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Pondok Pesantren sebagai Wadah Moderasi Islam di Era Generasi Milenial Saiul Anah
Jurnal Keislaman Vol. 4 No. 1 (2021): Jurnal Keislaman
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Taruna Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54298/jk.v4i1.3273


From the pesantren's womb figures were born who helped declarator and motorized the progress of the nation. However, in the recent development of boarding schools such as losing direction and identity in navigating the era of modernization. There are several traditions in the pesantren that are missing, such as intensive recitation of the sorogan and bandongan systems, which are proven to have produced reliable pesantren alumni who in the past were important elements in the pesantren system and curriculum. It should, when there is an effort to revitalize and optimize some of the important elements in the pesantren, the contribution of pesantren to the Indonesian nation will not be questioned anymore. This study aims to track pesantren religious thoughts and movements in the era of globalization. As well as describing the Islamic spirit of the santri in the pesantren environment which continues to be sought as a fortress for Muslims, In line with the millennial era, the faces of Islamic boarding schools in Indonesia are no longer monopolized by traditional groups or radicals, but have been colored by new pesantren formed by other Islamic groups with different faces.
Jurnal Keislaman Vol. 4 No. 2 (2021): Jurnal Keislaman
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Taruna Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54298/jk.v4i2.3332


The expression of the Indonesian Islamic Community is the response ofMuslims to the development of modernity, so that the big of the Islamic revival isdivided into three groups, namely Islamic revivalisme, Islamic reformisme and Islamicfundamentalisme. Revival Islam gave to several movement groups, including:patienting Islam, traditionalist Islam, orthodox Islam, Neo-revivalisme, andconservative Islam. While reformist Islam gave to several movements, such as:modernist Islam, liberal Islam, substantial Islam, and Neo-modernists. while,fundamentalist Islam gave to radical Islam, militant Islam and even terrorisme.Methodologically the understanding of Islam, the modern and contemporary Islamicthought movements, as stated by loualy sufi consists of two, namely groups that use andapply the classical Islamic system and groups that use the paradigm of modern Westernepistemology in total or with a process of integration between modern scholarship. Westwith the treasures of Islamic scholarship. Based on this, it is worth mentioning that thediversity of Indonesian Muslims as a national treasure must be knitted so that interreligiousharmony is created as a characteristic of the true character of the Indonesiannation.
Al-Fakkaar Vol 2 No 2 (2021): Agustus
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Arab Unisda Lamongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (717.605 KB)


Penelitian ini bertujuan menguji dan mengembangkan model pembelajaran berbasis konstruktivisme dalam pembelajaran bahasa Arab di STAI Taruna Surabaya. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode research and development (R&D). STAI Taruna Surabaya merupakan salah satu lembaga Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Tertua di Surabaya yang mewajibkan mahasiswanya mempelajari/menguasai bahasa Arab. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa model pembelajaran berbasis konstruktivisme mampu meningkatkan proses dan hasil/keterampilan berbahasa Arab mahasiswa. Penggunaan model ini juga dapat meningkatkan kinerja dosen karena; 1) waktu pembelajaran lebih efektif, 2) pembelajaran lebih terkonsentrasi dan 3) aktivitas pembelajaran lebih terkontrol. Melalui model ini, perolehan hasil belajar (post test) kelompok eksperiman (KE) pada uji validasi lebih tinggi, daripada hasil belajar (post test) kelompok kontrol (KK). Temuan ini menunjukkan bahwa model pembelajaran berbasis konstruktivisme efektif dalam meningkatkan keterampilan berbahasa Arab mahasiswa dibandingkan dengan mahasiswa yang belajar melalui model pembelajaran konvensional. Berarti, perguruan tinggi Islam lain di Indonesia dapat juga menerapkan model pembelajaran berbasis konstruktivisme ini.
Al-Fakkaar Vol 3 No 1 (2022): Februari
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Arab Unisda Lamongan

