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Jurnal KALAM Vol 28, No 2 (2013): Vol 28, No 2 Agustus - September 2013
Publisher : Jurnal KALAM

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                                   AbstrakGairah terhadap spiritualitas menarik untuk dicermati karena jika mengikuti logika positivistik August Comte, se-makin modern sebuah masyarakat maka agama seharusnya semakin ditinggalkan. Namun realitas justru se-baliknya. Dalam kompleksitas kehidupan modem, masya-rakat justru semakin haus terhadap nilai-nilai spiritualitas. Fenomena inilah yang oleh Harvey Cox disebut sebagai turning east. Dunia Timur, dalam perspektif Barat, merupakan wilayah yang kaya nilai-nilai spiritualitas. Sehingga merupakan hal yang wajar manakala kehausan spiritualitas ini dipenuhi dengan beragam upaya untuk mengambil hikmah dan nilai-nilai spiritualitas keberagama-an dari dunia Timur.  Passion for spirituality interesting to observe because if join to posivistic logic August Comte, the more modern a society should be increasingly all that remains. But the reality precisely other way. The complexity of modern life. The community is increasingly thirsty of value spirituality. Phenomenon is that by Harvey Cox called turning east. Eastern world in western perspective, is a region rich spirituality, then is a nature thing when the thrist for spirituality is filled with a variety of efforts to take the wishdom and spirituality religious values of the eastern world. Kata Kunci    : Spiritualitas, Pencarian Tuhan
Publisher : LP2M UIN Walisongo Semarang

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This study discussed about the role of Aswaja lesson in the efforts of deradicalization.Radicalization had been more and more evolved since after the fallof New Order. Reformation Era opened wide varieties of expression, includedreligious expression. The development of radicalization led to widespread ofsocial unrest. Responses appeared, included using the counter-ideology. Aswajawas believed as being able to prevent the proliferation of radicalization. The datapresented in this article was derived from observation, interview and review ofthe literature related to the topic of writing. The argument developed in this paperis that the reconstruction and actualization of the values contained in Aswajamight be personally internalized firmly. An important strategy that might beapplyed to disseminate and internalize Aswaja is through education. In theschools in which applying Aswaja lesson, students had the opportunity to have amoderate religious understanding and avoid radicalization.***Penelitian ini mengulas tentang peranan pelajaran Aswaja dalam usaha deradikalisasi.Radikalisasi semakin berkembang pasca jatuhnya Orde Baru. EraReformasi membuka lebar berbagai bentuk ekspresi, termasuk ekspresi keberagamaan.Semakin berkembangnya radikalisasi memunculkan keresahan masyarakatsecara luas. Berbagai respons pun muncul, di antaranya melalui counterideologi.Aswaja diyakini dapat mencegah tumbuh suburnya radikalisasi. Datayang disajikan dalam artikel ini berasal dari observasi, wawancara dan telaahliteratur yang berkaitan dengan topik tulisan. Argumen yang dibangun dalamtulisan ini adalah rekonstruksi dan aktualisasi nilai-nilai yang terkandung didalam Aswaja dapat terinternalisasi secara kokoh dalam diri seseorang. Strategipenting yang dapat ditempuh untuk sosialisasi dan internalisasi Aswaja adalahmelalui jalur pendidikan. Di sekolah-sekolah yang mengaplikasi mata pelajaranAswaja, para siswanya memiliki peluang untuk memiliki pemahaman keagamaanyang moderat dan terhindar dari arus radikalisasi.
El-HARAKAH (TERAKREDITASI) el-Harakah (Vol 12, No 1
Publisher : UIN Maliki Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18860/el.v0i0.443


