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The Ujı efektıvıtas ekstrak daun pacıng (Costus speciosus) terhadap penyembuhan luka sayat pada hewan uji kelinci (Oryctolagus cuniculus): Irma Novrianti; Sidar Nengsi; Sari Wijayanti
Journal Borneo Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): Healthy First
Publisher : Politeknik Kaltara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (386.785 KB) | DOI: 10.57174/jborn.v1i1.11


Luka adalah keadaan dimana terjadi kerusakan jaringan tubuh yang mengganggu proses seluler normal yang melibatkan jaringan ikat, otot, dan kulit syaraf. Banyak tumbuhan herbal yang telah dilaporkan memiliki efektifitas dalam penangan luka, salah satunya adalah tumbuhan pacing (Costus speciosus) baik akar maupun daun. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektifitas dan konsentrasi dari daun pacing yang dapat menyembuhkan luka sayat pada hewan uji kelinci. Ekstrak daun pacing diperoleh dengan cara maserasi menggunakan pelarut etanol 96%. Hewan uji yang digunakan adalah Kelinci (Oryctolagus cuniculus). Setiap hewan uji dibuat 5 kelompok, yaitu konsentrasi ekstrak 5%, konsentarsi ekstrak 10%, konsentrasi ekstrak 20%, kontrol negatif (basis gel), dan kontrol positif (salep betadin®). Setiap punggung kelinci dibuat menjadi 3 daerah yang telah dicukur dan diberikan sayatan pada daerah tersebut sepanjang 1 cm dengan kedalaman 0,3 cm. Pengukuran panjang luka sayat dilakukan setiap hari selama 7 hari, hasil pengukuran akan digunakan untuk perhitungan persentase kesembuhan yang kemudian akan dianalisis menggunakan metode Kruskal Wallis dan dilanjutkan menggunakan uji Mann-Whitney. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa kelompok konsentrasi ekstrak 20% menunjukkan penyembuhan luka paling baik sebesar 91% dengan panjang luka 0,09 cm pada hari ke-7 dengan nilai p sebesar 0,016. Nilai ini menunjukan bahwa terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan terhadap persentase penyembuhan luka sayat pada setiap kelompok hewan uji. Senyawa kimia yang terkandung dalam ekstrak etanol daun pacing adalah senyawa flavonoid, tanin dan saponin. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa ekstrak daun pacing (Costus speciosus) memiliki efektifitas dalam penyembuhan luka sayat pada hewan uji.
Gambaran penggunaan antikoagulan pada pasien ST-Elevatıon Myocardıal Infarctıon (STEMI) Rizqa Aulia Rahmah; Irma Novrianti; Syuhada Syuhada
Journal Borneo Vol. 2 No. 1 (2022): Volume 2 Issue 1 tahun 2022
Publisher : Politeknik Kaltara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (338.727 KB) | DOI: 10.57174/jborn.v2i1.15


Penyakit jantung koroner merupakan salah satu penyakit penyebab kematian terbanyak. ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) salah satu klasifikasi dari Infark Miokard Akut (IMA). IMA timbul dari kerusakan permanen pada otot jantung karena suplai oksigen yang tidak mencukupi. Adanya IMA dapat merusak fungsi sistol dan diastol, serta menambah kejadian yang tidak diharapkan seperti aritmia pada pasien. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah melihat penggunaan antikoagulan pada pasien STEMI yang menggunakan terapi fibrinolitik. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif yang dilakukan secara retrospektif dengan melihat catatan medis pasien STEMI yang menjalani rawat inap di RS “X” kota Tarakan periode 2017-2018. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa semua pasien STEMI menerima terapi antikoagulan. Sebanyak 92,31 % menggunakan enoxaparin dan 7,69 % pasien menggunaan fondaparinux dengan karakteristik pasien sebanyak 12 penyakit penyerta. Pemberian antikoagulan pada pasien STEMI membantu menjaga kondisi arteri setelah proses reperfusi ketika telah diberikan fibrinolitik sehingga tidak menyebabkan terjadinya reoklusi.
Gambaran Penggunaan Fibrinolitik Pada Pasien Stemi (St-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction) Di Rumah Sakit “X” Di Kota Tarakan Marizka Anggreani; Irma Novrianti; Sari Wijayanti
Media Farmasi XXX Vol 18, No 1 (2022): MEDIA FARMASI
Publisher : Jurusan Farmasi Politeknik Kesehatan Makassar, Kementerian Kesehatan RI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32382/mf.v18i1.2450


