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Pengembangan dan Kebijakan Sektor Informal Malam di Kalimantan Selatan . Misransyah; Sri Witanti
Jurnal Aplikasi Manajemen Vol 11, No 3 (2013)
Publisher : Jurusan Manajemen Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Brawijaya

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Abstract: This research aims to 1) Explain how the difference correlation between scale of business activities with development of the amount of credit has been given to Informal evening Sector. 2) Explain how the correlation of capital factor, experience, education, labor, hours of work , revolving working capital that affect on the acceptance of rupiah per month in Informal evening Sector at South Kalimantan. 3) Explain how the correlation of knowledge factors, talent and expertise that affect on the entrepreneurship on informal evening sector at South Kalimantan. This research is a descriptive research type (Descriptive Research) and the explanations research type (Explanatory Research) that conducted by Analysis Secondary Data and Primary Data. Primary data collection was conducted by the Research Methods which were analyzed using descriptive statistical analysis (tablature) and Differential (Differences Testing and double Regression) With Social Research Statistics Program Version 17.0 . (Santoso , 2009). Areas of this research carried out in South Kalimantan as many as 14 fair consists of: Banjarmasin 7 Fair, Banjarbaru 3 fair andMartapura 4 fair, with a population of 627 people in the informal evening sector at Banjarmasin, while the fair at Banjarbaru and Martapura as much as 423 people in the informal sector. Sample required as much as 150 respondents that randomly selected (purposive random sampling) and is considered representative to represent the population to be studied. This research analyzed with qualitative and quantitative is a form Description and Explanatory research on the informal evening sector in South Kalimantan. The results of this research showed, 1) Dominated by male workers who are married, have dependents, aged 20–30 years, with a high school education or equivalent and they are majority from South Kalimantan, 2) To develop and the informal evening sector policy that effective administration of the loans granted by financial institutions is the credit amount > Rp5.000.000, - thereby increasing public acceptance of the informal evening sector, the greater the amount of loans to the entrepreneur informal evening sector, then the greater acceptance will be received by the public who engaged in the informal evening sector in South Kalimantan, 3) factors working capital and labor are influence. Not Influential Factors of experience, education, labor, hours of work and the business turnover of the informal evening sector enterprises reception at South Kalimantan, 4) factors working knowledge, talent and expertise affect the entrepreneurship in informal evening sector at South Kalimantan.Keywords: informal evening sector, acceptence, working capital, labor, development, wisdom, Knowledge,talents and skills, entrepreneur
Administraus Vol. 5 No. 3 (2021): Administraus: Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi dan Manajemen
Publisher : STIA Bina Banua Banjarmasin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (288.209 KB) | DOI: 10.56662/administraus.v5i3.131


