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Diskursus Teori Tentang Peran Perempuan dalam Konflik Agraria Sartika Intaning Pradhani
BHUMI: Jurnal Agraria dan Pertanahan Vol. 5 No. 1 (2019): Bhumi: Jurnal Agraria dan Pertanahan
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, Sekolah Tinggi Pertanahan Nasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31292/jb.v5i1.320


Abstract: Law, instead as the basis of national agrarian management, also as sources of agrarian conflict because of conflicted regulations. Many academic papers on agrarian conflicts have described the conflicts, as well as women’s narrative regarding the conflicts. This article explore the theoretical discourse during agrarian conflict to analyze women’s role on that case. This paper is written based on secondary data gathered from juridical normative research with analytical descriptive type. The research found that main legal theoretical discourses presented mostly in on agrarian conflicts literatures are legal positivism, politics of law, legal reality, natural law, sociological jurisprudence, legal pluralism, local wisdom, and eco-feminism. The role of women during agrarian conflicts is explained using eco-feminism theory, particularly as agent of change who actively fight for non-exploitative agrarian management based on their experience.Key words: women, agrarian conflict, eco-feminism.Intisari: Hukum, selain sebagai dasar penyelenggaraan agraria nasional juga menjadi sumber konflik agraria karena pengaturan yang tumpang tindih. Tulisan-tulisan akademik tentang konflik agraria tidak hanya menjelaskan tentang konflik yang berlangsung, tetapi juga menuliskan narasi perempuan dalam konflik tersebut. Tulisan ini menggali wacana-wacana teori yang muncul dalam konflik agraria untuk menganalisis peran perempuan dalam konflik agraria. Data sekunder dalam tulisan ini diperoleh dari penelitian yuridis normatif yang bersifat deskriptif analitis. Wacana-wacana teori yang muncul dalam konflik agraria adalah teori hukum positif, teori politik hukum, teori realitas hukum, teori hukum alam, sociological jurisprudence, pluralisme hukum, teori kearifan lokal, dan teori ekofeminisme. Teori yang menjelaskan peran perempuan dalam konflik agraria adalah teori ekofeminisme. Peran perempuan dalam konflik agraria adalah sebagai agen perubahan yang berperan secara aktif memperjuangkan pengelolaan agraria non-eksploitatif berdasarkan pengalaman masing-masing perempuan.Kata kunci: perempuan, konflik agraria, ekofeminisme.
Traditional Rights of Indigenous People in Indonesia: Legal Recognition and Court Interpretation Sartika Intaning Pradhani
Jambe Law Journal Vol 1 No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Jambi University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (184.432 KB) | DOI: 10.22437/jlj.1.2.177-205


Indigenous peoples are victims of agrarian conflict, but their existence are not recognized by Indonesia. Indonesia recognizes Adat Law Community, distinct community living in Indonesia according to their Adat Law, and their traditional right. This paper is written based on legal normative research to analyze right of Adat Law Community towards their land and territory; and rule of the court regarding right of Adat Law Community. Adat Law Community has strong relation with their land and territory, namely Ulayat Right which guaranteed in Constitution and regulated in various law and regulation, especially regarding natural resources. Recognition towards Ulayat Right held by Adat Law Community through regional law product is declaratory because it only confirms the exiting right. Court has prominent role to enforce right of Adat Law Community. Constitutional Court has revoked several provisions in law which neglect Ulayat Right of Adat Law Community, such as Adat Forest which defined as state forest located in Adat Law Community’s territory; and Right of Coastal Water which limits Ulayat Right of Adat Law Community to access natural resources in coastal area and small islands. Though Constitutional Court has strengthen right of Adat Law Community, this community still face difficulties to claim their right towards land and territory against government and investor before District Court, High Court, and Supreme Court because those Court more focus on formal legal certainty of Adat Law Community’s authorization towards their land and territory than factual authorization as narrated by the community.
Mimbar Hukum - Fakultas Hukum Universitas Gadjah Mada Vol 31, No. 2 (2019)
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (467.189 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/jmh.34032


