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Prosiding KOMMIT 2014
Publisher : Prosiding KOMMIT

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Penentuan nilai kemiripan citra dapat dilakukan dengan penilaian langsungsecara kasat mata. Penentuan nilai kemiripan juga dapat menggunakan metodepemindaian keseluruhan objek pada sebuah citra (Template Matching). Secarakasat mata setiap individu memiliki perbedaan persepsi dalam melakukanaktivitas penilaian. Oleh sebab itu metode Template Matching dianggap cocokdalam membantu proses penilaian dari kemiripan citra. Pada proses TemplateMatching diimplementasikan metode Modified Hausdorff Distance dalampenelusuran perbedaan jarak garis tepi (Euclidean Distance) pada citra yangdijadikan sebagai acuan dalam proses Template Matching. Nilai kemiripan yangdihasilkan pada proses Template Matching menggunakan metode ModifiedHausdorff Distance berupa bilangan desimal, dengan indeks nilai jika semakinmendekati 0 maka citra dinilai semakin mirip.
Jurnal Ilmiah Informatika Komputer Vol 13, No 3 (2008)
Publisher : Universitas Gunadarma

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One of the key factor that influenced the fulfillment of resources is the performance of individual (employee) in an organization. For educational organization, human resources are related to educative workforce (lecturer) and non-educative workforce. One of the objectives of educational organization is the succesfulness of the teaching-learning process. SPSS, in this case, is used to facilitate analysis. The effectiveness of learning is indirectly influenced by the performance of lecturers. This research is conducted to find the relation between factors in lecturer performance and learning effectiveness as well as the strength of the relation. Indicator for learning effectiveness is measured by students marks. Factors in lecturer performance include motivation and competence in teaching, where motivation is measured from teaching method and attendance. Performance measurement of lecturers is assessed by the student using survey. Survey data are tested by using validity test and reliability test. Method of analysis used in this research is statistical correlation techniques with non parametric method using Spearman rank correlation. The results show that there is a small and positive correlation between lecturer’s performance and learning effectiveness. Possitive relation with small value shows that, indirectly, the higher the lecturer’s performance the better the student’s succesfulness and, conversly, the lower the lecturer’s performance the worse the student’s succesfulness in learning process.Kata Kunci : keberhasilan belajar, kinerja dosen, korelasi SPSSSubject Description : K.3.Computeres and Education | K.3.1.Computer Uses in Education | Collaborative Learning
Jurnal Ilmiah Teknologi dan Rekayasa Vol 23, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Gunadarma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35760/tr.2018.v23i2.2458


Pengolahan citra mengalami perkembangan yang begitu pesat yang ditandai dengan banyaknya citra yang disajikan dalam berbagai bidang seperti bidang kedokteran, industri pertanian, geologi, dan kelautan. Banyaknya citra yang tersaji seringkali pengguna mengalami kesulitan pada saat proses pengambilan atau pengklasifikasian citra berdasarkan kemiripan citra. Penilaian kemiripan citra dapat diukur berdasarkan perbedaaan jarak tepi (Euclidean distance) atau jarak warna (distance metric). Pada penelitian ini dikembangkan aplikasi pengukuran tingkat kemiripan objek citra menggunakan metode modified Hausdorff distance. Nilai kemiripan yang dihasilkan pada proses pengukuran tingkat kemiripan objek menggunakan metode modified Hausdorff distance berupa bilangan desimal. Jika nilai proses mendekati 0 atau sama dengan 0 maka citra dianggap mirip. Implementasi dilakukan menggunakan tiga jenis objek citra dengan masing-masing jenis objek citra memiliki 7 objek citra sehingga keseluruhan objek sebanyak 21 objek citra dengan format JPG dan PNG yang tidak memiliki latar belakang. Tampilan aplikasi ini dibuat menggunakan Graphic User Interface (GUI). Pengujian keakuratan dari aplikasi diukur menggunakan metode efektifitas dengan menghitung perbandingan antara nilai dari aplikasi (AVVR) terhadap nilai responden (IAVVR). Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa aplikasi yang dibuat memiliki nilai keakuratan mendekati 1, artinya aplikasi dianggap mirip dengan penilaian mata manusia.
Kualitas Sistem Informasi Pencatatan dan Pelaporan Kejadian Ikutan Pasca Imunisasi Menggunakan Metode Webqual 4.0 Noviandri Noviandri; Dini Sundani
EXPERT: Jurnal Manajemen Sistem Informasi dan Teknologi Vol 11, No 1 (2021): June
Publisher : Universitas Bandar Lampung (UBL)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36448/expert.v11i1.1958


