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Obesity has become an epidemic affecting developed and developing countries. Along with the increase in obesity is a parallelincrease in the prevalence of type 2 diabetes, impaired glucose tolerance, and other complications of obesity, such as hypertension.The focus this review is on the role of macrophage in adipose tissue as a marker of insulin resistance in obesity. Insulin resistanceis a central player of obesity related metabolic derangements. An increased number of macrophages resident in human adiposetissue has been reported in obesity. During adipose tissue expansion, hypoxia can occur due to reduced delivery of oxygen to thehypertrophic adipocytes. This hypoxia can cause adipocyte cell death and macrophages can be attracted to adipose tissue tophagocytose these dead adipocytes. The macrophages in adipose tissue are localized around dead adipocytes and form typicalcrown-like structures. Macrophage chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1) is a well-known regulator of macrophage recruitment to siteof inflammation. In obesity show increased plasma levels of MCP-1. Exercise has been shown to improve insulin sensitivity in obeseindividuals even in the absence of weight loss. Conclusion: overexpression MCP-1 in human obese was associated with insulinresistance. Exercise training reduced peripheral markers of inflammation, among them MCP-1.
Pengaruh Kedelai (Glycine max (L) Merril) terhadap Kadar Glukosa Darah dan Ekspresi Insulin Sel B Pankreas pada Tikus Diabetik Mustofa, M Samsul; Mukhtar, Diniwati; Susmiarsih Panjiasih, Tri; Royhan, Aan
Jurnal Kedokteran YARSI Vol 18, No 2 (2010): MEI - AGUSTUS 2010
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian Universitas YARSI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (438.389 KB) | DOI: 10.33476/jky.v18i2.183


Kedelai (Glycine max (L) Merril) telah digunakan di negara-negara Asia selama berabad-abad sebagai sumber protein yang utama dari tanaman. Kedelai mengandung isoflavon genistein, dadzein dan glycitein yang mempunyai aktivitas antioksidan. Ada dugaan isoflavone kedelai mempunyai aktivitas hipoglikemik dan dapat meningkatkan ekspresi insulin sel B pankreas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah Kedelai (Glycine max (L) Merril) menurunkan kadar glukosa darah, dan meningkatkan ekspresi insulin pulau Langerhans pada tikus yang diinduksi alloxan. Sejumlah 36 ekor tikus Wistar jantan dibagi menjadi 6 kelompok (3 kelompok perlakuan dan 3 kelompok kontrol). Alloxan disuntikkan secara intraperitoneal dengan dosis 150 mg/kg BB untuk menginduksi tikus menjadi diabetes pada grup perlakuan dan grup kontrol diabetes. Bubur kedelai (100, 200 dan 500 mg/kg BB/hari) diberikan personde pada grup perlakuan selama 4 minggu. Glukosa darah puasa diperiksa dari sampel darah yang diambil dari vena retroorbita sebelum perlakuan, 2 minggu dan 4 minggu setelah perlakuan, dan diukur dengan metode GOD-PAP. Pada hari ke 29 setelah perlakuan tikus didekapitasi dan jaringan pankreas diambil. Terhadap irisan paraffin pankreas dilakukan pewarnaan imunohistokimia menggunakan antibodi anti-insulin. Penilaian kualitatif ekspresi insulin dilihat dengan adanya warna coklat yang timbul pada pulau Langerhans. Data yang dianalisis dengan uji Anova nilai p < 0,05 menunjukkan perbedaan yang signifikan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kadar glukosa darah puasa pada kelompok perlakuan 500 mg/kgBB/hari mengalami penurunan mencapai kadar normal (100,38 mg/dl). Ekspresi insulin pada pulau Langerhans juga memperlihatkan peningkatan pada kelompok tikus DM dengan perlakuan. Sebagai kesimpulan penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kedelai mempunyai aktivitas hipoglikemik dan meningkatkan ekspresi insulin. Peningkatan ekspresi insulin tersebut diduga disebabkan oleh adanya antioksidan yang berfungsi untuk melindungi sel ? pankreas dari apoptosis.
Jurnal Kedokteran YARSI Vol 15, No 3 (2007): SEPTEMBER-DESEMBER 2007
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian Universitas YARSI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (160.143 KB) | DOI: 10.33476/jky.v15i3.1074