Fibrinolytics Administration To Patients With Stemi (St-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction)Although non-communicable, cardiovascular diseases cause the highest global mortality rate, i.e., 16.6%. Tarakan is one of the cities in the province of North Kalimantan. Based on the results of the 2018 Riskesdas, the highest prevalence of coronary heart disease (CHD) is in the province of North Kalimantan. Cardiac catheterization laboratory facilities are not yet available, so fibrinolytic therapy is still the first line of reperfusion therapy for STEMI. This research is aimed at analyzing fibrinolytics administration at “X” Hospital in Tarakan. This is descriptive retrospective research to examine fibrinolytics administration in 39 in-patients with STEMI at “X” Hospital in Tarakan,  on January 2017-December 2018. The fibrinolytic agents used were fibrin-specific and non-fibrin-specific. Alteplase was administered to 13 patients (33.33%). Alteplase was administered in three dosages, i.e., 15 mg administered in a bolus in the early stage, 50 mg administered by an intravenous infusion for 30 minutes, and 35 mg administered for 60 minutes. 26 patients (66.66%) were administered Streptokinase. Streptokinase was intravenously administered at 1.5 million IU in 100 mL of salt solution for 30-60 minutes. The result demonstrates that the non-fibrin-specific agent, administered to 26 patients (66.66%), was mostly used here.KEYWORDS: fibrinolytics, Alteplase, Streptokinase, STEMIPenyakit kardiovaskuler adalah penyakit tidak menular yang menyebabkan angka kematian tertinggi di dunia mencapai 16,6 %. Kota Tarakan merupakan salah kota yang berada di provinsi Kalimantan Utara. Berdasarkan hasil data Riskesdas Tahun 2018, prevalensi penyakit jantung koroner paling tinggi berada di provinsi Kalimantan Utara. Fasilitas laboratorium kateterisasi jantung belum tersedia, sehingga terpai fibrinolitik masih merupakan terapi reperfusi utama untuk pasien STEMI. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk melihat gambaran penggunaan fibrinolitik di Rumah Sakit “X” di Kota Tarakan. Metode penelitian ini merupakan suatu penelitian deskriptif retrospektif untuk mengetahui penggunaan fibrinolotik pada pasien penyakit STEMI yang menjalani rawat inap di Rumah Sakit ‘X” di Kota Tarakan periode Januari 2017 – Desember 2018. Berdasarkan penelitian diperoleh sebanyak 39 pasien yang didiagnosa STEMI. Golongan fibrinolitik yang digunakan adalah golongan spesifik fibrin dan golongan  non spesifik fibrin. Penggunaan obat Alteplase sebanyak 13 pasien (33,33%).  Pemberian Alteplase dibagi menjadi 3 dosis yaitu  15 mg diberikan secara bolus pada tahap awal, selanjutnya 50 mg diberikan secara infus intravena dengan dosis 50 mg selama 30 menit, dan terkahir 35 mg selama 60 menit. Pasien yang menggunakan Streptokinase sebanyak 26 orang (66,66%), penggunaan Streptokinase diberikan secara intravena dengan dosis 1,5 juta IU dalam 100 mL larutan NaCl selama 30-60 menit. Dari penelitian ini disimpulkan bahwa fibrinolitik yang paling banyak digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah golongan non-spesifik fibrin sebanyak 26 pasien (66,66%).Kata kunci : fibrinolitik, Alteplase, Streptokinase, STEMI
Analısıs kualıtatıf senyawa rhodamın B pada saus jajanan “tusuk-tusuk” dı taman Berkampung kota Tarakan menggunakan metode rapid test kit Faizal Mustamin; Irma Novrianti; Muhammad Aris; Asma Asma
Journal Borneo Vol. 2 No. 3 (2022): Volume 2 Issue 3 tahun 2022
Publisher : Politeknik Kaltara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (377.484 KB) | DOI: 10.57174/jborn.v2i3.59


Food is a basic need for living things. Some foods are available in the form of snacks and usually contain additional ingredients such as coloring. Often manufacturers misuse the use of dyes for textiles such as rhodamine B and leather used to color food ingredients. This study aims to determine the content of rhodamine B in the "tusuk -tusuk" snack sauce circulating in the village garden. The sauce is obtained from each seller of "skewers" selling in the village garden. This study used 25 samples, then 25 grams were taken from each sample and dissolved in hot water, and then the samples were tested using the rapid test kit method. Based on the results of the study, it was found that the negative sauce samples contained rhodamine B. Based on these results, it can be concluded that the " tusuk -tusuk " snack sauce in the village gardens of Tarakan city does not contain rhodamine B.
Gambaran Penggunaan Antıhıpertensı pada Pasıen ST- Elevatıon Myocardıal Infractıon Khofifah aulia; Irma Novrianti; Jufri Ubrusun
Journal Borneo Vol. 2 No. 1 (2022): Volume 2 Issue 1 tahun 2022
Publisher : Politeknik Kaltara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (408.934 KB) | DOI: 10.57174/jborn.v2i1.65


