Puji Laksono
Fakultas Dakwah Dan Ushuluddin Institut KH. Abdul Chalim Mojokerto

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Karakter Ganda Penyiar Radio Puji Laksono
Al-Tsiqoh : Jurnal Ekonomi dan Dakwah Islam Vol 1 No 2 (2016): Dakwah Islam
Publisher : Institut Pesantren KH Abdul Chalim Mojokerto

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Auditory radio broadcasts that rely solely on sounds allow radio broadcasters to present a picture of themselves in different characters with sound only. This means through thevoice of the announcer trying to show self-performance to be able to give an idea to theaudience as if there are different broadcasters in the studio. This research raised a problemabout the self-construction of a broadcasting radio broadcaster in the program of IWT (IstanaWong Tani) at Radio Istana FM Bojonegoro. The theory used is the Phenomenology theory ofAlfred Schutz, Symbolic Interactionism of George Herbert Mead, and Dramaturgy's theory ofErving Goffman. The research method used is qualitative with phenomenology approach. Forthe selection of informants, researchers chose informants deliberating (purposive). Data werecollected through direct observation and in-depth interviews. The validity of the data was doneby using triangulation. The results obtained are the motives of being a radio announcer which consists of themotive of cause, namely a hobby in the world of broadcasting and channeling ideals that arenot achieved the ideals as a puppeteer. Then the motive of the goal is the economic motive, tobe famous, to preserve the Javanese culture and obtain the inner pleasure. As a professionalradio announcer, the demands are to present themselves as best as possible to provide excitingentertainment. As an entertainer, radio broadcasters present themselves in different charactersin their appearance. Double-character radio broadcasters construct themselves in two differentcharacters from self-concept as serious broadcasters and comedian broadcasters. In the eventprogram IWT (Istana Wong Tani), radio broadcasters use verbal symbols to present themselvesdifferently. The symbols used include name, tone of voice, and the use of different Javalanguageson each character. These symbols are as an identity to display different characters.The symbols are as a tool to distinguish each character and change the character according tothe situation. During off-air broadcasting, the dual-character broadcasters use non-verbalsymbols, in the form of costume attributes according to the character to present themselves tobe displayed. Among listeners there is a different perception in judging the appearance ofbroadcasters. Such perceptions can be a praise and a criticism. From these perceptions, thecategory of listeners, the listeners who like a serious broadcaster, listeners who like comedianbroadcasters and listeners who like both.
Kuasa Media dalam Komunikasi Massa Puji Laksono
Al-Tsiqoh : Jurnal Ekonomi dan Dakwah Islam Vol 4 No 2 (2019): Dakwah Islam
Publisher : Institut Pesantren KH Abdul Chalim Mojokerto

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Kuasa Media dalam Komunikasi Massa
Lakon : Jurnal Kajian Sastra dan Budaya Vol. 6 No. 1 (2017): Jurnal Lakon
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (149.504 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/lakon.v6i1.6791


Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memahami konstruksi gender diantara para santriwati Pesantren Nurul Ummah Mojokerto. Studi ini menggunakan metode kualitatif. Teori yang digunakan adalah teori konstruksi sosial dari Peter L. Berger dan Thomas Luckmann. Hasil tersebut menunjukkan bahwa (1) Konstruksi gender diantara santriwati bisa dikategorikan menjadi 3, pertama santriwati modernis yang menilai bahwa semua pekerjaan itu ideal untuk laki-laki maupun perempuan. Kedua, kategori santriwati modernis-tradisionalis yang menilai tidak semua pekerjaan ideal untuk laki-laku dan perempuan. Tetapi mereka tidak mempertanyakan adanya pertukaran peran antara laki-laki dan perempuan dalam batas tertentu. Ketiga, kategori santriwati tradisionalis, kategori ini tidak setuju dengan pertukaran peran antara laki-laki dan perempuan. (2) Pandangan terhadap kesetaraan gender diantara santriwati, beberapa setuju dan tidak setuju. Pertama santriwati modernis dan tradisionalis-modernis setuju dengan kesetaraan gender. Kedua, kategori santriwati tradisionalis tidak setuju dengan kesetaraan gender.Kata-kata kunci: Konstruksi Gender, Pesantren, Santriwati. Abstracts: The purpose of this research is to understand the gender construction among santriwati Pesantren Nurul Ummah Mojokerto. This study uses qualitative methods. The theory used is the social construction theory of Peter L. Berger and Thomas Luckmann. The results showed that (1). Gender construction among santriwati can be categorized into 3, first modernist santriwati who judge that all work is ideal for men and women. Secondly, the traditionalist-modernist santriwati category, which assesses not all the ideal work for men and women. But they do not question if there is a role exchange between men and women within certain limits. Thirdly, the traditionalist santriwati category, this category does not agree with the role exchange between men and women. (2). A view of gender equality among santriwati, some agree and disagree. First, the modernist and traditionalist-modernist santriwati agree with gender equality. Second, the traditionalist santriwati category does not agree with gender equality. Keywords: Gender Construction, pesantren, santriwati.
Habitus : Jurnal Pendidikan, Sosiologi, dan Antropologi Vol 5, No 2 (2021): Habitus: Jurnal Pendidikan, Sosiologi, dan Antroplogi
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Soiologi Antropologi, FKIP-UNS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/habitus.v5i2.55970