Prevalence of degenerative diseases in the elderly is currently increasing worldwide due to several factors, such as structural and metabolic distortion, gender and physical activity. In Indonesia, as the life expectancy of the people tend to extend, the proportion of the elderly also increases over time, with various consequences. The present study aims to determine the risk for degenerative diseases among the elderly women residing in a nursing home in Tangerang District, Banten Province, Indonesia. The study was conducted using a descriptive case study design, involving anthropometric as well as blood examinations of the subject, and questionnaire pertaining age and family status, educational background and the length of stay in the nursing home. Results indicated that the mean of age of the subjects was 70 ± 6.4 years. The anthropometric measurement demonstrated a high prevalence of subjects with waist-to hip ratio of 0,89 ± 0,04 although the BMI risk was only noted in 45% of the subjects. The blood chemistry analysis indicated that the majority of the subjects had a high total cholesterol and low HDL cholesterol blood level, whereas the other components were relatively normal. The findings indicated that the reduced physical activity may contribute to the atherosclerosis risk factor as well as other degenerative diseases.
Structured Physical Activity did not Affect the Body Fat Percentage among Gymnastics Studio Members Widiastari, Erina Febriani; Taufik, Fatimah Eliana; Mukhtar, Diniwati
Mutiara Medika: Jurnal Kedokteran dan Kesehatan Vol 20, No 1: January 2020
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/mm.200135


The excess of body fat in the body can be associated with the risk of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and other metabolic diseases. Activities which can reduce the body fat percentage is a structured physical activity. This study aims to identify the effect of the structured physical activity on the decrease in body fat percentage on members of the gymnastics studio. This study used one group of pretest-posttest design. The intervention was an aerobic exercise, conducted for a minimum duration of 150 minutes per week, and followed up for three months. The samples were selected by using purposive sampling andwere collected by measuring the respondent's weight with Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis at the beginning and the end of this study. The data were analyzed by using paired sample t-test. The result showed that the average of the body fat percentage on the pre-test was 33.156 %, and on the post-test was 32.920 %. Based on the data, there was a decrease in a body fat percentage on pre-test and post-test in 13 out of 25 respondents. The p-value was 0.357, and it can be concluded that the structured physical activity did not have a significant effect on the decreasein body fat percentage.
Structured Physical Activity did not Affect the Body Fat Percentage among Gymnastics Studio Members Widiastari, Erina Febriani; Taufik, Fatimah Eliana; Mukhtar, Diniwati
Mutiara Medika: Jurnal Kedokteran dan Kesehatan Vol 20, No 1 (2020): January
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/mm.200135


The excess of body fat in the body can be associated with the risk of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and other metabolic diseases. Activities which can reduce the body fat percentage is a structured physical activity. This study aims to identify the effect of the structured physical activity on the decrease in body fat percentage on members of the gymnastics studio. This study used one group of pretest-posttest design. The intervention was an aerobic exercise, conducted for a minimum duration of 150 minutes per week, and followed up for three months. The samples were selected by using purposive sampling andwere collected by measuring the respondent's weight with Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis at the beginning and the end of this study. The data were analyzed by using paired sample t-test. The result showed that the average of the body fat percentage on the pre-test was 33.156 %, and on the post-test was 32.920 %. Based on the data, there was a decrease in a body fat percentage on pre-test and post-test in 13 out of 25 respondents. The p-value was 0.357, and it can be concluded that the structured physical activity did not have a significant effect on the decreasein body fat percentage.
Diabetes Sebagai Faktor Commorbid Yang Memperburuk Mortalitas Dari Covid-19: Sebuah Tinjauan Literatur Muhammad Iqbal Thamrin; Linda Weni; Diniwati Mukhtar
Majalah Sainstekes Vol 9, No 1 (2022): JUNI 2022
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian Universitas YARSI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (416.445 KB) | DOI: 10.33476/ms.v9i1.2064