ST-Elevation Myocardial Infraction (STEMI) is caused by several factors, mainly due to cardiovascular disorders. There are several complaints from STEMI, such as chest pain, elevated enzymes, and ST elevation on electrocardiogram examination. One of the major factors in the occurrence of STEMI is hypertension. The more severe the hypertension condition will slowly damage the blood vessel walls causing swelling, which leads to STEMI. This study aimed to see the use of antihypertensives in stemmy patients who were using fibrinolytic therapy. This research method is descriptive retrospective by looking at the medical records of STEMI patients who received antihypertensive treatment at the Emergency Room (ER) and were hospitalized at Tarakan City "X" Hospital for the 2017-2018 period. Based on the research, it was found that 55 patients used antihypertensives. The highest classification of blood pressure when admitted to the hospital was in stage II conditions based on JNC VII in 15 people (27.28%), and the classification of blood pressure when leaving the hospital was found to be in normal condition in 23 people (41.82%). The most antihypertensive used in "X" Hospital in Tarakan city is the ACE-Inhibitor group, namely captopril, with a percentage of 10.90% in the ER, and the Beta blocker group, namely bisoprolol fumarate with a percentage of 65.46% in the Inpatient Room.
Pengaruh Pandemı Covıd-19 terhadap Penjualan Suplemen Kesehatan dı Apotek “X” Kota Tarakan Asma Lanuddin; Sari Wijayanti; Irma Novrianti; Dhea Erwina Suwanty
Journal Borneo Vol. 3 No. 1 (2023): Volume 3 Issue 1 tahun 2023
Publisher : Politeknik Kaltara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (399.512 KB) | DOI: 10.57174/jborn.v3i1.76


The World Health Organization declared Coronavirus disease a pandemic in 2020. Two Indonesian citizens were confirmed to have Covid-19 when the virus was first detected. Panic buying in meeting daily needs is one of the impacts caused by Covid-19, especially health supplements such as vitamins or immunomodulators, due to a lack of understanding from the public. This study aims to determine the effect of Covid-19 on sales of health supplement products at the "X" pharmacy in Tarakan city. This research is analytic research which is observational in nature. The data was obtained from sales documents at the "X" pharmacy 12 months before and 12 months at the start of the Covid-19 pandemic. The health supplements taken for this study were Becom C®, Becom Zet®, and Imboost Force®. The data obtained were analyzed using paired T-test. The study results found that health supplements experienced an increase in sales of 314.41% - 808.42% with a P value = 0.038 for Becom C®, 0.039 for Becom Zet® and 0.011 for Imboost Force®. It can be concluded that Covid-19 has positively influenced the increasing sales of health supplement products at the "X" pharmacy in Tarakan city.
Ujı Kualıtatıf Rhodamın B pada Saus Jajanan "Tusuk-Tusuk" dı Taman Berlabuh dan Taman Oval kota Tarakan Agus Amanda Defi Rahayu; Jufri Ubrusun; Irma Novrianti
Journal Borneo Vol. 3 No. 1 (2023): Volume 3 Issue 1 tahun 2023
Publisher : Politeknik Kaltara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (474.524 KB) | DOI: 10.57174/jborn.v3i1.79


The "tusuk-tusuk" snack is one of the foods loved by all groups, with a delicious taste, and is usually served with added sauce. Rhodamine B is one of the synthetic dyes used in the textile industry. Often rogue traders use Rhodamin B in food that is sold to enhance the color of the food. As is known, Rhodamin B can irritate the eyes, digestive tract, and respiratory tract. This study intends to investigate the presence or absence of the identification of the hazardous substance Rhodamine B in tomato sauce, a street food "tusuk-tusuk" circulating in the Berlabuh and Oval parks, Tarakan city. Each sauce is obtained from " tusuk-tusuk " snacks that circulate in the Berlabuh and Oval parks. The research was carried out and obtained 10 samples circulating in the Berlabuh and Oval parks then, each sample weighed as much as 25 grams, and the sample was dissolved with heated aquadest. After that, the samples were tested using the rapid test method (Rapid test kit). The results of this study indicate that out of 10 samples of the “tusuk-tusuk” snack sauce at Berlabuh and Oval Parks, Tarakan City, did not contain Rhodamin B.
Analisis Kandungan Rhodamin B pada Produk Perona Pipi (Blush On) yang Beredar di Pasar Tradisional Kota Tarakan Putri Annisa; Irma Novrianti; Heriani Heriani
Journal Borneo Vol. 3 No. 1 (2023): Volume 3 Issue 1 tahun 2023
Publisher : Politeknik Kaltara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (428.38 KB) | DOI: 10.57174/j.born.v3i1.80


One of the important needs for a woman is cosmetics. One type of cosmetic that teenagers or adult women often use is blush. Blush comes in various colors, and the most popular color is red. It is feared that some cosmetic products may contain harmful red dyes, such as rhodamine B. This research aims to identify the content of rhodamine B compounds in blush products circulating in the Traditional Markets of Tarakan City. The method of this study was a qualitative analysis of the content of the rhodamine B compound in the samples using the rhodamine B Rapid Test Kit. The results showed that from 9 samples of blush circulating in the Traditional Market of Tarakan City, 4 samples of blush were found to be positive for Rhodamin B. From the 4th, 2 positive samples are registered with BPOM.