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Behaviorisme Purposive For Arabic Language Learning In Fadilillah Boarding School Surabaya Dan penelitian ini juga melihat motivasi santri dalam pembelajaran bahasa arab, dimana perilaku sebagai tolak ukur yang terpenting dalam menganalisis motivasi tersebut. Jenis penelitian ini merupakan penelitian analisis deskriptif, yang menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Objek penelitian sebanyak 38 siswa. Metode penelitian yang digunakan berdasarkan tiga langkah yaitu observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi melalui angket. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Behaviorisme Purposive For Arabic Language Learning In Fadilillah Boarding School Surabaya pada kelas Tujuh Sekolah Menengah Pertama berdasarkan behaviorisme Purposive yaitu, guru melakukan gaya belajar dengan searah, selalu dilakukan pengulangan terhadap materi yang telah dijelaskan, dan selalu memberikan latihan soal sebagai fokus utamanya. Peneliti juga menemui bahwa guru menerapkan sistem pendidikan yang islami, dengan memberikan motivasi kepada siswa tanpa memberikan hukuman, dan memberikan perhatian penuh kepada siswa terhadap kebutuhanya sepanjang pembelajaran. Motivasi tersebut dapat diukur dalam persentasenya sebanyak 51% dengan jumlah siswa 38, hal ini termasuk dalam kategori sedang.
Al-Fakkaar Vol 3 No 2 (2022): Agustus
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Arab Unisda Lamongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (739.459 KB)


Building school at essence is building excellence in human resources. Unfortunately, many school, consciously or not, actually kill a lot of the potential of their students. This research is a multi-intelligence-based school because there are many schools, especially in Surabaya, which are predicated as robot schools; starting from the learning process, school success, to the assessment system. Multiple intelligence-based schools are schools that value various types of student intelligence. In this study, it produces special moments, special moments, the theory of multiple intelligences, indicators of the best school being the best process and not the best input.
Moderasi Islam di Era Generasi Milenial Saiul Anah
Proceedings of Annual Conference for Muslim Scholars Vol 6 No 1 (2022): AnCoMS, APRIL 2022
Publisher : Koordinatorat Perguruan Tinggi Keagamaan Islam Swasta Wilayah IV Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36835/ancoms.v6i1.351


From the pesantren's womb figures were born who helped declarator and motorized the progress of the nation. However, in the recent development of boarding schools such as losing direction and identity in navigating the era of modernization. There are several traditions in the pesantren that are missing, such as intensive recitation of the sorogan and bandongan systems, which are proven to have produced reliable pesantren alumni who in the past were important elements in the pesantren system and curriculum. It should, when there is an effort to revitalize and optimize some of the important elements in the pesantren, the contribution of pesantren to the Indonesian nation will not be questioned anymore. This study aims to track pesantren religious thoughts and movements in the era of globalization. As well as describing the Islamic spirit of the santri in the pesantren environment which continues to be sought as a fortress for Muslims, In line with the millennial era, the faces of Islamic boarding schools in Indonesia are no longer monopolized by traditional groups or radicals, but have been colored by new pesantren formed by other Islamic groups with different faces.
Sekolah Berbasis Kecerdasan Majemuk Di Gresik Saiul Anah
EDUSIANA: Jurnal Manajemen dan Pendidikan Islam Vol. 10 No. 1 (2023): EDUSIANA : JURNAL MENEJEMEN DAN PENDIDIKAN ISLAM
Publisher : EDUSIANA: Jurnal Manajemen dan Pendidikan Islam

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Membangun sekolah, hakikatnya, adalah membangun keunggulan sumber daya manusia. Sayangnya, banyak sekolah yang sadar atau tidak, malah membunuh banyak potensi siswa-siswa didiknya. Penelitian ini sekolah berbasis kecerdasaan majemuk sebab, banyak sekali sekolah khususnya di surabaya yang berpredikat sekolah robot; mulai dari proses pembelajaran, target keberhasilan sekolah, sampai pada sistem penilaiannya. Sekolah berbasis kecerdasan majemuk yaitu sekolah yang menghargai berbagai jenis kecerdasan siswa. Dalam penelitian ini menghasilkan special moment saat-saat istimewa, teori kecerdasan majemuk, indicator sekolah unggul the best process dan bukan the best input. Building school at essence is building excellence in human resources. Unfortunately, many school, consciously or not, actually kill a lot of the potential of their students. This research is a multi-intelligence-based school because there are many schools, especially in Surabaya, which are predicated as robot schools; starting from the learning process, school success, to the assessment system. Multiple intelligence-based schools are schools that value various types of student intelligence. In this study, it produces special moments, special moments, the theory of multiple intelligences, indicators of the best school being the best process and not the best input. Building schools, in essence, is building excellence in human resources. Unfortunately, many schools, consciously or not, actually kill a lot of the potential of their students. This research is a multi-intelligence-based school because there are many schools, especially in Surabaya, which are predicated as robot schools; starting from the learning process, school success targets, to the assessment system. Multiple intelligence-based schools are schools that value various types of student intelligence. In this study, it produces special moments, special moments, the theory of multiple intelligences, indicators of the best school being the best process and not the best input. Keyword : Sekolah, Kecerdasan majemuk (School, Multiple Intelligence )
تعليم اللغة العربية على ضوء الذكاءات المتعددة (دراسة الحالة في مدرسة مالك إبراهيم المتوسطة بكرسيك) Saiul Anah
Al-Fakkaar Vol 4 No 2 (2023): Agustus
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Arab Unisda Lamongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52166/alf.v4i2.4467


