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JURNAL KARSA (Terakreditasi No. 80/DIKTI/Kep/2012) Vol 19, No 2 (2011): Islam, Budaya dan Perempuan

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Abstrak:Dalam rumah tangga,  perempuan memberikan semua pelayanan untuk suami, anak-anak, dan anggota keluarga lainnya dan di luar rumah tangga, laki-laki mengendalikan dan membatasi peran publik perempuan. Fenomena ini oleh mode produksi patriarkat yang merugikan kaum perempuan. Peran perempuan dibatasi pada tugas-tugas domestik, yaitu sekitar “sumur, dapur dan kasur”. Peran ini dianggap sebagai hal ideal bagi seorang perempuan. Walau masih berakar kuat pada sebagian masyarakat, paradigma ini mulai ditolak seiring dengan gerakan emansipasi wanita. Sebagaimana yang terjadi pada masyarakat Branta Pesisir, keterlibatan istri nelayan mereka dalam wilyah publik sudah mentradisi secara turun tenurun. Tulisan ini mengekplorasi bagaimana mereka menabrak ortodoksi dan menakar realitas dengan meretas budaya produksi patriarkat. Kata kunci: peran, relasi, suami-istri, dan patriarkatAbstract:In the family, a woman contributes her whole potencies to her husband, children, and the other family members, on the other hand, a man takes controll and limits the public role of woman. Sylvia Walby name this phenomena as patriarchal-production mode that disservice the woman. The role of woman has been measured up by domestic jobs, it goes around bathroom, cooking room, and bed room. These roles are considered ideal for woman. This paradigm is deep-rooted in certain community, however, at the present time this has been resisted by woman emansipation movement. This article is based on the study at Baranta Pasisir women and  about to explore the role of fishermen’s wives in public domain. They demonstrate how they hit orthodox beliefs and mete the reality out by taking apart  the patriarchal-cultural products. Key words:dynamics, relation, husband-wife, patriarchat
KONSTRUKSI BARU METODOLOGI STUDI HUKUM ISLAM: Perpaduan Antara Inferensi Tektual dan Historis (Sosial-Empirik-Kultural) Mulyadi, Achmad
JURNAL KARSA (Terakreditasi No. 80/DIKTI/Kep/2012) Vol 10, No 2 (2006): Model-Model Pendekatan Studi Islam

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Abstrak : Hukum Islam bisa dipahami sebagai kelanjutan logis atau produk jadi dari metodologi studi hukum Islam. Ketika hukum Islam "dianggap" tidak relevan dengan realitas empiris di masyarakat, maka yang patut dikaji adalah metodologi yang digunakan. Banyak para pemerhati hukum Islam menyatakan bahwa salah satu kelemahan mendasar dari cara berpikir dan pendekatan yang ada dalam metodologi studi hukum Islam saat ini adalah coraknya yang tekstualistik dan bersifat sui generis. Karena itu, perlu kontruksi baru metodologi studi hukum Islam sebagai pengembangan metodologi studi hukum Islam yang ada. Tulisan ini akan mengelaborasi secara detail tawaran (konstruksi) baru metodologi studi hukum Islam yang bercorak historis (sosial-empirik kulturak) dan bersifat sui generis-kum-empiris denga mengunakan pendekatan  Integralistik. Kata Kunci: Metodologi, Tekstual, Historis (Sosial-Empirik-Kultural) dan Integralistik
NUANSA: Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu Sosial dan Keagamaan Islam Vol 9, No 1 (2012)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (414.619 KB) | DOI: 10.19105/nuansa.v9i1.24


Masyarakat Sumenep Madura memiliki dan menggunakan sistem kalender dalam mengagendakan atau mengenang aktifitas kesehariannya secara unik. Pengunaan kalender tersebut biasanya dikaitkan dengan aktifitas ritualitas, yang mereka lakukan seperti ritual pernikahan, khitan, membangun bangunan (rumah, musalla, atau masjid), mengenang wafatnya seorang Kyai, rokat tase’ dan lain-lain. Karena itu, adanya pemilihan masyarakat Sumenep Madura atas kalender tersebut dikaitkan dengan ritualitas ’populer’ tertentu menjadi menarik untuk dikaji dan ditelusuri khususnya menyangkut sistem kalender yang digunakan dan perbandingannya dengan kalender hijriyah serta faktor lain yang menyebabkan masyarakat untuk selalu mengunakannya. Secara metodologis, karena penelitian ini bersifat Eksploratif-Kualitatif, maka penggalian data dalam penelitian ini diperoleh dari hasil wawancara, observasi, konsep-konsep dan dokumen-dokumen yang berhasil dihimpun baik dari kitab, buku, majalah, buletin, website dan data-data pendukung lainnya yang dianalisis secara kualitatif dan trianggulatif. secara metodologis, penentuan kalender muslim Sumenep didasarkan pada hisab ‘urfi, yang penentuannya hanya berdasarkan data tetap dengan cara menambah lima pada hari yang sudah diketahui. Kalender ritual tahunan masyarakat Sumenep, pada praktiknya, dikenal dikenal 6 bulan baik dan 6 bulan yang jelek atau semua bulan baik, hanya saja diantara bulan tersebut ada waktu baik dan ada waktu jelek. Dilihat dari segi baik-jeleknya bulan, bulan-bulan yang kategori baik adalah bulan sabel, takepe’, poasa, jumadil laher, rejjeb,dan rasol. Sedangkan bulan yang terkategori jelek adalah bulan sora, sappar, molod, jumadil lawel, rebbe dan reaje.
NUANSA: Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu Sosial dan Keagamaan Islam Vol 10, No 1 (2013)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (528.836 KB) | DOI: 10.19105/nuansa.v10i1.163


