20, 30, and 40 weeks of age. The results showed that transgenic plants produced multiple shoots/multishoots and longer roots compared to the roots of non-transformant plants. According to the literature study, there are morphological differences in some plants that carry the flowering locus T gene compared to nontransforman/wildtype plants.
Pengembangan E-book Berbasis Problem Based Learning pada Materi Perubahan Lingkungan dan Daur Ulang Limbah untuk Siswa di MAN Karangasem Sabrina Intan Maulida; Putu Budi Adnyana; Ida Ayu Purnama Bestari
Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi Undiksha Vol. 9 No. 2 (2022)
Publisher : Undiksha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/jjpb.v9i2.49582


This research aims to find out the design, validity, and practicality of e-books based on problem-based learning as a teaching material for environmental change and waste recycling for grade X at MAN Karangasem. This type of research is research & development (R&D) using a 4-D development model which is modified into three stages, namely define, design, and develop. After the e-book was developed, then an assessment was carried out with validity tests by material experts and media experts and practicality tests by testing 3 students in grade X IPA 3 in an individual test, and 9 students from grade X IPA 3 in a small group test. The location of this research is at MAN Karangasem. The data obtained will be analyzed descriptively to determine the validity and practicality of PBL-based e-books. The results of this study indicate, (1) e-books based on PBL are designed in an attractive manner where the content of the material is adapted to PBL syntax, consisting of 3 sub-chapters, in each sub-chapter there are several interactive features and in accordance with the PBL syntax. PBL such as Bio-Earth News, Bio Let's Thinking, Bio MiniLab&Activyty, Bio Anova, Bio Best Info and Bio Funzone, (2) the validity of e-books based on PBL is 91.9% which is included in the very feasible criteria, and (3) the practicality of e-books based on PBL of 90.5% are included in the very practical criteria. From the results of this study, it was concluded that the e-books based on PBL that was developed was very feasible and very practical as a teaching material on environmental change and waste recycling materials for grade X at MAN Karangasem.
Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Flipbook Untuk Materi Sistem Koordinasi Berorientasi budaya lokal Pada Pelajaran Biologi SMA Ni Wayan Febrianti; Arnyana Ida Bagus Putu; Purnama Bestari Ida Ayu
Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi Undiksha Vol. 9 No. 2 (2022)
Publisher : Undiksha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/jjpb.v9i2.49586


The purpose of this research is to develop flipbook learning media based on local culture with valid and practical coordination system materials. The research was conducted on students of class XI SMAN 1 Susut. Development using the ADDIE model. The product created in this research displays components such as videos, brief explanations, pictures, practice questions and quizzes. Local culture-based flipbook contains examples of local culture in each sub-material. The validity test in this study was carried out by material experts, media experts and linguists. The practicality test was carried out by 5 biology teachers and 12 class XI students of SMAN 1 Susut. Data analysis was carried out using qualitative and quantitative descriptive methods to determine the feasibility and practicality of the developed flipbook. The results showed that: (1) The results of each stage of development created a product in the form of a local culture-based flipbook on the material of the XI class coordination system, (2) The validity of the local culture-based flipbook on the coordination system material from the material expert got a score of 1 with very valid criteria, from media experts got a score of 1 with very valid criteria and from linguists got a score of 1 with very valid criteria, (3) the practicality of flipbook learning media based on local culture material for the coordination system from the teacher got a percentage of 90.88% categorized as very practical and from students got a percentage of 96 .3% are categorized as very practical, so the average practicality of flipbook learning media is 93.59% in the very practical category. Based on the results of the study of flipbook learning media based on local culture, the coordination system material developed was very valid and very practical to be used as teaching material for the XI class coordination system material at SMAN 1 Susut.
Population Analysis of Bali Sardinella (Sardinella lemuru, Bleeker 1853) Landed in PPI Kedonganan using Length-Weight Data and Digital Analysis (ImageJ) Ni Putu Dian Pertiwi; Ida Ayu Purnama Bestari; M. Danie Al Malik; Mark Anthony Phuong
ILMU KELAUTAN: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences Vol 28, No 1 (2023): Ilmu Kelautan
Publisher : Marine Science Department Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/ik.ijms.28.1.90-96


Sardinella lemuru, one of the important pelagic fish in Bali Strait waters, has been reported to be in the overfishing condition. Various studies have been conducted to understand its population condition. Length-weight data has been also widely used to understand the population dynamic of S. lemuru, although data collection generally using manual direct measurement methods, which has the disadvantages if used on the enormous number of samples. Therefore, this research aims to understand the significance of S. lemuru length measurement using digital image analysis (ImageJ) compared with the manual measurement. Moreover, this research also aims to understand the population condition of S. lemuru landed in PPI Kedonganan analyzed using its length-weight data. The result indicated no significance difference between length measurement using manual methods and digital image methods, thus conclude that digital image data can be used to measure the fish length and represent the accurate measurement. Population condition analysis showed that S. lemuru population is in isometric condition (b=3); with indication of declining in the length growth pattern compared with previous research (L∞= 20.75 cm with K= 1.1); the mortality estimation showed that fishing mortality (F=1.27) was lower than natural mortality (M=2.22), with the survival rate higher on smaller size fish. This research result can be used as an addition to the S. lemuru fisheries data and can also be used as reference methods to help conduct sampling and data collection more efficiently.