Mohamad Abdun Nasir
Pascasarjana IAIN Mataram

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AL-AHKAM Volume 22, Nomor 2, Oktober 2012
Publisher : AL-AHKAM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (60.419 KB)


Wacana tentang penerapan hukum Islam (syari’ah) melalui kekuasaan negara telah menjadi perhatian publik di Indonesia dan menimbulkan isu-isu kontroversial. Ide tentang penerapan itu telah dibawa oleh sejumlah politisi, kelompok, serta organisasi yang menganggap syari’ah sebagai solusi terbaik atas krisis multi dimensi, sosial, ekonomi, dan politik pasca jatuhnya rezim Orde Baru pada tahun 1998. Mereka percaya bahwa penegakan hukum Islam tidak hanya cocok dengan semangat demokratisasi, karena asumsi bahwa mayoritas penduduk di negara ini Muslim, namun juga menawarkan solusi yang komprehensif bagi krisis tersebut. Sayangnya, hal ini tidak didasarkan pada pembacaan yang komprehensif terhadap sifat syari’ah itu sendiri dan terhadap kondisi sosial masyarakat Indonesia yang majemuk, melainkan lebih pada dorongan politik, yaitu dorongan yang kuat untuk mewujudkan sebuah negara Islam yang mengintegrasikan negara dan agama serta Islam dan politik. Dengan menganalisis Kompilasi Hukum Islam, sebagai salah satu contoh produk hukum Islam di Indonesia, muncul argumentasi bahwa penerapan hukum agama oleh negara harus mempertimbangkan metodologi hukum dan dampaknya bagi masyarakat luas.***The discourses on the application of shari’a law through state enforcement have become public concerns in Indonesia and constituted a controversial issue. The idea of the application has been brought up by a number of Muslim politicians and Muslim groups and organizations that consider shari’a the best solution for the multi-dimension of socio-economic and political crisis upon the downfall of the New Order Regime in 1998. They believe that shari’a enforcement not only fits the spirit of democracy, assuming that the majority of population in the country is Muslims, but also offers a comprehensive solution to the crisis. Unfortunately, this idea is not grounded on a comprehensive apprehension to the nature of shari’a itself and pluralistic Indonesian society but more on political impetus, namely a strong plea to realize an Islamic state that integrates the state and religion and Islam and politics. By examining the Kompilasi Hukum Islam, as one example of shari’a legislation in Indonesia, this article demonstrates the problems of Islamic reform that most proponents of shari’a application have overlooked. It argues that application of religious law by the state must consider the methodology of the law and its impacts for broader society.***Keywords: Kompilasi Hukum Islam, shari’a, changes, response, Islam-state relations, Indonesia
Ibn Taymiyya’s Fatwas on Polygamy in Medieval Islam Nasir, Mohamad Abdun
Al-Jamiah: Journal of Islamic Studies Vol 46, No 2 (2008)
Publisher : Al-Jamiah Research Centre, Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/ajis.2008.462.303-324


The paper discusses about the fatwa of Ibn Taymiyya on polygamy. It is well known that as one of the famous jurisconsults in the end of the thirteenth century, Ibn Taymiyya has dispensed many of his responses to Islamic legal cases arose in his time. This paper shows that although relatively an infrequent case posed to him, the issue of polygamy was discussed in such a great length in his book Majmu‘ Fatawa. That is why it is important according to the author to know why and what kind of problems related to the practice of polygamous marriage posed to this giant Muslim jurist. It is argued that Ibn Taymiyya tended not to view the practice of polygamy as a wrongdoing although it might lead to some negative excess in concern of its practice in Muslim society. Thus, in spite of some problems that might occur, such as injustice to women, neglecting or deserting to the wives, he does not invalidate the marriage as long as the husband can assure the fairness in distributing material supports. Beyond its substantive legal response, the fatwa of polygamy indicates the rareness of the cases arose in his time. This is true if compared to other problems, such as divorce, pervasively posed to Ibn Taymiyya for a response.
THE KOMPILASI HUKUM ISLAM AND DEBATES ON SHARI’A Reconsidering Islamic Law in Indonesia Nasir, Mohamad Abdun
Al-Ahkam Volume 22, Nomor 2, Oktober 2012
Publisher : Faculty of Shariah and Law, State Islamic University (UIN) Walisongo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (259.25 KB) | DOI: 10.21580/ahkam.2012.22.2.11


