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Jurnal Transportasi Vol 15, No 3 (2015)
Publisher : Jurnal Transportasi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (335.872 KB)


Abstract In modes of transportation, air transportation is the mode that is very dependent on weather conditions, either the aircraft will take off and on the cruise, weather phenomena which are beyond the control of human existence are often inserted into the factors which may be the cause of a accident. This study was conducted to determine whether the differences as a pilot mental workload in the weather phenomenon condition that occurs when operating the aircraft in terms of differences pilot age. Mental workload measurements performed using the Subjective Workload Assessment Technique (SWAT) method, this method using combine of three dimensions with their levels. The dimensions are time load, mental effort load, and psychological stress load. The results of studies showed that for overall, the level of the highest relative importance is the dimension of time, then all subjects have an agreement and assume that the time load is the most important factor in determining the level of pilot mental workload on the face weather conditions  were influential in the world of aviation, while for the most burdened condition or pilot mental workload in the highest level either for both group is when aircraft face of changing wind conditions. Keywords: mental workload, pilot age, weather condition, air transportation  Abstrak Transportasi udara merupakan moda yang sangat bergantung pada keadaan cuaca. Fenomena cuaca merupakan faktor yang dapat menjadi penyebab terjadinya suatu kecelakaan. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui perbedaan beban kerja mental seorang pilot jika dihadapkan pada fenomena cuaca yang terjadi pada saat mengoperasikan pesawat udara berdasarkan faktor usia pilot. Pengukuran beban kerja mental dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode Subjective Workload Assessment Technique. Metode ini menggunakan tiga kombinasi dimensi dengan tingkatannya. Dimensi-dimensi tersebut adalah beban waktu, beban usaha mental, dan beban tekanan psikologis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa secara keseluruhan, tingkatan kepentingan relatif yang paling tinggi adalah dimensi beban usaha waktu sehingga semua subyek mempunyai kesepakatan dan menganggap bahwa faktor beban waktu merupakan faktor yang paling penting dalam menentukan tingkat beban kerja mental pilot pada saat menghadapi kondisi cuaca. Sedangkan beban kerja mental pilot berada pada level tertinggi pada saat pesawat udara menghadapi perubahan kondisi angin. Kata-kata kunci: beban kerja mental, usia pilot, kondisi cuaca, transportasi udara
Jurnal Transportasi Vol 12, No 3 (2012)
Publisher : Jurnal Transportasi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (408.657 KB)


One of the main causes of traffic accidents are noncompliance motorists, which include driving at high speed regardless of traffic signs indicating motor vehicle speed limit. This study discusses and evaluates the road characteristics and speed of road users, especially motor vehicles and the performance of the speed limit signs on Kapten Haryadi street, and the perception of road users for non-compliance with the signs in place. The method used is direct field surveys such as traffic survey, the survey speed with a local method using a Speed Gun, and a survey using a questionnaire. The results show that the total flow (Q) is 1771.2 pcu/hr, free flow velocity (FV) is 58,65 km/hr, road segment capacity (C) is 2883 smp/hr, and the degree of saturation is 0.614. Furthermore. It is shown that many violations of the speed limit signs occur in in Kapten Haryadi road segmen.Keywords: speed limit, traffic accidents, traffic violation.
Jurnal Teknik Sipil Vol 13, No 3 (2015)
Publisher : Program Studi Teknik Sipil Fakultas Teknik Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (158.212 KB) | DOI: 10.24002/jts.v13i3.874