Spiritualism is an inseparable part of human existence. The reduction of this dimension will effect negatively for human existence. This causes the emergence of new phenomenon, or even culture, in the life of modern society. The phenomenon is the increase of their interest in spiritualism. Even though, spiritualism in this context is not always identical with religion. Even, this phenomenon cannot be separated from capitalism. Therefore, the spiritualism that develops recently has various forms, that is, (1) Spiritualism Secularization, (2) Spiritualism Immanence, (3) Spiritualism Libidinalisation, (4) Schizo-spiritualism, (5) Hybridspiritualism, and (6) Techno-spiritualism. Furthermore, there is also another expression of spiritualism, that is, the emergence of new religion or quasi-religion movement. The emergence of this movement is influenced by the effort to release from religious countercultures. Other manifestation of this spiritualism is in the form of fundamentalism movement. In extreme point, this movement can be seen from the emergence of extreme cult, such as those that teach tragic way of death.
ISLAM DAN PANCASILA: Rekonstruksi Pemikiran Nurcholish Madjid Naim, Ngainun
Epistemé: Jurnal Pengembangan Ilmu Keislaman Vol 10, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : IAIN Tulungagung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21274/epis.2015.10.2.435-456


Rekonstruksi Pancasila dari pemikiran cendekiawan Muslim Nurcholish Madjid memiliki peran penting terhadap penguatan ideologi Pancasila. Pancasila sebagai ideologi negara telah mengalami kemunduran pemahaman dan peran aplikatif dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Munculnya berbagai persoalan sosial kebangsaan membutuhkan perhatian serius dan penanganan yang melibatkan semua pihak. Salah satu bentuk kontribusi yang dapat dilakukan adalah kontribusi pemikiran dengan merekonstruksi nilai-nilai Pancasila dari pemikiran Nurcholish Madjid. Data yang disajikan berasal dari telaah pustaka dan penelusuran literatur dari berbagai sumber yang relevan. Di samping itu, metode analisis kritis dilakukan untuk mengkaji dan merekonstruksi pemikiran-pemikiran Nurcholish Madjid yang telah terpetakan. Argumen yang hendak dibangun adalah rekonstruksi nilai-nilai Pancasila merupakan sarana penting untuk penguatan ideologi Pancasila. Selain itu, pemikiran-pemikiran Pancasila Nurcholish Madjid memiliki relevansi untuk dikembangkan dan disosialisasikan dalam kerangka penguatan ideologi Pancasila. Pancasila reconstruction of Nurcholish Madjid thought has an important role to strengthen the ideology of Pancasila. As the state ideology, Pancasila has suffered a setback understanding and applicative role in daily life. The emergence of various nationalities social issues require serious attention and handling that involves all parties. One form of the contribution that can be done is contribute ideas to reconstruct the values of Pancasila from Nurcholish Madjid thought. The data presented comes from the literature search and review of the literature from a variety of relevant sources. In addition, the method of critical analysis conducted to assess and reconstruct the thoughts that have been mapped Nurcholish Madjid. The argument that will be built is the reconstruction of the values of Pancasila is an important means for strengthening the ideology of Pancasila. Moreover, the ideas of Pancasila Nurcholish Madjid has relevance for developed and disseminated within the framework of the strengthening of the ideology of Pancasila.
Abdurrahman Wahid: Universalisme Islam dan Toleransi Naim, Ngainun
KALAM Vol 10, No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (348.951 KB) | DOI: 10.24042/klm.v10i2.8


Artikel ini membahas pemikiran Abdurrahman Wahid tentang universalisme Islam dan toleransi. Pemikiran tentang universalisme Islam dan toleransi penting dibahas di tengah menguatnya gerakan Islam radikal di Indonesia. Eksistensi dan aksi kelompok Islam radikal membahayakan terhadap keharmonisan masyarakat Indonesia yang multikultural. Hal ini disebabkan karena cara pandang mereka yang monolitik dan sikap mereka yang intoleran. Respon kreatif dan konstruktif penting dilakukan untuk membendung laju pertumbuhan Islam radikal. Pada perspektif ini, pemikiran Abdurrahman Wahid menemukan relevansinya untuk diangkat dan direkonstruksi. Data untuk penulisan artikel ini adalah buku, jurnal, dan sumber-sumber tulisan lain yang relevan. Data-data yang ada kemudian dianalisis sesuai dengan topik tulisan. Tulisan ini menemukan bahwa pemikiran Abdurrahman Wahid tentang universalisme Islam berkontribusi terhadap terbangunnya toleransi dalam masyarakat Indonesia yang multikultural. Rekonstruksi pemikiran Abdurrahman Wahid ini penting dilakukan sebagai ikhtiar kreatif menghadirkan Islam yang ramah.
KALAM Vol 7, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24042/klm.v7i2.457


