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ETERNAL (English Teaching Journal) Vol 13, No 1 (2022): February
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26877/eternal.v13i1.10895


This current study purposes to investigate the types of appraisals used in the article entitled woman make ‘kebaya’ a fashion mission posted in the Jakarta Post newspaper.. The article was analyzed based on an attitude framework consisting of appreciation, affect, judgment, and amplification based on Eggins & Slade’s theory and Martin & Slade’s theory.  The data were analyzed in a qualitative approach. The finding shows that there are 34 lexical items of four types of attitudinal appraisal found in the article. The most occurred type of appraisal used is judgment. It takes almost half of the total number (47%) of lexical items found. Furthermore, this category consists of 10 lexical items that belong to social esteem and 5 lexical items of negative social sanction. It means that the writer's kebaya is more positively judged than a negative one.
Lexical Errors Produced by Google Translate in Translating “Putri Serindang Bulan” to English Language Kristiana Alasta; Iis Sujarwati
Jadila: Journal of Development and Innovation in Language and Literature Education Vol. 2 No. 2 (2021): Jadila: Journal of Development and Innovation in Language and Literature Educat
Publisher : Yayasan Karinosseff Muda Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52690/jadila.v2i2.196


The purpose of this study was to analyze the lexical errors which was produced by google translate in translating “Putri Serindang Bulan” short story to English language as the target language. This study was conducted by using descriptive design with qualitatitive approach, which was done with consideration that the purpose of this research to analyze the lexical errors which produced by google translate in translating “Putri Serindang Bulan” short story to English language as the target language. This study was focused on describing the types of lexical errors produced by google translation in translating “Putri Serindang Bulan” short story to English language. In this research, the writer became the main instrument. This study obtained the data by reading “Putri Serindang Bulan” short story to understand the information of the short story, translating the “Putri Serindang Bulan” short story into English language use google translate, and then comparing the source text with the translation result to find out the translation accuracy and make the terms that were considered as inaccurate translation. The result showed that many errors were produced by google translate in translating the short story, the most frequent error found were incorrect word and missing word. In conclusion, this study suggest that the human translators must revise the translation result from machine translation.
An Analysis of Ideology in Translation on Bilingual Story Book for Children Tania Syafutri; Iis Sujarwati
Jadila: Journal of Development and Innovation in Language and Literature Education Vol. 2 No. 2 (2021): Jadila: Journal of Development and Innovation in Language and Literature Educat
Publisher : Yayasan Karinosseff Muda Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52690/jadila.v2i2.198


This research analyzed the methods, techniques, and ideology in translation on bilingual story book for children entitled “Little Sunshine Bilingual Book. Kumpulan Lagu dan Cerita Anak- Anak Dwibahasa.” The theories were used in this research are from Newmark, Molina Albir, and Venuti. This research intended to analyze the techniques, methods, and ideology in translation on “Little Sunshine Bilingual Book. Kumpulan Lagu dan Cerita Anak- Anak Dwibahasa.” This research was used descriptive qualitative method because the researcher want to analyze verbal text in written form of “Little Sunshine Bilingual Book. Kumpulan Lagu dan Cerita Anak- Anak Dwibahasa”. The source of data in this research was one of text in bilingual story book for children that is “Roro Jonggrang” story. There are several steps of analyzing the data: the first is reading the text entitled “Roro Jonggrang” in “Little Sunshine Bilingual Book. Kumpulan Lagu dan Cerita Anak- Anak Dwibahasa”, the second is taking note of several data that need to analyze such as the phrases or sentences in “Little Sunshine Bilingual Book. Kumpulan Lagu dan Cerita Anak- Anak Dwibahasa” stories, the third is identifying the technique of translation of “Roro Jonggrang” story in “Little Sunshine Bilingual Book. Kumpulan Lagu dan Cerita Anak- Anak Dwibahasa.”, the fourth is observing which the technique of translation that often use in “Roro Jonggrang” story in “Little Sunshine Bilingual Book. Kumpulan Lagu dan Cerita Anak- Anak Dwibahasa” to know about the method that use in translation of this story, the last is after gaining the method that use in translation of this story, the researcher would know about ideology of this translation.
Grammatical Mistakes of Indonesian-English Translation on Students’ Thesis Abstracts Iis Sujarwati; Muthia Hamidah
Jurnal Pendidikan Edutama Vol 9, No 2 (2022): July 2022
Publisher : IKIP PGRI Bojonegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30734/jpe.v9i2.2212


Abstract: The study aimed to knowing the grammatical mistakes found in students’ translation texts especially in the thesis abstract made by students of the Business and Economy Faculty of Bengkulu University. It investigated how the grammatical rules were implemented in their thesis abstracts. The study used the analysis of English grammar rules based on grammatical theories. The documents were used as the main data in this study, there were ten thesis abstracts made by the students. The results showed that there were 38 grammatical mistakes found. The most frequent grammatical mistakes made by students were word choice, word order, verb + agreement, and tenses. Then, at the end of the analysis, researchers gave the model of improvement based on the grammatical rules toward the grammatical mistakes that researchers found. This step was very important because the translation was about how we transferred the source language to the target language in equal meaning. Abstak: Studi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kesalahan tata bahasa yang ditemukan pada teks terjemahan mahasiswa khususnya pada abstrak skripsi yang dibuat oleh mahasiswa Fakultas Bisnis dan Ekonomi Universitas Bengkulu. Ini memeriksa bagaimana aturan tata bahasa diterapkan dalam abstrak tesis mereka. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis aturan tata bahasa Inggris berdasarkan teori tata bahasa. Data utama dalam penelitian ini berbentuk dokumen, yaitu sepuluh abstrak skripsi yang dibuat oleh mahasiswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 38 kesalahan tata bahasa. Kesalahan tata bahasa yang paling banyak ditemukan adalah pilihan kata, urutan kata,  kata kerja + agreement, dan tenses. Kemudian, pada akhir analisis, peneliti memberikan model perbaikan berdasarkan kaidah gramatikal terhadap kesalahan gramatikal yang peneliti temukan. Langkah ini sangat penting, karena penerjemahan adalah tentang bagaimana kita mentransfer bahasa sumber ke bahasa sasaran dalam arti yang setara. 
A Study of Translation Strategies in Translating Personal Pronouns in Disney’s movie entitled Rapunzel into Thai Version Iis Sujarwati; Sureena Sa ae; Syafryadin Syafryadin
International Journal of English Linguistics, Literature, and Education (IJELLE) Vol 4, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Veteran Bangun Nusantara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32585/ijelle.v4i1.2517