Abstrak: Peristiwa kecelakaan pesawat terbang dapat terjadi pada tahap pengoperasian pesawat terbang, diawali sejak taxi, tinggal landas (take off), menanjak (climb), penerbangan jelajah (cruise), dan tahap pendaratan yang dimulai dari descent, awal pendaratan (approach) kemudian menyentuh landasan (touch down) sampai pesawat terbang berhenti di apron Bandar udara tujuan pendaratan. Penelitian dilakukan untuk mengetahui seperti apakah perbedaan beban kerja mental seorang pilot pada saat melaksanakan tahapan fase terbang (phase of flights). Pengukuran beban kerja mental dilakukan menggunakan metode Subjective Workload Assessment Technique (SWAT), metode ini menggunakan tiga kombinasi dari tiga dimensi dengan tingkatannya. Dimensi tersebut adalah beban waktu (time), beban usaha mental (effort), dan beban tekanan psikologis (stress). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan secara keseluruhan, tingkatan kepentingan relatif yang paling tinggi adalah dimensi beban usaha waktu (time), maka semua subyek mempunyai kesepakatan dan menganggap bahwa faktor beban waktu (time) merupakan faktor yang paling penting dalam menentukan tingkatan  beban kerja mental pilot, sedangkan untuk kondisi yang paling terbebani atau beban kerja mental pilot akan meningkat (level tertinggi) apabila pilot dihadapkan pada saat pesawat akan melakukan prosedur pendaratan (landing).
ANALISIS KAPASITAS JALUR DAN KECELAKAAN KERETA API Malkamah, Siti; Muthohar, Imam; Murwono, Djoko; Wiarco, Yuwono
Prosiding Forum Studi Transportasi Antar Perguruan Tinggi Vol 2 No 2 (2015): Prosiding Forum Studi Transportasi antar Perguruan Tinggi
Publisher : FSTPT Indonesia

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Train is an efficient public transportation that need to be developed. Currently, the development of railway infrastructures is already showing some improvements. One of them is the completion of Jakarta-Surabaya double track. With the construction of the double track, the railway capacity increased. However, research on the railway capacity in Indonesia is still limited. There was still inefficiency in using the railway capacity by the operator. This research aims to investigate the factors that affect the capacity and the relationship between railway capacities and train accidents. The data required were obtained from PT Kereta Api (Persero) and  the Ministry of Transportation and from site visits. The data were then abstracted and analysed. It was found that there was a decrease in the number of accidents in 2010 - 2014, with a variety of causes such as: infrastructure, facilities, human and external factors. The construction of a doubl-track railway had contributed to the decline of the accidents. This is due to the construction of a double track increased the railway capacity. It resulted in the loss of intersection or crossing points. Those crossing points were the critical points of the accidents. The declining of forwarding of train travel increased speed and travel time. The increase of capacity and safety  finally improved the train services for both passengers and goods.
Jurnal Transportasi Vol 15, No 3 (2015)
Publisher : Jurnal Transportasi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (335.872 KB) | DOI: 10.26593/jt.v15i3.1752.%p


Abstract In modes of transportation, air transportation is the mode that is very dependent on weather conditions, either the aircraft will take off and on the cruise, weather phenomena which are beyond the control of human existence are often inserted into the factors which may be the cause of a accident. This study was conducted to determine whether the differences as a pilot mental workload in the weather phenomenon condition that occurs when operating the aircraft in terms of differences pilot age. Mental workload measurements performed using the Subjective Workload Assessment Technique (SWAT) method, this method using combine of three dimensions with their levels. The dimensions are time load, mental effort load, and psychological stress load. The results of studies showed that for overall, the level of the highest relative importance is the dimension of time, then all subjects have an agreement and assume that the time load is the most important factor in determining the level of pilot mental workload on the face weather conditions  were influential in the world of aviation, while for the most burdened condition or pilot mental workload in the highest level either for both group is when aircraft face of changing wind conditions. Keywords: mental workload, pilot age, weather condition, air transportation  Abstrak Transportasi udara merupakan moda yang sangat bergantung pada keadaan cuaca. Fenomena cuaca merupakan faktor yang dapat menjadi penyebab terjadinya suatu kecelakaan. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui perbedaan beban kerja mental seorang pilot jika dihadapkan pada fenomena cuaca yang terjadi pada saat mengoperasikan pesawat udara berdasarkan faktor usia pilot. Pengukuran beban kerja mental dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode Subjective Workload Assessment Technique. Metode ini menggunakan tiga kombinasi dimensi dengan tingkatannya. Dimensi-dimensi tersebut adalah beban waktu, beban usaha mental, dan beban tekanan psikologis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa secara keseluruhan, tingkatan kepentingan relatif yang paling tinggi adalah dimensi beban usaha waktu sehingga semua subyek mempunyai kesepakatan dan menganggap bahwa faktor beban waktu merupakan faktor yang paling penting dalam menentukan tingkat beban kerja mental pilot pada saat menghadapi kondisi cuaca. Sedangkan beban kerja mental pilot berada pada level tertinggi pada saat pesawat udara menghadapi perubahan kondisi angin. Kata-kata kunci: beban kerja mental, usia pilot, kondisi cuaca, transportasi udara
Jurnal Transportasi Vol 12, No 3 (2012)
Publisher : Jurnal Transportasi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (408.657 KB) | DOI: 10.26593/jt.v12i3.505.%p


