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Performa porselen fusi logam dan porselen penuhPerformance of metal fusion and pure porcelain Joseph Gunawan; Veni Takarini; Zulia Hasratiningsih
Jurnal Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Padjadjaran Vol 29, No 3 (2017): Desember
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (275.123 KB) | DOI: 10.24198/jkg.v29i3.15952


Pendahuluan: Permintaan porselen sebagai salah satu bahan restorasi kedokteran gigi semakin meningkat. Secara umum, praktisi mengetahui bahwa terdapat dua jenis porselen yang dapat dipesan dari laboratorium kedokteran gigi yaitu porselen fusi logam dan porselen penuh. Namun, praktisi sering bingung dalam memilih restorasi yang tepat sesuai kasus. Studi pustaka ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pengetahuan untuk membantu praktisi dalam memilih penggunaan porselen fusi logam atau porselen penuh. Studi Pustaka: Porselen fusi logam memiliki kekuatan dan kekerasan yang lebih tinggi daripada beberapa jenis porselen penuh. Namun, porselen fusi logam memerlukan ruang yang lebih tebal dan kandungan logamnya mengurangi estetik. Porselen fusi logam juga bertentangan dengan konsep metal-free dentistry. Harga logam yang lebih murah menyebabkan harga restorasi porselen fusi logam juga lebih murah dibanding porselen penuh. Penentuan performa yang lebih baik, dapat dilakukan melalui evaluasi dengan melihat bahan yang digunakan pada suatu restorasi. Evaluasi holistik dan struktural juga perlu dilakukan untuk mengetahui performa pada kesatuan restorasi. Kelebihan dan kekurangan porselen fusi logam dan porselen penuh perlu dijadikan pertimbangan dalam pemilihan dan penempatan restorasi yang akan digunakan. Simpulan: Performa yang lebih baik akan ditunjukkan apabila jenis porselen disesuaikan dengan karakteristik gigi asli dan keadaan mukosa oral yang digantikan serta sesuai dengan keinginan dan kemampuan pasien.Kata kunci: Porselen fusi logam, porselen penuh. ABSTRACTIntroduction: The demand for porcelain as one of the restorative materials for dentistry is increasing. Generally, practitioners know that there are two types of porcelain can be ordered from dental laboratories, namely metal fusion porcelain and pure porcelain. However, practitioners often confused in choosing the right restoration for a case. This literature study was aimed to provide the knowledge to help practitioners choose the proper porcelain. Literature Review: Metal fusion porcelain had higher strength and hardness than some full porcelain types. However, metal fusion porcelain required thicker space and reduced metal content. Metal fusion porcelain also contradicted with the concept of metal-free dentistry. Lower metal prices caused the price of metal fusion porcelain restorations to be having the lower cost than pure porcelain. Determination of better performance can be done through evaluation by looking at the materials used in restoration. The holistic and structural evaluation also needs to be done to determine the performance of the restoration unit. The advantages and disadvantages of metal fusion porcelain and full porcelain need to be taken into consideration in the selection and placement of the restoration to be used. Conclusion: Better performance will be shown if the type of porcelain adapted to the characteristics of the original tooth and the oral mucosal conditions replaced as well as by the patient’s wishes.Keywords: Metal fusion porcelain, pure porcelain.
Flexural strength comparison of self-synthesised porcelain with the sintering temperature of 1150 degree Celsius and 1200 degree Celsius Joseph Gunawan; Dede Taufik; Veni Takarini; Zulia Hasratiningsih
Padjadjaran Journal of Dentistry Vol 30, No 3 (2018): November 2018
Publisher : Faculty of Dentistry Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (195.286 KB) | DOI: 10.24198/pjd.vol30no3.19307


Introduction: Porcelain must have sufficient flexural strength to withstand mastication forces. The flexural strength of porcelain can be influenced by the maturity level of porcelain related to the temperature and sintering time. The purpose of this study was to compare the flexural strength of Indonesian natural sand self-synthesised porcelain with different sintering temperatures. Methods: Self-synthesised porcelain powder, with the composition of 65% Pangaribuan felspar, 25% Belitung silica, 5% Sukabumi kaolin, and 5% potassium salt, were condensed into 10 samples with the size of 7cm x 2cm x 0.4cm. A total of 5 samples were each burned at the temperature of 1150°C and 1200°C. Flexural strength test was performed using the Universal Testing Machine (Netzsch™) with the lowest load of 7.5 kg, and the data obtained was calculated using the bending strength formula. Result: The average flexural strength of self-synthesised porcelain at the sintering temperature of 1150°C was 26.678 MPa, while at the temperature of 1200°C was 39.038 MPa. Conclusion: This study concluded that Indonesian natural sand self-synthesised porcelain had a lower flexural strength at the sintering temperature of 1150°C than at the temperature of 1200°C.Keywords: Flexural strength, self-synthesised porcelain, sintering temperature.