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Geoid Vol 15, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Department of Geomatics Engineering

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12962/j24423998.v15i2.6094


One criteria of a good infrastructure is to connect land, sea, and air transportation routes. To support good infrastructure in Yogyakarta, the development of Tanjung Adikarto port, located close to New Yogyakarta International Airport, is needed.  Instead of having a good port infrastructure, Tanjung Adikarto Port experience sedimentation due to various factors. One of them is sediment carried by Serang River. Therefore, this study aims to analyze Serang River bathymetry and interpolate location of sedimentation in Serang River. The method of bathymetry analysis used is by testing the accuracy of the depth measurement data and interpolate the sedimentation location based on the transverse and longitudinal profile of the Serang River. In addition, Serang River tidal data analysis was also carried out and development problems in Tanjung Adikarto Port is also evaluated.The results of this study indicate that the tides still affect the dynamics of the Serang River up to about 1 km from the Tanjung Adikarto Port breakwater area. According to IHO standards, Serang River depth measurement data classified as Order 1, while sedimentation occur in the river bank area and around the entrance of Tanjung Adikarto Port. As for infrastructure development problem, Tanjung Adikarto Port sedimentation problem might be caused by breakwater conditions.  However, this may requires further study.
Analysis of the July 10th 2013 Tectonic Earthquake effect on the Coordinates Changes of Mentawai Segment Monitoring Station Hilmiyati Ulinnuha; Aris Sunantyo; Nurrohmat Widjajanti
Jurnal Geospasial Indonesia Vol 1, No 2 (2018): December
Publisher : Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/jgise.39350


Mentawai Segment is located in Mentawai Islands, Sumatra, Indonesia. This segment is a subduction zone between Indo-Australian plate and Eurasian plate. This subduction zone can lead to high potential of tectonic earthquake in Mentawai Segment. The high potential of tectonic earthquake has negative impact for the community, so it is necessary to monitor the risk of tectonic earthquake in Mentawai Segment. This monitoring can be done by using GPS data of monitoring station that spread in Mentawai Segment. Therefore, this research aims to analyze the effect of tectonic earthquake on the coordinate change of Mentawai Segment, so that it can reduce the risk of negative impact of tectonic earthquake in Mentawai Segment. This research use observation data of 10 continuous GPS monitoring station (Sumatran GPS Data Array / SuGAr) in Mentawai Segment. Day of observation data was day of year (doy) at the time of tectonic earthquake occurence on July 10, 2013. Data processing used GAMIT / GLOBK software. The results of this research indicate that the tectonic earthquake (July 10, 2013) affected coordinates changes of the SuGAr station significantly two hours after the tectonic earthquake occurred.
GPS Technology Implementation for Sangihe Islands' Movement Monitoring in 2017-2019 Hilmiyati Ulinnuha; Dwi Lestari; Leni Sophia Heliani; Nurrohmat Widjajanti; Cecep Pratama; Parseno Parseno; Krishna Fitranto Nugroho
Jurnal Geospasial Indonesia Vol 2, No 2 (2019): December
Publisher : Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/jgise.51033


Sangihe Islands belong to a complex tectonic area at the subduction of the Eurasian plate and the Philippine Sea. Sangihe subduction zones are complex subduction zone, so that there is a need for continuous movement monitoring. Previous research had been carried out to monitor movement of the Sangihe subduction zone, but no monitoring has been done in 2019. Therefore, this study aims to monitor movement of Sangihe subduction zones with the latest observation data.This study aims to obtain velocity of Sangihe Islands plate movement during 2017 to 2019. Observation was performed using 3 monitoring control points for 7 days in 2019. While observation data from 2017 to 2018 were obtained from previous studies. Observations was carried out using GNSS differential method technology. Loosely constrained of weighted parameter was performed in least square adjustment of GNSS data daily processing, while Kalman Filtering algorithm applied for combining multiyear GNSS data to estimate the velocity refer to ITRF 2014 using GAMIT/GLOBK.This study indicates that Sangihe Islands has horizontal movement to the Southeast with velocity vector of 1 to 2.16 cm/year. This results confirm the previous studies in that area.
Pemanfaatan Citra Side Scan Sonar untuk Identifikasi Objek Bawah Laut Eko Prayetno; Hilmiyati Ulinnuha
Jurnal Geospasial Indonesia Vol 3, No 1 (2020): June
Publisher : Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/jgise.55158


