M Galieh Gunagama
Department Of Architecture,Universitas Islam Indonesia, Yogyakarta

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NALARs Vol 16, No 1 (2017): NALARs Vol 16 No 1 Januari 2017
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24853/nalars.16.1.43-60


ABSTRAK. Teknologi memudahkan umat manusia dalam hidup, akan tetapi, perkembangan yang terjadi juga membawa dampak negatif berupa terancamnya sejumlah profesi dengan adanya otomatisasi. Proses otomatisasi telah menggantikan porsi pekerjaan manusia dengan mesin berkecerdasan, dan tren tersebut akan semakin membesar seiring berjalannya waktu. Dalam hubungannya dengan studi eksperimental dan prediksi masa depan, dunia rancang bangun juga memiliki kemungkinan untuk diotomatisasikan dengan adanya perkembangan dalam bidang arsitektur digital, robotika, dan kecerdasan buatan. Di tengah kondisi global yang serba cepat dan penuh dinamika, dunia arsitektur perlu mempersiapkan diri dalam menghadapi perkembangan tersebut jika tidak ingin segera digantikan. Diskusi dalam paper ini mencoba untuk mengeksplorasi lebih dalam dan memprediksikan profesi arsitek pada masa depan dalam skenario terbaik dan terburuk terkait perkembangan proses otomatisasi yang semakin tidak terhindarkan. Kata kunci: Arsitektur Eksperimental, Arsitektur Digital, Teknologi, Masa DepanABSTRACT. Technology facilitates mankind in life, however, developments that occurred also had a negative impact in the form of threats to a number of professions with automatization. Automation process has replaced the portion of human work with the intelligent machine, and the trend will be growing over time. In conjunction with experimental studies and future predictions, the design and construction field also have the possibility to be automated with the development in the field of digital architecture, robotics, and artificial intelligence. Amid the global fast-paced and dynamic environment, architecture needs to be prepared in facing such developments if do not want to immediately replaced. The discussion in this paper attempts to explore deeper and predict the future of the profession in the best and worst case scenario related to the development of automation process which is increasingly unavoidable.Keyword: Experimental Architecture, Digital Architecture, Technology, Future
Seeing through Black Mirror: Future Society and Architecture M. Galieh Gunagama
Journal of Architectural Research and Design Studies Vol. 3 No. 1 (2019)
Publisher : Departement of Architecture, Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/jars.vol3.iss1.art4


Black Mirror is a series of sci-fi anthology that since it first aired in 2011, has been widely discussed because of its depiction of issues on futuristic technology and its prediction about the future society. Architecture, as a form of social expression, cannot be separated from the community that existed at a time. Through the scenario in Black Mirror, the future of architecture is discussed in this paper.This paper uses analysis of future scenarios as a basis for formulating possible community conditions. The discussion in this paper includes the state of technology and society in the future described in the series, the forms of future scenarios in its narrative, and technology that affects architectural design in the future.The issues in the Black Mirror include human impulse, sensory perception, automation, memory, and cognition. The architectural design in the future depends heavily on how humans and society behave towards technological sophistication that might occur. The diminishing physical sensation will have a significant impact on how the design is formulated.Keywords: black mirror, future of architecture, scenario analysis, technology
Meninjau dari Sightless : Indra Perasa Arsitektur M Galieh Gunagama; Aesha Mutiara Nurulhuda; Nisaaul Muflihaturrahman
LOSARI Jurnal Arsitektur, Kota dan Permukiman Vol.7 No.2, Agustus 2022
Publisher : Universitas Muslim Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33096/losari.v7i2.395


The hierarchy of the five senses, from greatest sense of sight to lowest sense of touch, is used to understand them. This is the fundamental idea—that humans almost never disregard the role that their sense of sight plays in the course of their lives. It's crucial to comprehend architectural space from a different point of view in order to later accomplish a deeper emotional approach to the user, which is also a distinctive space experience from other designs without an architectural sense. approach. A character in this Sightless 2020 study is suddenly become blind after being struck by a fan strike and is compelled to comprehend the local spatial architecture using other non-visual senses
Pariwisata Pascapandemi: Pelajaran Penting dan Prospek Pengembangan M Galieh Gunagama; Yumna Rana Naurah; Arganis Ellyza P. Prabono
LOSARI Jurnal Arsitektur, Kota dan Permukiman Vol 5 No 2 Agustus 2020
Publisher : Universitas Muslim Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33096/losari.v5i2.76


Wabah COVID-19 yang merebak pada awal tahun 2020 membawa dampak yang signifikan dalam perikehidupan umat manusia di seluruh dunia. Usaha mengurangi penyebaran penyakit berujung pembatasan mobilitas secara masif. Hal ini berimbas pada melemahnya sektor pariwisata global dengan estimasi kerugian hingga miliaran dolar. Paper ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji kembali hikmah yang dapat dipetik dari pandemi bagi bidang pariwisata; dan gagasan prospek pengembangan yang mungkin muncul setelah pandemi mereda. Studi yang dilakukan mencakup studi literatur dan diskusi pengembangan gagasan bagi diversifikasi pariwisata untuk meningkatkan resiliensi. Munculnya kekhawatiran akan tertular penyakit dari orang asing; meningkatnya kesadaran tentang kesehatan; perlu adanya dukungan bersama bagi sektor pariwisata; serta opsi-opsi pengembangan pariwisata melalui teknologi digital merupakan diskusi yang berkembang seputar pariwisata dan pandemi. Sedangkan gagasan prospek pariwisata pascapandemi berkaitan erat dengan model wisata yang dapat memecah konsentrasi massa serta peningkatan pariwisata digital dan dark tourism sebagai bagian dari strategi diversifikasi jangka menengah dan panjang.