Diabetes Mellitus (DM) merupakan penyakit metabolik dengan ciri hiperglikemia yang terjadi karena kelainan sekresi insulin, kerja insulin, atau keduanya. COVID-19 adalah penyakit menular yang disebabkan oleh Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) yang petama kali ditemukan di kota Wuhan, China pada bulan Desember 2019. COVID-19 yang disertai dengan diabetes mellitus diketahui mempunyai resiko prognosis yang lebih buruk daripada yang tidak disertai diabetes meliitus. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui  apakah  terdapat peningkatan  mortalitas  dalam kasus COVID-19 yang disertai diabetes mellitus.Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan Literature Review dengan menggunakan jurnal yang diambil dari database sebanyak 20, dengan keyword pencarian jurnal yaitu “COVID-19, Mortalitas, dan Diabetes”. Limitasi pencarian jurnal yaitu 2 tahun, berhubungan dengan COVID-19 yang merupakan penyakit baru. Penyaringan jurnal menggunakan PRISMA Flow Diagram, sehingga didapatkan jurnal yang sesuai dengan kriteria yang telah ditetapkan.Didapatkan 20 jurnal yang relevan dengan kriteria yang telah ditetapkan, dengan 18 jurnal mendukung hipotesis alternatif, dan 2 jurnal tidak mendukung. Jurnal  yang  paling  mendukung  hipotesis  alternatif  dengan  Odd  Ratio  sebesar 12.234 (Cl 95% 4.126-36.272), p kurang dari 0.026 oleh Albitar, Ballouze, Ooi, et al., 2020, ditemukan juga bahwa diabetes tipe 1 dan tipe 2 yang merupakan penyerta COVID-19, mempunyai pengaruh yang besar dalam menaikan resiko kematian pasien  COVID-19,  dibuktikan  oleh  jurnal  Barron,  Bakhai,  Kar,  et  al.,  2020 dengan diabetes tipe 1 (HR 1.61(1.32-1.96)) dan diabetes tipe 2 (HR 1.61(1.54-1.67)), p kurang dari 0,0001, ditemukan juga bahwa pasien COVID-19 dengan riwayat diabetes mellitus juga mempunyai resiko kematian yang tinggi, dibuktikan oleh jurnal dari Yu, Lei, Li, et al., 2020 dengan (OR 2.34(1.45-3.76)), p kurang dari 0.005
Pola Hidup Sehat Selama Pandemi Covid-19 Pada kader PKK di Ciseeng Kabupaten Bogor Diniwati Mukhtar; Linda Weni; Wan Nedra; M Arsyad; Yulia Suciati; Dita Safira
Info Abdi Cendekia Vol 3 No 2: Desember 2020
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian Universitas YARSI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (327.186 KB) | DOI: 10.33476/iac.v3i2.38


Changes in lifestyle and modernization have caused a shift in the pattern of diseases from communicable to non-communicable diseases (NCD). The NCD category includes diabetes, hypertension, obesity, coronary heart disease. Non-communicable diseases are a challenge during the Covid-19 pandemic because they are comorbid, which will aggravate the disease. Therefore it is necessary to educate on a healthy lifestyle to avoid these new infectious diseases. The method was carried out through webinars with the topic of an active lifestyle, teachings on faith and introduction to herbs to PKK cadres (Family Welfare Empowerment – FWE) in Ciseeng village. The metabolic health characteristics have normal values of 0%, 26%, 100%, 74% for waist circumference (WC), body mass index (BMI), systolic and diastolic blood pressure, respectively. Knowledge of healthy lifestyle from the webinar increased from 51.30% to 85.96% (p <0.05). The conclusion is that the metabolic health of respondents is considered at risk, while webinar activities reduce the risk of comorbidities.