There are three objectives of this research: 1) to know the learning of learning the Arabic language based on the multiple intelligences of Gifted students at Malik Ibrahim Junior High School of Gresik, 2) to know the dominant types of multiple intelligences in learning the Arabic language at Malik Ibrahim Junior High School of Gresik, and 3) to know the benefits of Multiple Intelligences in learning the Arabic language for Gifted students at Malik Ibrahim Junior High School of Gresik. The researcher applied a qualitative approach namely case study method. The data collected is taken from recording observation and interview and is analyzed by interactive model analysis. Substantive findings consist of: (a) the Varieties of learning models arabic language base on the multiple intelligences at Malik Ibrahim Junior High School of Gresik is multiple model and interdisipliner for learning activity. 2) Technique of Multiple Intelligences in learning the Arabic language : a) question and answer Technique. There is two varieties of discussion: closing question (some ask there is a question) and opening question (many answering). b). Speech Tehnique. Speech tehnique is interdisipliner for learning activity every week get a student to speech with tittle in arabic book. c). Discussion Tehnique 3) Multiple Intelligences have some benefits for each learning is motivation, customisation learning and easy for learning activity. The formal research findings showed that learning multiple for multiple intelligence can give impact student for Motivation dan customisation for student intelligent appropriation.
Sekolah Berbasis Kecerdasan Majemuk Di Gresik Saiul Anah
EDUSIANA: Jurnal Manajemen dan Pendidikan Islam Vol. 10 No. 1 (2023): EDUSIANA : JURNAL MENEJEMEN DAN PENDIDIKAN ISLAM
Publisher : EDUSIANA: Jurnal Manajemen dan Pendidikan Islam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Membangun sekolah, hakikatnya, adalah membangun keunggulan sumber daya manusia. Sayangnya, banyak sekolah yang sadar atau tidak, malah membunuh banyak potensi siswa-siswa didiknya. Penelitian ini sekolah berbasis kecerdasaan majemuk sebab, banyak sekali sekolah khususnya di surabaya yang berpredikat sekolah robot; mulai dari proses pembelajaran, target keberhasilan sekolah, sampai pada sistem penilaiannya. Sekolah berbasis kecerdasan majemuk yaitu sekolah yang menghargai berbagai jenis kecerdasan siswa. Dalam penelitian ini menghasilkan special moment saat-saat istimewa, teori kecerdasan majemuk, indicator sekolah unggul the best process dan bukan the best input. Building school at essence is building excellence in human resources. Unfortunately, many school, consciously or not, actually kill a lot of the potential of their students. This research is a multi-intelligence-based school because there are many schools, especially in Surabaya, which are predicated as robot schools; starting from the learning process, school success, to the assessment system. Multiple intelligence-based schools are schools that value various types of student intelligence. In this study, it produces special moments, special moments, the theory of multiple intelligences, indicators of the best school being the best process and not the best input. Building schools, in essence, is building excellence in human resources. Unfortunately, many schools, consciously or not, actually kill a lot of the potential of their students. This research is a multi-intelligence-based school because there are many schools, especially in Surabaya, which are predicated as robot schools; starting from the learning process, school success targets, to the assessment system. Multiple intelligence-based schools are schools that value various types of student intelligence. In this study, it produces special moments, special moments, the theory of multiple intelligences, indicators of the best school being the best process and not the best input. Keyword : Sekolah, Kecerdasan majemuk (School, Multiple Intelligence )