One of the main causes of traffic accidents are noncompliance motorists, which include driving at high speed regardless of traffic signs indicating motor vehicle speed limit. This study discusses and evaluates the road characteristics and speed of road users, especially motor vehicles and the performance of the speed limit signs on Kapten Haryadi street, and the perception of road users for non-compliance with the signs in place. The method used is direct field surveys such as traffic survey, the survey speed with a local method using a Speed Gun, and a survey using a questionnaire. The results show that the total flow (Q) is 1771.2 pcu/hr, free flow velocity (FV) is 58,65 km/hr, road segment capacity (C) is 2883 smp/hr, and the degree of saturation is 0.614. Furthermore. It is shown that many violations of the speed limit signs occur in in Kapten Haryadi road segmen.Keywords: speed limit, traffic accidents, traffic violation.
KONSEP PEMODELAN TRANSPORTASI UNTUK EVAKUASI BENCANA ., Hardiansyah; Muthohar, Imam; Priyanto, Sigit; Suparma, Latief Budi
Jurnal Transportasi Vol 16, No 3 (2016)
Publisher : Jurnal Transportasi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (288.421 KB) | DOI: 10.26593/jt.v16i3.2573.%p


Abstract The increase of incidence of natural disasters over the past two decades, spawned many ideas about disaster risk reduction impacts both in terms of social and engineering, including in the field of transport evacuation. The rules of scientific developments in the field of transport modeling evacuation typically rely on natural disasters as well as the movement of traffic during the evacuation process. Concept model of transportation for evacuation is divided in two parts, the first focusing on the performance of the road network and the second on the behavior of individual refugees. Based model of transportation refugee behavior has the advantage that individual refugee can be added capabilities and knowledge of the evacuation; only in this concept study is very limited area coverage. Then the concept of performance based transportation model has the advantage of the road network can capture the phenomenon of the movement of traffic as a result of the evacuation on a large scale, in which the main results of simulation in the form of evacuation time and the identification of network vulnerability, only this model require accuracy in data collection, analysis and calibration process. The application of the concept of performance-based model of the road network in the case of disaster evacuation in Indonesia is very applicable at the level set evacuation routes, where the system optimized and user optimized is part of the scenario modeling to optimize its performance. Keywords: model of transportation, disasters, evacuation, network, refugees  Abstrak Peningkatan kejadian bencana alam selama dua dasawarsa terakhir melahirkan banyak gagasan mengenai pengurangan dampak risiko kebencanaan baik dari sisi sosial maupun teknis, termasuk pada bidang transportasi evakuasi. Perkembangan kaidah keilmuan dalam bidang pemodelan transportasi evakuasi bergantung pada tipikal bencana alam serta pergerakan lalulintas saat proses evakuasi. Konsep model transportasi untuk evakuasi dibagi dua bagian, pertama fokus pada kinerja jaringan jalan dan kedua pada perilaku individu pengungsi. Model transportasi berbasis perilaku pengungsi memiliki keuntungan, yaitu individu pengungsi dapat ditambahkan kemampuan dan pengetahuan akan evakuasi, hanya pada konsep ini cakupan wilayah kajiannya sangat terbatas (mikro). Kemudian konsep model transportasi berbasis kinerja jaringan jalan memiliki keuntungan dapat menangkap fenomena pergerakan lalulintas akibat proses evakuasi dalam skala besar, di mana hasil utama simulasi berupa waktu evakuasi dan identifikasi jalur padat, hanya saja model ini memerlukan kecermatan dalam pengumpulan data, proses analisis, dan kalibrasinya. Adapun penerapan konsep model berbasis kinerja jaringan jalan untuk kasus evakuasi bencana di Indonesia sangat aplikatif pada tataran menetapkan rute evakuasi, di mana system optimized dan user optimized merupakan bagian dari skenario pemodelan untuk mengoptimalkan kinerjanya. Kata kunci: model transportasi, bencana, evakuasi, jaringan, pengungsi
THE RELATIONSHIP OF SAFETY AND COMPONENTS OF TOLL ROADS SERVICE Situmorang, Daniel; Mulyono, Agus Taufik; Muthohar, Imam; Chang, Iljoon
Jurnal HPJI Vol 3, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Jurnal HPJI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26593/.v3i1.2442.%p