Lamong Bay waters are part of the Port of Tanjung Perak Surabaya. This port is included in one of the busiest ports in Indonesia. Therefore, a study is needed on the condition of the bottom waters and underwater infrastructure buildings to provide information on the safety of the shipping lanes and the landing of the lego anchor on the position of the underwater infrastructure. This study involves exploration activities such as the detection and sweeping of objects at the bottom of the sea and taking sediment samples using side scan sonar instruments and van veen grab sampler. This activity aims to identify the condition of objects of sea cables and pipelines in the waters of the Lamong Bay waters, evaluating the rules of immersion of submarine cables and pipelines in accordance with the Minister of Transportation Regulation No. PM 129 of 2016. The results of this activity will be in the form of a map of sea cables and sea pipes which will be attached to the Lamong Bay Field Painting Sheet. The submarine cable target recorded is in Line A with the cable target detected 2 (two) cable lines. Whereas the sea pipe is located at Lane B. The results of the inspection are to be placed on the Indonesian Sea Map No. 84 to determine the position of sea cables and  pipelines. Each of the submarine cable and pipelines target was analyzed by Minister of Transportation Regulation No. PM 129 of 2016 concerning the regulation of immersion of underwater buildings. The results of the submarine cable and pipelines analysis have met the installation standards even though they are at a shallow depth. This suitability is seen based on dictum 2 (two) rules of burial that burials do not apply to the position of the underwater buildings crossing each other.
Penentuan Posisi Titik-Titik Pemantauan Banjir Di Desa Segoroyoso, Kecamatan Pleret, Kabupaten Bantul, Provinsi DIY Hilmiyati Ulinnuha; Aris Sunantyo; Bilal Ma'ruf; Parseno Parseno; Nurrohmat Widjajanti; Leni Sophia Heliani; Dwi Lestari; Dedi Atunggal; Cecep Pratama
Jurnal Pengabdian dan Pengembangan Masyarakat Vol 4, No 2 (2021): NOVEMBER 2021
Publisher : Pengabdian dan Pengembangan Masyarakat Sekolah Vokasi UGM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/jp2m.67933


Desa Segoroyoso merupakan wilayah yang rawan terhadap adanya bencana alam seperti gempa bumi, banjir, dan tanah longsor. Bencana alam yang sering dialami di Desa Segoroyoso adalah banjir Sungai Opak yang berdampak menggenangi pemukiman warga di Dusun Karanggayam dan Dusun Dahromo I. Sering terjadinya banjir di Desa Segoroyoso membutuhkan penanganan dan mitigasi bencana. Sebagai langkah awal mitigasi banjir, diperlukan titik pantau berupa tanda dilapangan yang mudah diidentifikasi oleh warga tentang elevasi air yang mulai menggenang. Oleh karena itu kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk menentukan posisi horizontal dan vertikal titik pemantauan banjir di Desa Segoroyoso. Titik pemantauan banjir ini diharapkan akan menjadi panduan para warga tentang kemungkinan terjadinya banjir. Posisi horizontal titik pemantau banjir ini akan diukur menggunakan instrumen Global Navigation Satelite System (GNSS) dan posisi vertikal didapatkan melalui pengukuran sipat datar. Hasil dari kegiatan ini adalah koordinat horizontal titik pantau dalam SRGI 2013 serta tinggi orthometriknya.
Estimasi Potensi Gempa Tektonik di Wilayah Sesar Opak Berdasarkan Data Pengamatan GPS Hilmiyati Ulinnuha; Dwi Lestari; Nurrohmat Widjajanti; Parseno Parseno; Cecep Pratama; Leni Sophia Heliani; Suci Tresna Novianti
Geoid Vol 18, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Department of Geomatics Engineering

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12962/j24423998.v18i1.11817


Yogyakarta merupakan daerah ring of fire dengan adanya wilayah-wilayah subduksi lempeng tektonik. Kondisi ini mengakibatkan tingginya potensi gempa tektonik di daerah Yogyakarta. Seperti pada tahun 2006, telah terjadi gempa tektonik dengan skala 6,3 Mw di Yogyakarta dan menimbulkan dampak negatif. Gempa ini disebabkan oleh aktivitas Sesar Opak. Berdasarkan penelitian sebelumnya, segmen patahan Sesar Opak tidak semua melepaskan energi, sehingga dimungkinkan berpotensi menimbulkan gempa tektonik besar di masa yang akan datang. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengenalisis dan mengestimasi potensi gempa tektonik di sekitar wilayah Sesar Opak berdasarkan data pengamatan GPS. Penelitian ini juga mengestimasi maximum magnitude dan periode perulangan maximum magnitude tersebut. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data pengamatan GPS pada titik-titik pantau Sesar Opak sejumlah 11 buah dari tahun 2016, 2017, dan 2018. Data pengamatan GPS diolah dengan perangkat lunak GAMIT/GLOBK. Data diolah dengan membagi area menjadi sebelah Timur dan sebelah Barat Sesar Opak. Selanjutnya, dilakukan perhitungan estimasi maximum magnitude dan periode perulangan maximum magnitude. Hasil dari pengolahan data GPS menunjukkan bahwa resultan kecepatan pergeseran horizontal titik pantau Timur Sesar Opak lebih besar dari pada titik pantau Barat Sesar Opak. Hal ini dapat mengindikasikan Timur Sesar Opak lebih aktif dari pada Barat Sesar Opak. Adanya pergeseran aktif ini dapat menimbulkan potensi gempat tektonik dikemudian hari. Selain itu, hasil estimasi maximum magnitude yang dapat terjadi di wilayah Sesar Opak adalah 6,5 Mw dengan periode perulangan maximum magnitude selama ± 60 tahun pada Segmen Utara dan selama ± 130 tahun pada Segmen Selatan. Namun hasil perhitungan estimasi ini masih perlu disempurnakan dengan dengan menambahkan data lain seperti seismik multitemporal.