Arah kiblat menjadi salah satu syarat sahnya shalat, namun demikian syarat ini seringkali tidak dipedulikan oleh masyarakat. Pembangunan tempat ibadah (masjid) semestinya dilengkapi dengan penentuan arah kiblat, yang terbagi dalam dua cara. Pertama, mengikuti arah kiblat masjid atau musholla yang ada terlebih dahulu. Cara ini akan mengakibatkan penentuan arah kiblat yang salah apabila arah masjid dan musholla yang diikuti juga salah. Kedua, menghadap ke barat dengan asumsi bahwa arah kiblat identik dengan arah barat. Signifikansi penelitian ini secara teoritis adalah mendeskripsikan akurasi arah kiblat masjid-masjid di Kabupaten Pamekasan. Penelitian ini secara metodologis bersifat eksploratif-kualitatif, sehingga penggalian data dalam penelitian ini diperoleh dari hasil wawancara, observasi, konsep-konsep, dan dokumendokumen yang berhasil dihimpun, baik dari buku, majalah, buletin, website dan data-data pendukung lainnya yang dianalisis secara kualitatif dan triangulatif. Hasil penelitian dapat ditemukan beberapa hal sebagai berikut: pertama, data koordinat astronomis masjid-masjid ditemukan, bahwa Lintang Masjid di kabupaten Pamekasan berkisar antara 7º 05’ 03” LS sampai 7º 13’ 11” LS dan Bujur Masjid 113º 27’ 20.0” BT sampai 113º 33’ 55.0” BT. Kedua, Arah kiblat masjid-masjid di kabupaten Pamekasan berkisar antara BU: 23º 48’ 0” sampai 23º 52’ 0” UB: 66º08’ 0 ” sampai 66º12’ 0 ” UTSB:293º 48’ 0” sampai 293º52’ 0”. Hal itu menunjukkan, bahwa deviasi derajat arah kiblat masjid di kabupaten Pamekasan berkisar 3 derajat, apabila dikonversi pada jarak kilometer, akan didapatkan penyimpangan arah kiblat dari ka’bah ke masjid-masjid tersebut berkisar 452.3 kilometer.
NUANSA: Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu Sosial dan Keagamaan Islam Vol 15, No 2 (2018)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (364.884 KB) | DOI: 10.19105/nuansa.v15i2.2060


Facing the Qibla becomes one of the absolute requirements in doing prayer, except in some concequencies, first, the humans are in fear, in a forced condition and in a serious ill; second, they are praying during travelling on the vehicles. The fishermen of Bintaro Gapura Sumenep belong to a society which are often faced to the exception to face Qibla in doing their prayer. The condition while fishing and the boat used become the factors in the easinesss in doing the prayer. In the Fiqh Hisab- Rukyah perspective analysis, it is explained how to decide the position of Qibla in doing prayer in the middle of the sea. The data is collected through the steps of qualitative research. It starts from non-participant observation, unstructured interview and documentation. There are many challeges faced by the fishermen in doing the prayer, from the sea breeze and wave condition to the work in the sea which takes so much time. In the limited condition, they are rarely think about the completeness and the valid requirement of the prayer, especially the matter of facing Qibla. The majority of them think that the qibla is on the west of the direction. To adjust the compass’ accuracy of the west, they just mark off the direction of the sun’s shift and set. They do not know whether the sun ‘s position is on the south or north of the equator. The standart is based on the verification of the compass’ or remote’s west. They do the prayer based on the right time to pray by looking at the time or another natural markers.
KARSA: Journal of Social and Islamic Culture Islam, Budaya dan Perempuan
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19105/karsa.v19i2.66