Menurut August Comte, semakin modern sebuah masyarakat maka agama seharusnya semakin ditinggalkan. Namun realitas justru sebaliknya, dalam kompleksitas kehidupan modern, masyarakat justru semakin haus terhadap nilai-nilai spiritualitas. Fenomena inilah yang oleh Harvey Cox disebut sebagai turning east. Tulisan ini mengkritisi dinamika kebangkitan spiritualitas yang sedemikian pesat. Spiritualitas ternyata tidak harus selalu berkaitan dengan Tuhan. Pada spirirualitas dengan model semacam ini, spiritualitas hanya berfungsi sebagai pelarian psikologis, obsesi, dan kebutuhan ruhaniah sesaat. Maka yang muncul adalah usaha untuk menjadikan spiritualitas bukan sebagai bagian integral dari kehidupan, tetapi sekedar pemuasan rasa ingin tahu, dan sebagai terapi atas beragam persoalan hidup yang kian rumit. Pada kondisi semacam ini, esensi dan hakekat spiritualitas bukan lagi menjadi persoalan yang penting. Bagi para konsumen spiritualitas ini, hal yang penting adalah tujuan mereka tercapai. Mereka tidak memperdulikan akan kemana orientasi spiritualitas yang digelutinya, apa rujukan agamanya, dan seperti apa relasinya dengan Tuhan. Bahkan, Tuhan pun bukan lagi hal yang penting bagi mereka..
Walisongo: Jurnal Penelitian Sosial Keagamaan Vol 23, No 1 (2015): Pendidikan dan Deradikalisasi Agama
Publisher : LP2M - Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Walisongo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21580/ws.23.1.222


This study discussed about the role of Aswaja lesson in the efforts of de-radicalization. Radicalization had been more and more evolved since after the fall of New Order. Reformation Era opened wide varieties of expression, included religious expression. The development of radicalization led to widespread of social unrest. Responses appeared, included using the counter-ideology. Aswaja was believed as being able to prevent the proliferation of radicalization. The data presented in this article was derived from observation, interview and review of the literature related to the topic of writing. The argument developed in this paper is that the reconstruction and actualization of the values contained in Aswaja might be personally internalized firmly. An important strategy that might be applyed to disseminate and internalize Aswaja is through education. In the schools in which applying Aswaja lesson, students had the opportunity to have a moderate religious understanding and avoid radicalization.***Penelitian ini mengulas tentang peranan pelajaran Aswaja dalam usaha de­radikalisasi. Radikalisasi semakin berkembang pasca jatuhnya Orde Baru. Era Reformasi membuka lebar berbagai bentuk ekspresi, termasuk ekspresi keber­agamaan. Semakin berkembangnya radikalisasi memunculkan keresahan masya­rakat secara luas. Berbagai respons pun muncul, di antaranya melalui counter-ideologi. Aswaja diyakini dapat mencegah tumbuh suburnya radikalisasi. Data yang disajikan dalam artikel ini berasal dari observasi, wawancara dan tela­ah literatur yang berkaitan dengan topik tulisan. Argumen yang dibangun dalam tulisan ini adalah rekonstruksi dan aktualisasi nilai-nilai yang terkandung di dalam Aswaja dapat terinternalisasi secara kokoh dalam diri seseorang. Stra­tegi penting yang dapat ditempuh untuk sosialisasi dan internalisasi Aswaja adalah melalui jalur pendidikan. Di sekolah-sekolah yang mengaplikasi mata pelajaran Aswaja, para siswanya memiliki peluang untuk memiliki pemahaman keagamaan yang moderat dan terhindar dari arus radikalisasi.
The Actualization of Liberal Indonesian Multicultural Thought in Developing Community Harmonization Naim, Ngainun; Qomar, Mujamil
QIJIS Vol 9, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : IAIN Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/qijis.v9i1.7908