The aim of the study is to analyze translation strategies in the translation of personal pronouns used in the Disney movie Rapunzel into the Thai version. The objectives of the study are: 1) to describe the strategies used in the translation of personal pronouns in Rapunzel movie, and 2) to determine the frequency of each translation strategy used in the translation of personal pronouns in Rapunzel movie. The data of the study were gathered from English personal pronouns from the subtitle on DVD Rapunzel which was released in 2010. The result of the study showed that ten translation strategies based on Pokasamrit (2011), Nida (1964), and Vinay and Darbelnet (1958) were identified as used in the study. The strategies of translation were pronoun to pronoun/literal translation, explicitness to implicitness, kinship terms, formal language, informal language, editorial pronoun, addition, alterations/transposition, and inversion. The frequency of each translation strategy found was determined by considering the following elements: the formulation of personal pronouns and the differences between personal pronouns in English and Thai.
The correlation between reading speed and reading comprehension Lia Pertiwi; Iis Sujarwati
Cendikia : Media Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Vol 13 No 3 (2023): Januari: Education Science
Publisher : Institute of Computer Science (IOCS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Reading is the language you need to know. Reading increases your intelligence and allows you to acquire new knowledge and understanding so that you can learn new information more easily. Reading comprehension and reading speed are two different concepts. The degree of comprehension of a pupil is influenced by their reading speed. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the connection between students at UIN Fatmawati Sukarno Bengkulu 3A's reading speed and reading comprehension. The study used a sample of 20 TBI students. Both a reading comprehension test and a reading speed test were employed in this study's data collection. A correlation analysis was done on the data. The findings of this study demonstrate the connection between students' reading comprehension and speed. The two have a 0.135 correlation coefficient. Although slight, the association is positive. This demonstrates how reading comprehension is impacted by reading speed.Reading is the language you need to know. Reading increases your intelligence and allows you to acquire new knowledge and understanding so that you can learn new information more easily. Reading comprehension and reading speed are two different concepts. The degree of comprehension of a pupil is influenced by their reading speed. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the connection between students at UIN Fatmawati Sukarno Bengkulu 3A's reading speed and reading comprehension. The study used a sample of 20 TBI students. Both a reading comprehension test and a reading speed test were employed in this study's data collection. A correlation analysis was done on the data. The findings of this study demonstrate the connection between students' reading comprehension and speed. The two have a 0.135 correlation coefficient. Although slight, the association is positive. This demonstrates how reading comprehension is impacted by reading speed.
The Impact of Bilingual Class Program on Students’ Speaking Ability Agustian Agustian; Iis Sujarwati
ETERNAL (English Teaching Journal) Vol 14, No 2 (2023): August
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26877/eternal.v14i2.14914


Abstract. The implementation of a bilingual class program in schools is expected to improve students’ ability to use English. This study examines how bilingual class affects students' English-speaking abilities.This study's goal was to investigate how a bilingual program affected students' capacity to speak more fluently in class XI of Pondok Pesantren Darussalam Kepahiang, Bengkulu. In this research employs a posteriori approach. The survey population consisted of all Class XI students of Pesantren Darussalam Kepahiang. Random sampling was used by researchers to obtain research data. The total number of samples in this study is 35 students from Class XI. A Likert scale questionnaire and a photo-oral test were used as survey tools. To support the study, the researchers used questionnaires as a reference to assess the effectiveness of the bilingual program and oral tests to assess the students' language abilities. Researchers have used regression analysis to analyze existing data. According to results of the study, it was found that Bilingual program had an impact on the speaking ability of the students of Class XI of Pesantren Darussalam Kepahiang. After processing the data, a significant improvement was obtained. In the standard F-table, df = 33 has a significance of 5%, the result is 4.17, and the number of F characters is 113.451. This display that the calculated F value is greater than the F table. It means that students’ English language skills improve with their application of a bilingual program at school.
The Correlation Between Students’ Learning Environment and Their Critical Thinking Skill Development Febri Aini Adalta; Iis Sujarwati
Pedagonal : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Vol 7, No 2 (2023): Pedagonal : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan
Publisher : Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Pakuan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55215/pedagonal.v7i2.6661


This research aims to determine if there is a correlation between learning environment and students' critical thinking skill development. Research method that is used is Correlation. The sample in this research is 25 university students of the English Education Department. Instruments used in this research were questionnaires and practice tests. The questionnaire sheet adapted from The Dundee Ready Education Environment Measure (DREEM). it is used to find out students' opinions about their learning environment. Other instrument that is used is the practice test of Critical Thinking Appraisal which was used to determine the level of students’ critical thinking ability. In analyzing the data, this research used the product-moment correlation analysis technique. The results shows that there are no correlations between learning environment and the development of students’ critical thinking skills. Building a good learning environment is important and can support a good learning process.