Abstrak:Dalam rumah tangga,  perempuan memberikan semua pelayanan untuk suami, anak-anak, dan anggota keluarga lainnya dan di luar rumah tangga, laki-laki mengendalikan dan membatasi peran publik perempuan. Fenomena ini oleh mode produksi patriarkat yang merugikan kaum perempuan. Peran perempuan dibatasi pada tugas-tugas domestik, yaitu sekitar “sumur, dapur dan kasur”. Peran ini dianggap sebagai hal ideal bagi seorang perempuan. Walau masih berakar kuat pada sebagian masyarakat, paradigma ini mulai ditolak seiring dengan gerakan emansipasi wanita. Sebagaimana yang terjadi pada masyarakat Branta Pesisir, keterlibatan istri nelayan mereka dalam wilyah publik sudah mentradisi secara turun tenurun. Tulisan ini mengekplorasi bagaimana mereka menabrak ortodoksi dan menakar realitas dengan meretas budaya produksi patriarkat. Kata kunci: peran, relasi, suami-istri, dan patriarkatAbstract:In the family, a woman contributes her whole potencies to her husband, children, and the other family members, on the other hand, a man takes controll and limits the public role of woman. Sylvia Walby name this phenomena as patriarchal-production mode that disservice the woman. The role of woman has been measured up by domestic jobs, it goes around bathroom, cooking room, and bed room. These roles are considered ideal for woman. This paradigm is deep-rooted in certain community, however, at the present time this has been resisted by woman emansipation movement. This article is based on the study at Baranta Pasisir women and  about to explore the role of fishermen’s wives in public domain. They demonstrate how they hit orthodox beliefs and mete the reality out by taking apart  the patriarchal-cultural products. Key words:dynamics, relation, husband-wife, patriarchat
Pemikiran Al-Khawarizmi dalam Meletakkan Dasar Pengembangan Ilmu Astronomi Islam Mulyadi, Achmad
International Journal Ihya' 'Ulum al-Din Vol 20, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Walisongo Semarang, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (497.947 KB) | DOI: 10.21580/ihya.20.1.2782


The progress of Islamic civilization is inseparable from the influence of the emergence and rapid development of Islamic astronomy. Islam leads the world civilization and breaks the record as the longest-running civilization lasting more than 14 centuries. At this time, astronomical activities in the Islamic world began to develop intensively. This condition cannot be separated from the role of al-Khwarizmi who made a very valuable contribution. The construction of his thinking which was based on mathematical astronomy made him the foundation of the development of Islamic astronomy, in addition to its development of the geocentric theory of Aristotle and Ptolemy. This is the real contribution of al-Khwarizmi that is very large and fundamental in the heyday of medieval Islam which eventually became the starting point of the scientific development and subsequent Muslim astronomers to date. The emergence of various observatories and planetariums which made observations with more modern tools finally gave birth to many new theories in the study of world astronomy. This study explores al-Khwarizmi's role in the growth and development of astronomy in his time to the present.
Pemikiran Al-Khawarizmi dalam Meletakkan Dasar Pengembangan Ilmu Astronomi Islam Achmad Mulyadi
International Journal Ihya' 'Ulum al-Din Vol 20, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Walisongo Semarang, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (497.947 KB) | DOI: 10.21580/ihya.20.1.2782


The progress of Islamic civilization is inseparable from the influence of the emergence and rapid development of Islamic astronomy. Islam leads the world civilization and breaks the record as the longest-running civilization lasting more than 14 centuries. At this time, astronomical activities in the Islamic world began to develop intensively. This condition cannot be separated from the role of al-Khwarizmi who made a very valuable contribution. The construction of his thinking which was based on mathematical astronomy made him the foundation of the development of Islamic astronomy, in addition to its development of the geocentric theory of Aristotle and Ptolemy. This is the real contribution of al-Khwarizmi that is very large and fundamental in the heyday of medieval Islam which eventually became the starting point of the scientific development and subsequent Muslim astronomers to date. The emergence of various observatories and planetariums which made observations with more modern tools finally gave birth to many new theories in the study of world astronomy. This study explores al-Khwarizmi's role in the growth and development of astronomy in his time to the present.
Karsa: Journal of Social and Islamic Culture Vol. 23 No. 1 (2015): ISLAM, BUDAYA DAN PEREMPUAN
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19105/karsa.v23i1.614


This article elaborates women issues based on the text comprehension and cultural construction of follower of the Naqsyabandiyah order in Madura. From the description, it was found that women's awareness of the status and rights increased so that become more independent. Women des-perately need privileges and equal status with men, including in terms of achieving the highest spirituality. Cultural construction of this kind can be found in the Naqshbandi Muzhariyah follower in Madura. The existence of such women murshid such as Nyai Tobibah, Nyai Aisha, and Fathimah Syarifah in tarekat showed that the organizational culture is no obstacle for women to reach the highest spirituality.Copyright (c) 2015 by KARSA. All right reservedDOI: 10.19105/karsa.v23i1.614 
RELASI LAKI-LAKI DAN PEREMPUAN (Menabrak Tafsir Teks, Menakar Realitas) Achmad Mulyadi
AL-IHKAM: Jurnal Hukum & Pranata Sosial Vol. 4 No. 1 (2009)
Publisher : Faculty of Sharia IAIN Madura collaboration with The Islamic Law Researcher Association (APHI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19105/al-lhkam.v4i1.262


The term of gender has been perceived as man-womandifferentiation. The distinction is appeared due to culturalreality constructed by society. This concept is opposed to sex,which differentiate the terms of man-woman biologically.Thus, the difference in sex is a God construction, and cannotbe restudied. On the other hand, the difference in gender is asocial construction and it can be restudied (qabilun lin niqasy).Therefore, a gender concept on man-woman relation is alwaysdebatable in terms either in text study or in its reality contextin the society. This article elaborates the establishment of manwomanrelation from the text perspective, culturalconstruction and its reality today.