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Mendengarkan Warnamu (Sebuah Eksperimen Mengenai Hubungan Pirsawan Dengan Ruang Seni) Aulia Ibrahim Yeru
Journal of Visual Art and Design Vol. 9 No. 1 (2017): Journal of Visual Art and Design
Publisher : ITB Journal Publisher, LPPM ITB

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5614/j.vad.2017.9.1.1


Abstrak. Karya penulis dalam proyek ini banyak mengambil inspirasi dari proses produksi konsumsi yang terjadi pada ruang. Konteks ruang pada karya penulis kali ini ialah format "white cube" yang menjadi standar bagi ruang seni. Dengan warna putih pada dinding, ruang seni menjadi bersih dan netral tanpa terbebani konteks ruang dan sosial sekitarnya. Format ini mengandaikan ruang seni sebagai ruang yang netral-dimana secara fisik dapat mengakomodasi kepentingan untuk menjadikan karya seni sebagai fokus utama di dalam ruang tersebut. Namun "whiteness" ini tidak bekerja semata karena cat putih sebagai perangkat satu-satunya yang berpengaruh terhadap persepsi sang pencerap, namun pula terdapat bagian pirsawan sebagai pencerap warna putih itu sendiri. Karya penulis menitikberatkan pada intervensi proses dalam mencerap warna putih tersebut. Intervensi tersebut dilakukan dengan cara menyasar unsur penting yang mempengaruhi kondisi ruang, yakni cahaya. Kemudian penulis menaruh peran pirsawan secara harfiah sebagai penentu penting dalam bagaimana kondisi ruang tersebut terbentuk. Caranya ialah membuat perilaku pirsawan di dalam ruang mempengaruhi cahaya yang ada di dalam ruang tersebut. Peran perantara tersebut dimungkinkan oleh perangkat elektronik yang dirancang oleh penulis dan tim. Perangkat ini akan menangkap reaksi suara pirsawan di dalam ruang untuk kemudian dijelmakan menjadi warna yang mempengaruhi persepsi pirsawan atas ruang yang didiaminya. Dengan cara ini penulis menempatkan karya penulis sebagai upaya untuk meremediasi persepsi pirsawan dengan ruang seni. Melalui eksplorasi hubungan presentasi karya seni di dalam ruang pamer, dalam hal ini menghadirkan kontras antara yang dicerap dengan bagaimana karya tersebut dibuat secara teknis, pirsawan menjadi subjek aktif, sebagai orang yang menghasilkan dan mengalami karya itu sendiri. Kata kunci: partisipatori; pirsawan; ruang; warna; suara. Listen to Your Color (Experiments of Viewers and Art Space Relations)Abstract. The author's work in this project takes a lot of inspiration from the consumption of production processes that occurs in space. The context of space in this author's work is that of the "white cube" which has become the standard format for art exhibits. With white colored walls, art exhibits are imagined to be clean and neutral, detached from the surrounding space and social context. This format assumes the art exhibit as a neutral space that can physically accommodate a work of art as the main focus in the room. However, the "whiteness" does not work simply because the white paint is the only medium affecting the perception of the perceiver; there are also viewers who are perceivers of the white color itself. The process of perceiving is an active process, where the viewer's body plays an important role in what is perceived. The author's work focuses on the intervention process of perceiving the white color. This was done by intervening the light setting, which is crucial in the perception of white. Then the author placed viewers as important determinants in shaping the condition of space. The trick is to make the behavior of viewers in the room affect the light in the room. The role of intermediaries is made possible by electronic devices designed by the author and the team. The device will capture the viewers' sounds in the room, which is then converted into a color that affects the perception of the viewers of the space they live in. By doing so, the author places his work as an attempt to remediate the viewers' perception of art space. Through exploration of the relation with the presentation of works of art in art exhibits, this work presents a contrast between what is perceived with how the work was created, then viewers become active subjects, as people who produce and experiencing the work itself.Keywords: participatory; viewers; space; color; sound.
Kelengkapan Jurnal Aulia Ibrahim Yeru
JURNAL RUPA Vol 6 No 2 (2021): Open Issue
Publisher : Telkom University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25124/rupa.v6i2.4675


Sampul dan Colophon Aulia Ibrahim Yeru
JURNAL RUPA Vol 6 No 1 (2021): Open Issue
Publisher : Telkom University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25124/rupa.v6i1.4195


Ekspektasi Mengenai Garis Lurus Aulia Ibrahim Yeru
JURNAL RUPA Vol 1 No 1 (2016): Open Issue
Publisher : Telkom University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25124/rupa.v1i1.733


The author's work in this project takes inspiration from many production processes that occur in space consumption. This author’s work is focused its idea on the question whether the form that become cornerstone for designing cities or spaces has impact that could be felt directly by its inhabitants. The context for this work is Southern Square (Alun-Alun Kidul), Yogyakarta. For author himself, Yogyakarta become appaling because its design, as a whole, based on the symettrical line which extends from Merapi Mountain to Indian Ocean. This is marked by the presence of Merapi Monument, located at the intersection of Jalan Sudirman and Jalan Margo Utomo. That symmetry axis symbolizes the philosophy or belief system of the Sultanate of Yogyakarta. The question that author try to raise is whether this symmetrical has direct impact physically and psychologically? Borrowing the traditional game called masangin that practiced everyday in Southern Square as artmaking method, author intend to test the presence of symmetrical both physically and psychologically in several places, those are Southern Square, Gasibu Bandung, and in footpath around Institut Teknologi Bandung buidings. With eyes blindfolded, author tried to make straight line thorugh those axis of symmetries.
The colonial legacy of <i>Mooi Indië</i> and the captive mind in the environmental policy of Citarum Harum Hapsoro, Chabib Duta; Yeru, Aulia Ibrahim
Wacana, Journal of the Humanities of Indonesia Vol. 23, No. 1
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Mooi Indië paintings represented the orientalist-colonial imagination of the picturesque Netherlands East Indies, with the obfuscation of the social realities on the ground and the silencing of the adverse effects of colonial capitalism. This article discusses the colonial legacy of Mooi Indië paintings on contemporary environmental policy in Indonesia, with a case study of the policy of the Citarum Harum Taskforce. This Taskforce was formed in 2018 and marked the national government’s attempt to rehabilitate the Citarum after it was declared one of the most polluted rivers in the world. It provides an analysis of several Mooi Indië paintings which depict the Citarum River and were created by European painters (such as Antoine Payen and Isaäc Groneman), before looking at the contemporary effects of the Citarum Harum’s beautification-oriented policy. The article also analyses some particular stereotypes of Netherlands East Indies natives as depicted in Mooi Indië paintings for comparison with the Taskforce’s policy implementation on the residents along the Citarum River. Ultimately, such a comparison demonstrates a form of colonial captivity at work today. The ideas of the Citarum Harum Taskforce demonstrate a captive mind, which continues to hide the socio-environmental problems which persist. This to the exploitation of the environment and people in the wake of the contemporary neoliberal system which dominates our worldview.