ABSTRACTDevelopment of the flow information which much accompained with the rapid to grow up of technology to made information an important part of human life. Today social media is an populer to use find, get, and provide information. With the rapid use of social media particularly facebook make information uncontrollable such as hoax, bullying, hate speech, and etc. the purpose in a research to find how citizen journalism as emancipative media in facebook group “Info Lantas Mojokerto”. Using the Phenomenom of citizen journalism that fills the public sphere of social media, especially facebook which makes colorfull a information flow. Public sphere provided by social media is able to facilitate people to exchange opinion and share information in a democration place and there is’t intervension from anywhere. Create a space that is free to expresion opinion but must comply with regulation in public sphere such a group facebook “info lantas mojokerto”. Theory used is a theory of the publick sphere put forward by Jurgen Habermas. This research was conducted on citizen journalism in the facebook group “Info Lantas Mojokerto”. The study use qualitative method to describe and explain finding in the field. Collection data using interview, observation, and documentation techniq. Analisis technique used in descriptive analysis.Result showed that citizen journalism in the facebook grup “Info Lantas Mojokerto” have a role an importan as social control to environment where each one lives. As well showing that the facebook group “Info Lantas Mojokerto” can play role that is easily accesible to the wider community, without any intervention from any parts, not part of govermen and owned of media or companies, and can be an equal or emancipatory place for all people without looking of their background.Key words: Citizen Jornalism, Public Sphere, Emansipative Media
Feminisasi Kemiskinan (Studi Kualitatif pada Perempuan Miskin di Desa Kembang Belor Kecamatan Pacet Kabupaten Mojokerto) Puji Laksono
Habitus : Jurnal Pendidikan, Sosiologi, dan Antropologi Vol 1, No 1 (2017): HABITUS:JURNAL PENDIDIKAN, SOSIOLOGI, DAN ANTROPOLOGI
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Soiologi Antropologi, FKIP-UNS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/habitus.v1i1.18844


AbstrakMasyarakat miskin merupakan bagian dari kehidupan masyarakat, yang terdiri dari kesatuan keluarga. Dalam kondisi kemiskinan yang dialami suatu keluarga ketika suami yang memiliki peran sentral tidak berjalan, biasanya keterlibatan istri menjadi upaya untuk memenuhi kebutuhan. Yang mana seorang istri akan berperan sebagai tulang punggung perekonomian keluarganya. Dalam himpitan ekonomi tentu mereka akan mengembangkan cara-cara khusus untuk tetap bertahan hidup. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memahami gambaran feminisasi kemiskinan, yakni peranan perempuan dalam upaya bertahan hidup keluarga miskin di Desa Kembang Belor Pacet Mojokerto.Penelitian ini dilakukan pada perempuan miskin di keluarga miskin warga Desa Kembang Belor Pacet Mojokerto. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif, yakni penelitian yang mengandalkan data dari apa yang dilihat di lapangan atau setting alamiah. Teori yang digunakan adalah teori Feminisasi kemiskinan dan mekanisme survival dari James C.Scott. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi secara langsung dan wawancara mendalam. Validitas data dilakukan dengan menggunakan triangulasiHasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1). Gambaran feminisasi kemiskinan yaitu ada dua faktor penyebab feminisasi kemiskinan : Pertama adalah karena suami tidak bekerja, hal ini dikarenakan suami sudah tidak produktif lagi atau mengalami kecacatan. Selain itu sulitnya mencari pekerjaan, sehingga si suami menjadi pengangguran. Kedua adalah penghasilan suami yang minim, sehingga tidak bisa mencukupi kebutuhan keluarga. (2). Mekanisme survival yang dilakukan oleh perempuan miskin adalah menjadi petugas kebersihan, berjualan kecil-kecilan, menjadi tukang laundry, dan mengembangkan jaringan sosial dengan tetangga untuk mencari pinjaman atau berbagi penghasilan dalam bentuk kerjasama.                                                                  Kata Kunci: Feminisasi, kemiskinan, perempuan miskin, dan mekanisme survival.AbstractsThe poor are part of the reality of social life. In conditions of poverty experienced by a family, when a husband with a central role is not functioning, usually the involvement of the wife becomes an effort to meet the needs. Which wife will serve as the backbone of his family's economy. In the economic crush of course they will develop special ways to survive. The purpose of this study is to understand the feminization of poverty, namely the role of women in the survival of poor families in the Village Kembang Belor Pacet Mojokerto.This research was conducted on poor women in poor families of Kembang Belor Pacet Mojokerto. This study uses qualitative methods, research that relies on data from what is seen in the field or natural settings. The theory used is the theory of Feminization of poverty and survival mechanism of James C.Scott and the social action theory of Max Weber. Data were collected through direct observation and in-depth interviews. The validity of the data was done by using triangulation.The findings show that (1). Feminization of poverty that there are two factors causing feminization of poverty : First is because husband does not work, this matter because husband is not productive anymore or experiencing disability. In addition, the difficulty of finding a job, so the husband becomes unemployed. Second is the husband's income is minimal, so it can not meet the needs of the family. (2). The survival mechanisms undertaken by poor women are to be a janitor, a small salesman, a laundry man, and develop a social network with neighbors to seek loans or share incomes in the form of cooperation. Keywords : Feminization, poverty, poor women, survival mechanism.
Al-Mada: Jurnal Agama, Sosial, dan Budaya Vol 3 No 1 (2020): Agama, Sosial dan Budaya
Publisher : LPPM Institut Pesantren KH. Abdul Chalim

