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Perancangan Mebel Modular Edukatif Untuk Anak Balita (Studi Kasus: Sekolah Minggu di Greja Kristen Jawi Wetan Jemaat Sukolilo Surabaya) Ervinna Ervinna; Andereas Pandu Setiawan; Poppy Firtatwentyna Nilasari
Intra Vol 6, No 2 (2018): Desain Interior 2017/2018
Publisher : Intra

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Toddlers are children who have reached the age of 1 year or under 5 years of age. Toddlers are also include children aged 1-3 years, and pre-school children (aged 3-5 years). From an early age, children should be provided with spiritual education such as the Greja Kristen Jawi Wetan Jemaat Sukolilo Surabaya’s Sunday school program, where children can establish a new social circle. The design method used in this project is design thinking method, which includes survey to the Sunday school’s location, interview with the Sunday school teachers, measure the furniture and room sizes, programming analysis, schematic design, final design, 1:10 mock model and 1:1 prototype realization. Therefore, the results of design is an educative modular furniture for toddlers with knock-down system that is beneficial for the process of Sunday school activities and able to accommodate the activities of toddlers. The modular furniture also equipped with a game area with storage to introduce  shapes and colors to the children.
Pelaksanaan Putusan Pailit Pengadilan Indonesia Terhadap Pailit yang Melintas Batas Negara Siti Nurjanah; Ervinna Ervinna
Journal of Judicial Review Vol 19 No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum, Universitas Internasional Batam

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Along with the development of technology and science, international business transactions conducted by businesses around the world more and more. However, with this increase, the issue of cross-border insolvency often found and become a global problem. To overcome this problem in every country both countries that follow civil law and common law countries adopt and enforce the principle of territoriality principle of universality. Given the importance of cross border enforcement of bankruptcy to protect the rights of creditors and provide legal certainty for the parties concerned in a cross border bankruptcy cases. This study describes clearly and accurately on the implementation of the bankruptcy decision of a foreign court against the bankrupt crossing national borders. This research is a normative juridical law by using comparative law. Data used in the form of secondary data. Data mining is done with literature (library research). After all the data is collected, the data is then processed and analyzed, the qualitative analysis was used to group the data point to the aspects studied. Furthermore, the conclusions drawn related to this research, then described descriptively. Based on this study that the state of Indonesia enacted bankruptcy decision courts of foreign countries in its own territory with the following conditions: to appeal to the judge Indonesia to execute the decision of the bankrupt country in the territory of Indonesia, performing for bankruptcy in the Commercial Court Indonesia to accept the decision handed down by Indonesian courts, Indonesia and the country has a bilateral agreement that allows both countries to resolve cross border insolvency.