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Identification Arbuscular Mycorrhiza Fungi (Amf) Legume Plant On Microscopik Consevation Tillage Cropping Season To 29 Sismita Sari; Any Kumastuti; Wiwik Indrawati
Jurnal Penelitian Pertanian Terapan Vol 17 No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Lampung.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (279.743 KB) | DOI: 10.25181/jppt.v17i1.39


Arbuscular Mycorrhiza Fungi (AMF) is a form of  mutualistic symbiosis between fungi and plant roots. FMA existence in  soil is influenced by several agricultural activities such as tilling and fertilizing. The purpose of this study (1) Obtaining  data on the number of FMA in each treatment and conservation tillage . (2) Knowing  the types FMA in each treatment and conservation tillage planting season  to 29. The study was a randomized block design (RAK) , arranged as factorial (2x3), with three replications. The first factor is the intensive tillage (T1), no-tillage (Zero Tillage) (T2) Minimum tillage (Minimum Tillage), and  Land Intensive (Full Tillage) (T3); and the second factor is without fertilizer N (N0) and fertilizer application of 100 kg N ha-1 (N1), and  Fertilizer of 200 kg N ha-1 (N2). The method used in this study is a description method by observation techniques, the method used for the isolation of spores of strain engineering castings and followed by centrifugation. Observations were made using a microscope binoculars and digital camera, the spores are observed then grouped based on their morphological characters, identification of mycorrhizal done using a guide book "Working with mycorrhizas in Forestry and Agriculture" and reaffirmed by using INVAM website.  Based on results  of research and discussion can be concluded. The number of spores in the soil no tillage without nitrogen doses is 1,333 at doses 100 kg N spore number is 1,253, and as high as 1,648 spores at dose of 200 kg N. The number of spores on minimum tillage  200 kg of nitrogen dose was 271, on 100 kg dose was 520 spores, and without nitrogen fertilizer contained spores 780. at most that  intensive tillage highest number of spores on spore number without nitrogen fertilizer is 4.078, and the number of spores 1,124 at the dose of 100 kg nitrogen, 941 the number of spores nitrogen dose of 200 kg. There are four genera of spores discovered in minimum tillage with various doses Nitrogen fertilizer is the genus Glomus, Acaulospora, Gigaspora, and Scutelospora. Genus most obtained is Glomus and Acaulospora. Type spores were found from 4 genera dominated by genus Glomus with a variety of different types.
Aplikasi Berbagai Jenis Pupuk Organik Terhadap Karakter FMA Pada Rhizosfer Tebu Bud Chip Sismita Sari; Wiwik Indrawati
Jurnal Penelitian Pertanian Terapan Vol 19 No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Lampung.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25181/jppt.v19i1.1393


This study to obtain data on the number and type of FMA. Obtained amount and types of FMA in each treatment of addition of organic fertilizer dosage level. Find out whether the combination of organic fertilizer and the given organic fertilizer dose affect the amount and type of FMA. The experiment design used was Completely Randomized Design 2 Factor and 3 replications. The first factor is 4 types of organic fertilizer (P), namely: Humat acid (P) and cow manure (D), and the second factor is 4 levels of organic fertilizer dose: D0: 0%, D1: 10 tons of organic fertilizer / ha (50 g per polybag, D2: 20 ton / ha (100 g per polybag), and D3: 30 ton / ha (150 g per polybag) There were 16 experimental units and 3 total replications of 48 experimental unit plots. Myorizas were observed using binocular microscopy and digital camera, observed spores were then grouped by morphological characters including shape, color, and spore ornaments. Identification of indigenous mycorrhizae was done using manual and confirmed by using INVAM website The result of spore count on the application of organic fertilizer containing humic acid, compost fertilizer and the combination of both the highest mycorrhizae is 3,700 in the dosage of humic acid humic fertilizer 50 g + 100 g manure. 2,300 spores in organic humic acid 100 g + 100 g of fertilizer. The number of spores was moderate, ie 1,541 on humic acid fertilizer 50 g + 150 g manure, 1,323 spores at P3D3, 1,203 at treatment of P0D2, and at treatment of P2D0 mycorrhiza reached 1.096. The smallest number mycorrhizal spores of 79 spores in the dosage of manure dose 50 g. There are 4 genera of spore that found the most commonly Genus is Glomus and Acaulospora.
Kriteria Seleksi Bibit Pala melalui Model Pemuliaan Partisipatif di Perkebunan Pala Jakty Kusuma; Wiwik Indrawati; Didik Kuswadi; Muhammad Tahir
Jurnal Ilmiah Inovasi Vol 20 No 1 (2020): April
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25047/jii.v20i1.1953


Proses pengelolaan pembibitan pala yang kurang baik pada Perkebunan Pala Desa Banjaran menyebabkan kualitas bibit pala rendah dan berakibat pada penurunan harga jual dari bibit tersebut. Capaian umum dari kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini diharapkan dapat mengembangkan kelompok tani mitra mandiri dalam praktik GAP (good agricultural practice), seleksi, dan pembibitan tanaman pala. Secara khusus, kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk menerapkan teknologi bibit pala sambutan (sambung pala hutan), penyungkupan, modifikasi media tanam, dan seleksi terarah agar terjadi peningkatan kualitas pertumbuhan bibit pala. Hasil percobaan dengan penerapan teknologi pala “sambutan” (sambung pala hutan) yang diintegrasikan dengan penyungkupan dan modifikasi media mampu meningkatkan kualitas pertumbuhan bibit dengan tingkat keseragaman hingga 90%. Adapun kriteria seleksi yang ditentukan bersama dengan masyarakat adalah laju pertumbuhan, warna daun, jumlah daun, tinggi tanaman, dan nama lokal. Laju pertumbuhan dan jumlah daun berkontribusi sebanyak 87% nilai seleksi yang dipilih oleh para petani. Nama lokal atau spesies pala yang digunakan juga menjadi faktor penentu dari kualitas bibit yang baik. Melalui perbaikan teknik pembibitan yang benar dan seleksi pemuliaan partisipatif, diharapkan dapat menghasilkan bibit yang berkualitas. Keywords: pembibitan, seleksi, pala
Sosialisasi Pemanfaatan Media Sosial Dalam Penjualan Batu Bata Merah Untuk Meningkatkan Penjualan Masyarakat di Desa Lenek Ramban Biak Immy Suci Rohyani; Amir Manggala P; Rihal Hayati; Sonia Fahira; Wiwik Indrawati; Debi Jihan Umaira M; Doni Kusuma W. N; Dwi Rahayu Lestari; Hidayatulloh; Safera Ourlita S; Samsul Hadi
Jurnal Pengabdian Magister Pendidikan IPA Vol 5 No 3 (2022): Juli - September
Publisher : Universitas Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (239.637 KB) | DOI: 10.29303/jpmpi.v4i3.2008


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