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Majalah Semi Ilmiah Populer Komunikasi Massa Vol 1, No 2 (2020): Majalah Semi Ilmiah Populer Komunikasi Massa
Publisher : Majalah Semi Ilmiah Populer Komunikasi Massa

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Little John dalam bukunya mengemukakan model menunjukkan representasi simbolis dari benda, proses atau gagasan (ide). Pada level konseptual model merepresentasikan ide-ide dan proses. Jadi model bisa berbentuk gambar-gambar grafis, verbal atau matematika. Tulisan ini akan memfokuskan pada model-model dasar dalam  model komunikasi, yakni model Barnlund, Lasswell, Osgood &Schramm, Webner, Riley & Riley, ABX Newcomb, Shannon &Weaver dan DeFleur. Dari hasil pembahasan tampak komunkasi mengandung makna bersama-sama. Para ahli memberikan pendapatnya menurut sudut pandang mereka masing-masing. Tampilan model merupakan gambaran yang sistematis dan abstrack. Fungsinya untuk menerangkan potensi-potensi tertentu yang berkaitan dengan beragam aspek dari suatu proses. Uraian model menurut para ahli merupakan cara untuk menunjukkan sebuah objek yang mengandung kompleksitas proses di dalamnya dan hubungan antara unsur-unsur pendukungnya. Hal ini dijelaskan agar bisa dimengerti dan dipahami oleh para pembacanya. Sesuai dengan apa yang dikatakan oleh Little John yakni ‘in broad sense a term model can apply to any symbolic representation of thins, process or idea’ (model dapat diartikan secara luas sehingga model dapat diterapkan pada setiap representasi simbolik dari suatu benda, proses, atau ide).Kata Kunci: Model, Teori Komunikasi
Penolakan UU Cipta Kerja 2020 (Analisis Schoemacher & Reese Pemberitaan Cnnindonesia.Com) Ari Cahyo Nugroho; Syarifuddin Syarifuddin
Jurnal Komunikasi Korporasi dan Media (JASIMA) Vol. 2 No. 1 (2021)
Publisher : Program Studi Komunikasi Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Mulawarman

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (367.109 KB) | DOI: 10.30872/jasima.v2i1.24


The Omnibus Law first appeared in President Jokowi's speech during his inauguration on October 20, 2019. The omnibus law is a concept to form the main law to regulate issues previously regulated by a number of laws or one law that simultaneously revises several laws. This law is intended to streamline regulations in terms of numbers so that they are more targeted. Of course, the media are closely related to this news. The media are considered able to mediate this polemic. The media, in this situation, is needed to bring diverse ideas, especially people’s aspiration. This linkage is described in the Hierarchy of Influence Theory of Pamela J Shoemaker and Stephen D. Reese (Pamela J Shoemaker and Stephen D. Reese 1996). This theory explains the effect on the content of media coverage by internal and external influences. In connection with this writing, the existence of cyber media in Indonesia is also part of freedom of opinion, freedom of expression, and freedom of the press. One of them is the cyber media news site The news site is owned by Trans Media. provides local and international content, with a focus on general news, business, sports, technology, and entertainment. was launched on 20 October 2014 with Yusuf Arifin as editor-in-chief. This paper focuses on the relationship between Pamela J Shoemaker and Stephen D. Reese's Hierarchical Influence Theory with the reporting of Omnibus Law on The results of the analysis show that media has very little reporting on how the Omnibus Law endangers press freedom and journalistic work itself. This further confirms that online media ( does not have an agenda. Keyword: News, Schomacher and Reese Analysis