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Simulation of Social Reality Through New Media Study on Yogyakarta Students Smartphones Users (Simulasi Realitas Sosial Melalui New Media Studi pada Mahasiswa Yogyakarta Pengguna Smartphone) Yanti Dwi Astuti
Jurnal Pekommas Vol 2, No 1 (2017): April 2017

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30818/jpkm.2017.2020108


This research is tries to uncover thesimulation of social reality of social media and instant messaging application through smartphone that removed the student communication landscape become borderless in Yogyakarta. Smartphone application has creating a new space which brought a second reality for the student to communicate. Transformation phenomena from the real interaction society towards virtual society are important and interesting study further. In terms of analyzing this study uses the theory of symbolic interactionism, CMC and simulacra with descriptive qualitative method. The data came from observation, interviewing, documentation by snowball and purposive sampling techniques and Yogyakarta student as the primary source. The research result shows that social networking and instant messenger have created social reality simulation of Yogyakarta students in new media  through a sign which are the reflection of the reality. Another invention also told us that the smartphone advantages have changed the action and mindset pattern of the Yogyakarta student, they usually used it to communicating, doing study task, entertainment, online shopping business, spreading some information, posting some selected and edited pictures, downloading scientific journals, e-book, producing and spreading memes character, symbol, picture and videos that they deliberately created.Penelitian ini mengungkap simulasi realitas sosial pada aplikasi jejaring sosial dan instant messaging melalui new media yang mengubah lanskap komunikasi mahasiswa Kota Yogyakarta yang menjadi tanpa batas. Ruang buatan yang diciptakan oleh aplikasi smartphone menjadi realitas kedua bagi mahasiswa untuk berkomunikasi. Fenomena transformasi dari interaksi masyarakat nyata menuju interaksi masyarakat virtual ini penting dan menarik untuk diteliti. Penelitian ini melihat realitas virtual yang diciptakan mahasiswa melalui smartphone bersanding dengan realitas nyata yang menggunakan teori interaksionisme simbolik, CMC dan simulakra dengan pendekatan kualitatif yang berjenis deskriptif. Pengumpulan data melalui observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi dengan teknik snowball dan purposive sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jejaring sosial dan instant messaging telah membentuk simulasi realitas mahasiswa Yogyakarta di media baru melalui tanda/citraan yang merupakan refleksi dari realitas, bahkan menutupi realitas yang sebenarnya dan menciptakan simulakrum yang terkadang tidak ada hubungannya dengan realitas. Temuan lain juga mengatakan bahwa pemakaian smartphone banyak mengubah pola pikir dan tindakan mahasiswa Yogyakarta lebih untuk melakukan komunikasi, mengerjakan tugas kuliah, mencari hiburan, bisnis online shopping, menebarkan informasi, mengunggah foto, mengunduh jurnal dan e-book, memproduksi dan menyebarkan gambar-gambar meme yang lucu atau yang berkaitan dengan aktivitas tertentu dan melakukan pencitraan diri melalui simbol, gambar dan video yang sengaja mereka ciptakan.
Kecenderungan Kajian Penelitian Jurnal Komunikasi Pada Penulis APJIKI Ditinjau dari Tujuh Tradisi Komunikasi Rama Kertamukti; Yanti Dwi Astuti; Diah Ajeng Purwani; Lukman Nusa
Profetik: Jurnal Komunikasi Vol 11, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/pjk.v11i2.1481


This research tries to reveal the trends and tendency of research studies conducted by the authors published in the journal of communication science incorporated in the Association of Journal Management Science Communication Indonesia (APJIKI). The publication demands made by the academic community of Higher Education give a considerable impact on the awareness of the lecturers the importance of conducting studies, research and writing scientific papers. Communication science study progressed along with the development of communication technology. The development of this communication study coloring the writing of scientific articles in the form of research and articles in communication journals, then this research synthesizes the results of writing in scientific journals in the field of communication science contained in APJIKI (Association of Publishers Journal of Communication Science) in Indonesia by using perspective approaches seven traditions in communication namely, semiotics, phenomenology, cybernetic, psychological social, socio-cultural, critical and rhetoric. This study is using a quantitative and qualitative approach, data obtained through the dissemination of an online questionnaire and interview. The results showed that the scope of research studies for communication journals incorporated in APJIKI year 2016 more inclined on the study Public Relations (PR). While the form of communication studies that ranked first in 2016 is a study on the form of mass communication.