The discourses on the application of shari’a law through state enforcement have become public concerns in Indonesia and constituted a controversial issue. The idea of the application has been brought up by a number of Muslim politicians and Muslim groups and organizations that consider shari’a the best solution for the multi-dimension of socio-economic and political crisis upon the downfall of the New Order Regime in 1998. They believe that shari’a enforcement not only fits the spirit of democracy, assuming that the majority of population in the country is Muslims, but also offers a comprehensive solution to the crisis. Unfortunately, this idea is not grounded on a comprehensive apprehension to the nature of shari’a itself and pluralistic Indonesian society but more on political impetus, namely a strong plea to realize an Islamic state that integrates the state and religion and Islam and politics. By examining the Kompilasi Hukum Islam, as one example of shari’a legislation in Indonesia, this article demonstrates the problems of Islamic reform that most proponents of shari’a application have overlooked. It argues that application of religious law by the state must consider the methodology of the law and its impacts for broader society.***Wacana tentang penerapan hukum Islam (syari’ah) melalui kekuasaan negara telah menjadi perhatian publik di Indonesia dan menimbulkan isu-isu kontroversial. Ide tentang penerapan itu telah dibawa oleh sejumlah politisi, kelompok, serta organisasi yang menganggap syari’ah sebagai solusi terbaik atas krisis multi dimensi, sosial, ekonomi, dan politik pasca jatuhnya rezim Orde Baru pada tahun 1998. Mereka percaya bahwa penegakan hukum Islam tidak hanya cocok dengan semangat demokratisasi, karena asumsi bahwa mayoritas penduduk di negara ini Muslim, namun juga me­nawarkan solusi yang komprehensif bagi krisis tersebut. Sayangnya, hal ini tidak didasarkan pada pembacaan yang komprehensif terhadap sifat syari’ah itu sendiri dan terhadap kondisi sosial masyarakat Indonesia yang majemuk, melainkan lebih pada dorongan politik, yaitu dorongan yang kuat untuk mewujudkan sebuah negara Islam yang mengintegrasikan negara dan agama serta Islam dan politik. Dengan menganalisis Kompilasi Hukum Islam, sebagai salah satu contoh produk hukum Islam di Indonesia, muncul argumentasi bahwa penerapan hukum agama oleh negara harus mem­pertimbangkan metodologi hukum dan dampaknya bagi masyarakat luas.***Keywords: Kompilasi Hukum Islam, shari’a, changes, response, Islam-state relations, Indonesia
Islam in Diaspora: Shari’a Law, Piety and Brotherhood at al-Farooq Mosque, Atlanta Nasir, Mohamad Abdun
Al-Jamiah: Journal of Islamic Studies Vol 54, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Al-Jamiah Research Centre