Along with high immunization coverage, the use of vaccines has also increased, and as a result, events related to immunization have also increased. The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia has used KIPI Recording and Reporting Information System to find out the reaction of the immunization given, this system is used by all provinces in Indonesia which are regulated in the Minister of Health Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia. This study wants to test the quality of the website as an independent variable whether it affects user satisfaction after accessing the information system of Post Immunization Inclusion and Reporting Events. Website quality as a variable has three components, namely usability quality, information quality, and interaction quality. By using a sample of users as many as 75 people. This study uses SPSS 2.4 in the data processing. Research results from the rating scale illustrate that the evaluation of Information Systems for Reporting and Reporting of Post-Immunization Occurrence events has a very good rating scale, this is evidenced from the 301-375 useability scale, which gets 316.1 results, which means that usability is very good, from a scale of 301-375 information quality get 332.8 results which means that information quality is very good value and from a scale of 301-375 Service Interaction Quality get a result of 308.5 which means Service Interaction Quality is very good value.Abstrak - Meningkatnya penggunaan vaksin yang diiringi oleh tingginya cakupan imunisasi mengakibatkan timbulnya kejadian yang berhubungan dengan imunisasi. Kementerian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia telah menggunakan Sistem Informasi Pencatatan dan Pelaporan KIPI untuk mengetahui reaksi dari imunisasi yang diberikan, Sistem ini digunakan oleh seluruh provinsi di Indonesia berdasarkan Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan Republik Indonesia. Penelitian ini akan menguji terhadap kualitas website Sistem Informasi Kejadian Ikutan Pasca Imunisasi sebagai variabel bebas sejauh mana website ini dapat mempengaruhi penggunanya saat mengakses Sistem Informasi Pencatatan dan Pelaporan Kejadian Ikutan Pasca Imunisasi. Sebagai variabel penilaian terdiri dari 3 komponen yaitu Kualitas kegunaan (Useability), Kualitas Informasi (Information Quality) serta Kualtias Interaksi (Interaction Quality) dengan menggunakan sampel sebanyak 75 orang. Dalam pengolahan data penelitian kualitas website terhadap Sistem Informasi Pencatatan dan Pelaporan Kejadian Ikutan Paca Imunisasi ini menggunakan SPSS 2.4 dalam pengolahan data. Hasil penelitiam dari rating scale mengambarkan bahwa penilaian terhadap Sistem Informasi Pencatatan Dan Pelaporan Kejadian Ikutan Pasca Imunisasi mendapatkan rating scale sangat baik, hal tersebut dibuktikan dari skala 301-375 useability mendapatkan hasil 316.1 yang artinya usability bernilai sangat baik, dari skala 301-375 information quality mendapatkan hasil 332.8 yang artinya information quality bernilai sangat baik dan dari skala 301-375 service interaction quality mendapatkan hasil 308.5 yang artinya service interaction quality bernilai sangat baik.
Identification of Image Edge Using Quantum Canny Edge Detection Algorithm Dini Sundani; Sigit Widiyanto; Yuli Karyanti; Dini Tri Wardani
Journal of ICT Research and Applications Vol. 13 No. 2 (2019)
Publisher : LPPM ITB

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5614/itbj.ict.res.appl.2019.13.2.4


Identification of image edges using edge detection is done to obtain images that are sharp and clear. The selection of the edge detection algorithm will affect the result. Canny operators have an advantage compared to other edge detection operators because of their ability to detect not only strong edges but also weak edges. Until now, Canny edge detection has been done using classical computing where data are expressed in bits, 0 or 1. This paper proposes the identification of image edges using a quantum Canny edge detection algorithm, where data are expressed in the form of quantum bits (qubits). Besides 0 or 1, a value can also be 0 and 1 simultaneously so there will be many more possible values that can be obtained. There are three stages in the proposed method, namely the input image stage, the preprocessing stage, and the quantum edge detection stage. Visually, the results show that quantum Canny edge detection can detect more edges compared to classic Canny edge detection, with an average increase of 4.05%.