Abstract Indonesia uses Minimum Service Standard to provide the good service on toll road while Korea uses Level of Service and Information Technology System to measure the service on toll road. With a different implementation of service on a toll road, there is a different result on safety. This study shows exactly which component has a big effect to influence the road safety based on Korean and Indonesian experts, and shows the weight of those components in affecting the road safety. This study uses descriptive-quantitative method with questionnaire data collection techniques. An analysis was performed using the Structural Equation Modeling method. The result shows that the contribution of toll road service based on Korean expert data (24.1%) is larger compared to that of Indonesian expert data (21.4%) in improving the road safety. The most important component of toll road service to improve the road safety based on Korean expert data is toll road condition (90.8%), and the second is safety tools (85.6%). On the other hand, the most important component of toll road service to improve the road safety based on Indonesian expert data is safety tools (74.2%), and the second is toll road condition (54%). Based on both results, the component which has the biggest effect on the road safety is human factor and the second is the road. Keywords: toll road service, road safety, Structural Equation Modeling, human factor  Abstrak Indonesia menggunakan Standar Pelayanan Minimal untuk memberikan pelayanan yang baik di jalan tol sedangkan Korea menggunakan Tingkat Layanan dan Information Technology System untuk mengukur layanan di jalan tol. Dengan implementasi layanan yang berbeda, terdapat hasil yang berbeda pada keselamatan di jalan tol. Penelitian ini menunjukkan secara tepat komponen yang memiliki pengaruh besar untuk mempengaruhi keselamatan jalan berdasarkan tenaga ahli Korea dan tenaga ahli Indonesia, serta menunjukkan bobot komponen yang mempengaruhi keselamatan jalan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif- kuantitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan kuesioner data. Analisis dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode Structural Equation Modeling. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa kontribusi layanan jalan tol berdasarkan data tenaga ahli Korea (24,1%) lebih besar dibandingkan dengan data tenaga ahli Indonesia (21,4%) dalam meningkatkan keselamatan di jalan. Komponen yang paling penting dari layanan jalan tol untuk meningkatkan keselamatan di jalan berdasarkan data tenaga ahli Korea kondisi jalan tol (90,8%), dan yang kedua adalah alat pengaman (85,6%). Di sisi lain, komponen yang paling penting dari layanan jalan tol untuk meningkatkan keselamatan di jalan berdasarkan data tenaga ahli Indonesia adalah alat pengaman (74,2%), dan yang kedua adalah kondisi jalan tol (54%). Berdasarkan kedua hasil tersebut, komponen terbesar yang memiliki pengaruh pada keselamatan jalan adalah faktor manusia dan yang kedua adalah jalan. Kata-kata kunci: pelayanan jalan tol, keselamatan jalan, Structural Equation Modeling, faktor manusia
Jurnal HPJI Vol 3, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Jurnal HPJI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26593/.v3i1.2438.%p