AbstractThe existence of adat law community has been recognized since Dutch Colonial Era until today. State recognitions towards adat law community are dynamics. This paper is written based on legal normative research to describe dynamics of adat law community recognition. In the early of Indonesia independent, adat law community was considered as foundation of Indonesia nation state establishment. Since 1957 and during New Order era, there was systematic effort to abolish adat law communities because adat law was perceived as symbol of backwardness. After the amendment of the Constitution, adat law community and their traditional rights are recognized by law and enforced through court decision. Adat law community can determine their type of recognition to strengthen their legal capacity to manage Adat Forest; to organize Adat Village; or to hold communal land rights.  IntisariEksistensi masyarakat hukum adat telah diakui sejak zaman Pemerintahan Kolonial Belanda hingga hari ini. Pengakuan negara terhadap masyarakat hukum adat bersifat dinamis. Tulisan ini ditulis berdasarkan penelitian hukum normatif untuk mendeskripsikan dinamika pengakuan masyarakat hukum adat. Pada awal kemerdekaan Indonesia, masyarakat hukum adat merupakan dasar terbentuknya negara bangsa Indonesia. Sejak tahun 1957 dan selama periode Order Baru, ada upaya sistematis untuk menghapuskan masyarakat hukum adat karena hukum adat dianggap sebagai simbol keterbelakangan. Pasca amandemen konstitusi, masyarakat hukum adat dan hak tradisionalnya diakui melalui hukum dan ditegakkan oleh pengadilan. Masyarakat hukum adat dapat menentukan jenis pengakuan yang dapat menguatkan kapasitas hukum mereka dalam mengelola hutan adat; mengorganisasi Desa Adat; atau dalam menyandang hak komunal atas tanah.  AbstractAbstractThe existence of adat law community has been recognized since Dutch Colonial Era until today. State recognitions towards adat law community are dynamics. This paper is written based on legal normative research to describe dynamics of adat law community recognition. In the early of Indonesia independent, adat law community was considered as foundation of Indonesia nation state establishment. Since 1957 and during New Order era, there was systematic effort to abolish adat lawcommunities because adat law was perceived as symbol of backwardness. After the amendment of the Constitution, adat law community and their traditional rights are recognized by law and enforced through court decision. Adat law community can determine their type of recognition to strengthen their legal capacity to manage Adat Forest; to organize Adat Village; or to hold communal land rights.  
Pemikiran Hukum Adat Djojodigoeno dan Relevansinya Kini Sulastriyono Sulastriyono; Sartika Intaning Pradhani
Mimbar Hukum - Fakultas Hukum Universitas Gadjah Mada Vol 30, No 3 (2018)
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (409.517 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/jmh.36956


AbstractDjojodigoeno Adat legal thought is started from awareness that the nature of adat law is law. Adat law is the contrary of written law and it is a legal reality. Adat law as original law of Indonesia is the material of Indonesia national law formulation. Sociology and ethnography empirical legal research are tools to find adat law from its source of law. The purpose of adat law finding is to construct Indonesia state law which reflects national identity according to Indonesia socialism. In this current situation, adat law study gives more attention to rights of indigenous peoples and adoption of adat law in legislation; therefore, it is far from Djojodigoeno’s expectation. IntisariPemikiran hukum adat Djojodigoeno berangkat dari kesadaran bahwa hakikat hukum adat adalah hukum. Hukum adat adalah lawan dari hukum tertulis dan merupakan realitas hukum. Hukum adat sebagai hukum asli Indonesia menjadi material bagi terbentuknya hukum nasional Indonesia. Penelitian hukum lapangan pada sumber hukum adat secara sosiologi dan etnografi adalah cara untuk menemukan hukum adat. Tujuan dari penemuan hukum adat adalah untuk membentuk hukum negara Indonesia yang mencerminkan kepribadian nasional berdasarkan sosialisme Indonesia. Saat ini kajian hukum adat fokus pada hak-hak masyarakat hukum adat dan adopsi hukum adat dalam peraturan; sehingga semakin jauh dari harapan Djojodigoeno.