Abstract : The purpose of this study is to find out how the implementation of Kepmenpan No. 25 of 2002 is seen from the components of leadership and exemplary, discipline and work order, as well as enthusiasm and motivation at the Baramarta Regional Company, Banjar Regency. The approach used is qualitative, sources of information are explored in depth about the implementation of work culture guidelines in the company, especially the components of leadership and exemplary, discipline and work order, as well as enthusiasm and motivation. Then describe it thoroughly against the data that has been obtained, which is expected to be useful input for the development of the company in the future. Data mining tools in the form of interviews, observations and supported by documents related to the subject. Data analysis used descriptive qualitative, clearly described the research results obtained by describing the truth. The results of the study indicate that the components of leadership and exemplary are instruments that must be able to accommodate the interests of employees and management interests so that the company's wheels can run well in harmony and mutually beneficial in order to achieve company goals, it seems small and easy but without an example from the leadership then all influences , direction, correction and control from the leadership will only make employees work insincerely, just to get the salary needs alone. Work is carried out as a burden. But by example, work for employees is devotion, work is fun. Then the components of discipline and work order, in their implementation, are in line with the leadership carried out. That discipline and work order can be carried out well if leadership and example are also implemented properly. Furthermore, on the components of enthusiasm and motivation at work, there is great motivation in almost every employee who states that what they get is enough to make them motivated to work. And the great work spirit can be seen from their statements which imply a desire to continue working even though sometimes what they get is not what they want. Keywords: employees, leadership and exemplary, discipline and work order, work enthusiasm and motivation. Abstrak : Tujuan penelitian ini adalah ingin mengetahui bagaimana implementasi Kepmenpan Nomor 25 Tahun 2002 dilihat dari komponen kepemimpinan dan keteladanan, disiplin dan keteraturan kerja, serta semangat dan motivasi pada Perusahaan Daerah Baramarta Kabupaten Banjar. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah kualitatif, sumber informasi digali secara mendalam tentang pelaksanaan pedoman budaya kerja di perusahaan, terutama komponen kepemimpinan dan keteladanan, disiplin dan keteraturan kerja, serta semangat dan motivasi. Kemudian menggambarkannya secara menyeluruh terhadap data yang telah diperoleh, yang diharapkan selanjutnya bisa menjadi bahan masukan yang bermanfaat untuk perkembangan perusahaan ke depannya. Alat penggali data berupa wawancara, observasi dan didukung dokumen yang berkaitan dengan pokok bahasan. Analisis data menggunakan deskriptif kualitatif, digambarkan secara jelas hasil penelitan yang diperoleh dengan memaparkan secara sebenarnya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa komponen kepemimpinan dan keteladanan berupa instrumen yang harus bisa mengakomodasi kepentingan karyawan serta kepentingan manajemen sehingga roda perusahaan bisa berjalan dengan baik secara selaras dan saling menguntungkan dalam rangka mencapai tujuan perusahaan, sepertinya kecil dan mudah namun tanpa ada keteladanan dari pimpinan maka segala pengaruh, arahan, koreksi dan kontrol dari pimpinan hanya akan membuat karyawan berkerja dengan tidak ikhlas, hanya untuk mendapatkan kebutuhan gaji semata. Kerja dilaksanakan sebagai beban. Namun dengan keteladanan maka kerja bagi karyawan adalah pengabdian, kerja adalah sebagai kesenangan. Kemudian komponen disiplin dan keteraturan kerja, dalam pelaksanaannya yang ada sejalan dengan kepemimpinan yang dilaksanakan. Bahwa disiplin dan keteraturan kerja bisa terlaksana dengan baik jika kepemimpinan dan keteladanan juga dilaksanakan dengan baik. Selanjutnya pada komponen semangat dan motivasi dalam bekerja, motivasi yang besar hampir ada dalam setiap karyawan yang menyatakan bahwa apa yang mereka dapatkan sudah cukup untuk membuat mereka termotivasi untuk bekerja. Dan semangat kerja yang besar bisa dilihat dari pernyataan mereka yang menyiratkan keinginan untuk terus bekerja walau terkadang apa yang didapatkan tidak sesuai dengan keinginan. Kata kunci : karyawan, kepemimpinan dan keteladanan, disiplin dan keteraturan kerja, semangat dan motivasi kerja.
Pengaruh Fungsi Pelayanan Administrasi Dan Kinerja Pegawai Terhadap Peningkatan Mutu Pelayanan Publik Di Kecamatan Banjarbaru Kota sri witanti
Pahlawan Jurnal Pendidikan-Sosial-Budaya Vol 20 No 1 (2024): April 2024
Publisher : Universitas Achmad Yani Banjarmasin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.57216/pah.v20i1.755


The lack of maximum service functions provided by officials to the community has an impact on the community's lack of satisfaction with service providers. The aim of this research is to determine the influence of administrative service functions and apparatus performance on improving public services. A qualitative descriptive approach. The sample was determined as 30 people using incidental sampling technique, a data collection technique through inquiry and direct observation supported by the documentation found. Data analysis uses a percentage tabulation system to determine the level of achievement of each question item. The results of the research show that the function of administrative services and performance in Banjarbaru Kota District is less than optimal due to the low competence of officials in their work. Then, internal supervision lacks communication regarding operational activities, with a lack of disciplinary communication from the officers concerned.