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (360.818 KB) | DOI: 10.31538/almada.v3i1.484


The era of globalization brings the consequences of increasing the intensity of social interaction of the world community. One of them can be seen from the increase in foreign students who are studying in Indonesia. This research is about the social adaptation of foreign students at Institut KH. Abdul Chalim Mojokerto. The purpose of this research is to know how the social adaptation strategy of foreign students at Institut KH Abdul Chalim Mojokerto. This research was conducted on foreign students at Institut K.H Abdul Chalim Mojokerto. This study uses qualitative methods, ie research that relies on data from what is seen in the field or natural settings. The theory used is the social system theory of Talcott Parsons. Data collection is done by direct observation and in-depth interview. Validity of data is done by using triangulation. The results of this study indicate that foreign students have the motivation to continue their education in Indonesia. In this case, foreign students have motivation that can be categorized into two, namely the structural motivation and cultural motivation. Structural motivation, among others, is the political system and state ideology that does not support the development of Islamic culture. Cultural motivation, among others, is to learn, develop and preserve Islamic culture in their home country. Foreign students consider Indonesia as a tolerant country of difference supported by political ideology in view of religious diversity. It supports the community to develop and practice beliefs without fear of being subordinated by the community environment. Nevertheless, foreign students have difficulties in adapting to education in Indonesia, in this case, is divided into two namely the constraints of Malay and Non-Malay students. The existence of obstacles that make foreign students have a strategy in facing the existing constraints both socially and non-socially.
Komunikasi Massa dan Demokrasi dalam Arus Sistem Politik Puji Laksono
Jurnal Mediakita : Jurnal Komunikasi dan Penyiaran Islam Vol 4, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : IAIN KEDIRI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30762/mediakita.v4i1.2448


The process of mass communication is a reality experienced by society so that it will follow the ideology and political system adopted in the country where it lives. Every country has an ideology that is adhered to as values and principles that serve as guidelines in achieving national ideals. The ideology of a country ultimately determines the political system that is practiced in the life of the nation and state. People who live in a country must be guided by the ideology set. The state ideology becomes the values that are practiced and shared together in daily life, including in the process of mass communication. In the current political mass communication system it should have the potential to become the fourth power and pillar of democracy in a country's political system. Namely the mass media that play an important role as the fourth estate. The process of mass communication takes place in the flow of the country's political system, seen from the perspective of the Four Theories of the Pres and Three Models of Media and Politics, democracy can develop according to the theory of libertarian theory and social responsibility in the four theories of the press, as well as liberal and corporate democracy in the three models of media and politics. Which is the important role of the mass media as the fourth estate can be realized. Whereas in a country that adheres to a media and political system according to authoritarian theory, the soviet communist theory and the pluralist pluralist model are not possible. Although the process of mass communication can play its role as the fourth estate in the realm of democracy, but there are serious challenges that must be faced, namely media conglomeration. Keywords: Mass communication, political system, democracy, press.
MENEMUKAN RUANG KETIGA DALAM DAKWAH ANTARBUDAYA (Analisis Cultural Studies sebagai Kritik atas Gerakan Dakwah Puritanisme) Puji Laksono
Jurnal Mediakita : Jurnal Komunikasi dan Penyiaran Islam Vol 1, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : IAIN KEDIRI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30762/mediakita.v1i2.366