Abstract Evaluation of land requirement for the national roads is needed because of issues related to land acquisition and compensation price. The purposes of this study are: (1) Identifying the characteristics of national roads in Lombok Island; (2) Analyzing graphics information for the distribution of the land requirement of national roads in Lombok Island; and (3) Providing policy recommendations for the planning of widening national road in Lombok Island. The research methods are based on geographic information system with analysis overlay, buffer, and geoprocessing. The result showed that the characteristics of the national roads in Lombok Island have not met requirement based on regulations. The largest land requirement for determined right of way are located in North Lombok and the smallest portion are located in West Lombok. Recommendations for national road planning need to consider regulations and policies, land acquisition, planning priorities, physical limitations, landuse, and spatial planning. Keywords: land requirement, national road, landuse, spatial planning  Abstrak Evaluasi kebutuhan lahan untuk jalan nasional diperlukan karena adanya masalah yang berkaitan dengan pembebasan lahan dan harga ganti rugi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk: (1) Mengidentifikasi karakteristik jalan nasional di Pulau Lombok; (2) Menganalisis informasi grafis untuk distribusi kebutuhan lahan bagi jalan nasional di Pulau Lombok; dan (3) Memberikan rekomendasi kebijakan untuk perencanaan pelebaran jalan nasional di Pulau Lombok. Metode penelitian didasarkan pada sistem informasi geografis dengan analysis overlay, penyangga, dan geoprocessing. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa karakteristik jalan nasional di Pulau Lombok belum memenuhi persyaratan berdasarkan peraturan. Kebutuhan lahan terbesar untuk ruang milik jalan terletak di Lombok Utara dan bagian terkecil yang terletak di Lombok Barat. Rekomendasi untuk perencanaan jalan nasional perlu mempertimbangkan peraturan dan kebijakan, pembebasan lahan, prioritas perencanaan, keterbatasan fisik, penggunaan lahan, dan perencanaan tata ruang. Kata-kata kunci: kebutuhan lahan, jalan nasional, penggunaan lahan, perencanaan tata ruang
Jurnal HPJI Vol 4, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Jurnal HPJI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26593/.v4i2.3026.%p


Abstract Pavement quality can be maintained by assessing its performance both structurally and functionally. This study aims on knowing pavement functional performance in Indonesia focus on flexible pavement road, develop the utilization of provided data in various assessment methods and give reasonable recommendation on current Indonesia practice. The method covers pavement performance analysis uses the combination of International Roughness Index and Surface Distress Index, and try the implementation of other method such as Present Serviceability Index, Pavement Condition Rating, as well as generating Remaining Service Life. The results reveal that Present Serviceability Index gives lower performance thus generate earlier warning toward road maintenance compared to International Roughness Index and Surface Distress Index. On the contrary, Pavement Condition Rating gives higher performance caused by limited data which leaded from discrepancy in distress record. Remaining Service Life results are vary depending either on loads or pavement deflection. Keywords: flexible pavement, pavement performance, road maintenance, pavement deflection  Abstrak Kualitas perkerasan jalan dapat dipelihara secara rutin dengan menilai kinerjanya, secara struktural maupun fungsional. Penilitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kinerja fungsional perkerasan lentur di ruas jalan nasional Indonesia, mengembangkan pemanfaatan data survei yang tersedia dalam berbagai metode penilaian, dan memberikan rekomendasi pada perbaikan sistem yang berlaku saat ini. Metode yang dibahas dalam studi ini meliputi analisis kinerja perkerasan dengan metode gabungan International Roughness Index and Surface Distress Index, kemudian mencoba metode lain seperti metode Present Serviceability Index dan Pavement Condition Rating, serta Remaining Service Life. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa penilaian kinerja dengan metode Present Serviceability Index memberikan hasil kinerja yang lebih rendah, sehingga memberikan peringatan lebih awal untuk perbaikan jalan dibandingkan dengan metode kombinasi International Roughness Index and Surface Distress Index. Sebaliknya, metode Pavement Condition Rating memberikan hasil kinerja yang lebih baik, yang disebabkan oleh keterbatasan data kerusakan jalan yang dapat mempengaruhi keandalan hasil analisis. Metode Remaining Service Life memberi hasil yang bervariasi bergantung pada beban dan lendutan perkerasan. Kata-kata kunci: perkerasan lentur, kinerja perkerasan, pemeliharaan jalan, lendutan perkerasan