Not many Kiai have thoughts about multiculturalism. Kiai M. Sholeh Bahruddin and Kiai Abdullah Syam are considered unique because they have multicultural Islamic thoughts and actualize them in building community harmony. This paper aimed to explore the basis, approach, and channel of Islamic actualization in responding to various challenges. The research method used was the qualitative method with a symbolic interaction approach. The data collection procedures were conducted through in-depth interviews, observation, and documentation. The data were analyzed by following the steps suggested by Saldana, Miles, and Huberman (2013). This study found that the basis for the actualization of multicultural Islamic thoughts of Kiai M. Sholeh Bahruddin and Kiai Abdullah Syam was social, humanistic, cultural, religious, and psychological. The approach used was a synergy between religious, moral, psychological, theological, cultural, social, and educational approaches. Meanwhile, the actualization channels used are through social channels, cultural arts, propaganda, social media, silaturrahim (hospitality in Islam), education levels, and scientific meetings.
Islamic Jurisprudence for Diversity: From Theological-Normative Reason to Progressive Contextual Reasoning Naim, Ngainun
al-'adalah Vol 15, No 1 (2018): Al-'Adalah
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24042/adalah.v15i1.2621


The reality of Indonesian society is a multicultural society. Therefore, religious understanding and toleration to differences and diversity is necessary to be developed in order to create peace and harmony in the social life. This paper aims to explore the concept of Islamic Jurisprudence in the context of social diversity. This concept is important because the old fiqh concept resting on normative-theological reasonings needs to be reconstructed and replaced with contextual-progressive ones. The changes in the fiqh epistemology from normative-theological to contextual-progressive reasonings are carried out through adaptation to principles of Maqâshid al-Sharîah (basic aims of religious provisions) which are contextualized according to the social growth. The new model of fiqh constructed through combination of religious teachings and social development is expected to make a valuable contribution to the establishment of peace and harmony among all elements of Indonesia society.
School Communication Planning in Improving Teacher Performance at SMA Negeri 1 Ngunut Tulungagung Ubaidillah, Adhis; Naim, Ngainun; Badruzaman, Abad
International Journal of Educational Research & Social Sciences Vol. 5 No. 3 (2024): June 2024
Publisher : CV. Inara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51601/ijersc.v5i3.828


Managing a school to progress requires various efforts and strategies that support each other. It requires hard work, cooperation and optimization from every line. Communication is needed to manage the organization so that the vision and mission can be achieved. Establishing good communication between members of the organization can create a conducive work climate, effective work mechanisms and of course involve all related elements in the organization. With good communication, an institution can run smoothly, successfully and vice versa. This research uses a qualitative approach, with a multi-case design. Data collection techniques using in-depth interviews, participant observation and documentation. Data analysis uses the Miles Huberman model of data presentation, data condensation, and conclusion drawing. Test the validity of the data through credibility, transferability, dependability, and confirmability. The results of the findings at the research location regarding communication planning in improving teacher performance at SMA Negeri 1 Ngunut are as follows: Communication planning will improve teacher performance if it is carried out at the beginning of each year, incidental and routine planning, with a POAC pattern at every event, thorough problem solving, one way communication and two way communication, individual, group, coaching, and internal school MGMP, formal and informal, large meetings, flexible family communication, mandates, and confirmation of Decree (SK).