Dakwah in Islam is a divine task performed by each individual and collectively to its adherents. Dakwah hasa goal to invite people to the path of goodness and instructions for obtaining happiness of the world and thehereafter. Practice dakwah that accompanied the business domination and cultural imperialism as did thepuritans will only lead to dissociative interaction processes of intercultural, which leads to a clash of cultures,conflicts and contradictions. It is certainly far from ideal destination dakwah. Thus, the sociological aspect in theimplementation of dakwah is also worth noting, that not only makes the community as an object, but also shouldpay attention to the community as a subject of dakwah. Which not only makes the community as an object, butalso should pay attention to the community as a subject of dakwah. Side of the subjectivity of society is culturalidentity. Implementation of dakwah should be accompanied by an understanding of the cultural differences thatpracticed by the community to find a third space that is dialogical in intercultural dakwah.Keywords: Dakwah, Intercultural, The third space, Cultural Indentity.
Asketik : Jurnal Agama dan Perubahan Sosial Vol 1, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Lembaga penelitian dan Pengembangan Masyarakat (LPPM) IAIN Kediri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30762/ask.v1i2.521


Religious fundamentalism that leads to the action of religious radicalism becomes a common event that must be prevented. Religion that should be the source of love, peace, and salvation in human life is used as an instrument of abomination. This can be seen from the recent events of global terrorism acts today. This research has a theme about the role of Pesantren Nurul Ummah in preventing religious fundamentalism-radicalism which is a the form of acts of terrorism. The purpose of this research is to know how the role of Pesantren Nurul Ummah in preventing religious fundamentalism-radicalism in the form of acts of terrorism. This research was conducted on foreign students at Pesantren Nurul Ummah, Kembang Belor, Pacet, Mojokerto. The method used is qualitative The theory used is the Social Construction theory of Peter L. Berger and Thomas Luckmann. Data were collected through direct observation and in-depth interviews. The validity of the data was done by using triangulation. The results of this study indicate that the root problem of religious fundamentalism that led to the action of religious radicalism, can be seen from the aspect of a shallow religious understanding. The teachings of Islam contained in the Qur’an and Hadith in their understanding are not adapted to the social context. The role of pesantren in preventing religious fundamentalism radicalism, namely by playing the three functions. Among other religious functions, by giving an understanding of the text of the Qur’an and Hadith in accordance with its context, which is called asbab al-nuzul or asbab al-wurud. Then the function of education, by inculcating social values, such as the value of nationalism and pluralism. And the last is the social function, namely to equip students with social activities related to society. Keywords: Pesantren, religious fundamentalism, Islam.
Al-Tsiqoh : Jurnal Ekonomi dan Dakwah Islam Vol 7 No 1 (2022): Dakwah Islam dan Komunikasi
Publisher : Institut Pesantren KH Abdul Chalim Mojokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.1234/altsiq.v7i1.3262


At the beginning of December 2021, there is a incident that make the public in uproar, that is the suicide case of Novia Widyasari. A student from Sooko District Mojokerto Regency is depressed because of love problems with her boyfriend, Randy Bagus, who is a police officer from the Pasuruan Regency Police. Finally, she suicide at her father’s grave by drinking poison. The case eventually spread throughout the media, the online media Radarmojokerto.id and Beritajatim.com are no exception. Finally, the researcher is interested in researching How is the Framing Analysis of the Suicide Case of Novia Widyasari in Radarmojokerto.id and Beritajatim.com Online Media December 2021 Edition. This study is qualitative research with Robert N. Entman’s framing analysis approach. The object of this research is news about the suicide case of Novia Widyasari in Radarmojokerto.id and Beritajatim.com online media December 2021 edition. To collect data, researchers used the documentation method, that is by copying the news that became the object into one file. The study indicates that the framing analysis of Radarmojokerto.id and Beritajatim.com is different. Starting from Problem Identification, Radarmojokerto.id identified Novia Widyasari’s suicide case as a moral issue, while for Beritajatim.com it was a law issue. Causal Interpretation, according to Radarmojokerto.id, Randy is the perpetrator and Novia is the victim who has suffered a lot, so Novia is highlighted. Meanwhile, according to Beritajatim.com, Randy is the actor causing the problems. Moral Evaluation, Radarmojokerto.id’s moral assessment is focused on Randy as a police officer who is very unfortunate for his actions and also on the community’s sense of empathy for Novia. Meanwhile, according to Beritajatim.com Randy is considered to have embarrassed the institution and his family. The Treatment Recommendation by Radarmojokerto.id is a social movement to express the case of Novia WIdyasari. Meanwhile, Beritajatim.com recommends that Randy as the perpetrator be severely punished.