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/ajis.2016.541.59-93


This article examines Islamic ritual performance of Eid prayer amongst Muslims in Diaspora at al-Farooq Mosque in Atlanta, the US, whose congregational members come from all around the world. Using textual and ethnographical methods, this study focuses on the implementation of shari’a law concerning Islamic prayer and on the meaning and experience of the ritual that emerge amongst the participants who perform it. This study demonstrates that the Eid ritual performance has created a special meaning and particular experience. The ritual is seen as the medium through which the performers forge their piety and strengthen the spirit of brotherhood. The ritual strengthens the brotherhood of the performers, who hold different ethnical and cultural backgrounds. However, the core ritual of Eid prayer remains Islamic and is built on the Muslim Hanafi School. Shari’a law concerning prayer is upheld to maintain the basic requirement where every ritual must be based on the sound Islamic texts. This suggests that the context, namely diasporic Muslim in America, has (re)shaped the meaning of the ritual but does not change the core of the ritual practice.[Tulisan ini mengkaji praktik ritual shalat hari raya (Eid) di masjid al-Farooq Atlanta, Amerika Serikat pada kalangan muslim perantauan dari berbagai belahan dunia. Kajian ini, dengan menggunakan pendekatan tektual dan etnografi, mengamati penerapan hukum Islam dalam hal peribadatan dan pemaknaan serta pengalaman ritual diantara mereka. Studi ini menunjukkan bahwa shalat hari raya memberi makna dan pengalaman khusus. Perayaan ini dilihat sebagai medium untuk menunjukkan kesalehan dan menguatkan ikatan persaudaraan sesama muslim meskipun mempunyai latar belakang etnik dan budaya yang berbeda. Meskipun demikian, inti dari ritual tersebut menunjukkan aliran mazhab Hanafi. Pelaksanaan fiqih dalam sholat Eid tetap berpegang pada Qur’an dan Hadits. Dengan kata lain, konteks geografi dan budaya yang berbeda telah membentuk makna baru namun tetap tidak merubah inti dari praktik ibadah yang bermazhab Hanafi.]
The Veil at the Crossroads: Muḥammad Saʻīd al-‘Ashmāwī and The Discourse on the Ḥijāb in Egypt Nasir, Mohamad Abdun
Al-Jamiah: Journal of Islamic Studies Vol 42, No 1 (2004)
Publisher : Al-Jamiah Research Centre

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/ajis.2004.421.89-131


Jilbab telah menjadi isu kontroversial yang mengakibatkanp perdebatan sengit di kalangan feminis, Islamis maupun kelompok Liberal-sekuralis di Mesir. Muḥammad Saʻīd al-Ashmāwi melihat jilbab telah dibelokkan arah oleb kelompok Islam radikal dari masalah agama ke masalah politik untuk mencap kafir wanita Muslim yang menolak jilbab. Inilah yang menjadikan ketidaksetujuan ‘Ashmā-wī. Kelompok lslam radikal dianggap telah  memanipulasi agama demi tercapai kepentingan-kepntingan idiologis politik mereka. Dari situ Ashmāwī kemudian membuat counter discourse tentang jilbab. Menurutnya jilbab tidak wajib. Bagi dia tidak semua ayat-ayat al-Quran bersifat umurn, dan sebagian dari mereka bersifat spesifik yang terkait dengan kondisi tertentu. Ayat-ayatt tentang jilbab masuk dalam kategori ini dan interpretasi terhadap ayat-ayat tersebut harus dikaitkan dengan konteks sebab turunnya ayat (asbāb al nuzūl). 
WACANA SYARIAT KONTEMPORER DI BARAT: Studi Pemikiran Wael B. Hallaq dan M. Barry Hooker Nasir, Mohamad Abdun
ULUL ALBAB Jurnal Studi Islam Vol 18, No 1 (2017): Islamic Law
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (245.715 KB) | DOI: 10.18860/ua.v18i1.4268


Contemporary popular discourses about Islam, shari’a and Islamic law in the West is often filled with the issues of terrorism, anti-democracy, human rights violation and women’s minor status in Islam, which all lead into negative perception. Unlike such popular views, Western scholars perceive shari’a from various perspectives. They are quite critical to shari’a in a positive sense. This article discusses Western scholarly discourses on shari’a by comparing the thoughts and works of two most prominent figures, Wael B. Hallaq and M. Barry Hooker, who always concern with shari’a, Islamic law and related social issues, such modernity, colonialism and legal system. Based on the model of the study of public figure and grounded its main data on Hallaq’s and Hooker’s main work, this study shows that these two scholars promote idealistic and contextual perception on shari’a. From the ideal point of view, shari’a is seen a product of scholarly independent work by Muslim jurists, whose authority now is unfortunately taken over by the state. The contextual view regards shari’a as flexible Islamic religious or legal norms that are adaptable to the changing social and political environments so they are easily transferrable into the educational, legal and political system in a country like Indonesia, entailing what is called “national mazhab”.