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Jurnal Hukum Saraswati (JHS) Vol. 1 No. 1 (2019): Jurnal Hukum Saraswati
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Mahasaraswati University, Denpasar

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Regulation is an instrument for realizing state policies in order to achieve the objectives of the state. As an instrument to realize every state policy, regulations must be formed in the right way so that they are able to produce good regulations and be able to encourage the implementation of orderly social dynamics and be able to encourage the performance of state administration. Indonesia is currently experiencing problems in regulation such as over regulation, overlapping and low quality of legislation. Regulatory disputes that occur become a very urgent problem to be addressed immediately. One way to overcome this is to improve the quality of product legislation and establish a single institution that manages regulation. The institution will later be responsible for establishing legislation at the Government level and also efforts to establish a system of regulation that is integrated in one door and systematic.
Jurnal Aktual Justice Vol 4 No 1 (2019): Aktual Justice
Publisher : Magister Hukum Pascasarjana Univeristas Ngurah Rai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47329/aktualjustice.v4i1.473


As regulated on Article 164 HIR/ Article 284 RBg there are several kinds of evindence in civil cases such as written evidence, proof by witnesses, presumtions, confessions evidence, and oaths. One of the written evidence is authentic deed which was made by and before the authorized public officer at the place where the deed was made. The proof strength of authentic deed is perfect except declined and proven otherwise by the evidence of the opponent or tengenbewijs. Using notmative legal studies, this written is examining and discussing about the strength of the authentic deed and legal the strength of the authentic Regarding to the strength of an authentic deed on proofing process was of perfect proof which means what is written in the deed was really happened so that the judge must accept it and may not order the addition of proof anymore. But to the proof strength of the authentic deed can be defended by the evidence of opponent or tengenbewijs. The existence of evidence of the opponent against an authentic deed will invalidate the strength of perfect proof of an authentic deed because it will cause a lack on the authentic deed, so that in the process of proving the civil case, the authentic deed proof strength will be degraded to be an underhanded deed.
Jurnal Yustitia Vol 13 No 1 (2019): Yustitia
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Ngurah Rai

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Asas sederhana, cepat, dan biaya ringan merupakan salah satu asas yang mendasari proses beracara di pengadilan di Indonesia. Keberadaan asas ini tentunya menghendaki bahwa dalam pemeriksaan perkara dalam proses peradilan dilakukan dalam waktu yang cepat, tanpa proses berbelit- belit, dan memakan biaya yang ringan atau dapat ditanggung oleh subjek hukum. Asas ini amat penting karena bertujuan untuk menjamin tujuan hukum yakni keadilan, kemanfaatan, dan kepastian hukum. Asas sederhana, cepat, dan biaya ringan mendasari pelaksanaan perkara baik di peradilan tingkat pertama, peradilan tingkat banding, dan Mahkamah Agung, dimana pelaksanaan dalam proses peradilan mulai dilaksanakan sejak para pihak mendaftarkan perkaranya di pengadilan sampai dengan eksekusi putusan; tidak semata-mata hanya pada saat hakim memeriksa perkara. Seiring dengar berkembangnya teknologi mengakibatkan adanya tuntutan bagi pengadilan untuk melaksanakan administrasi berbasis elektronik, atau saat ini dikenal dengan nama E-Court Eksistensi e-court yang ditetapkan oleh Mahkamah Agung melalui Perma No. 3 Tahun 2018 tentang Adminstrasi Perkara di Pengadilan secara Elektronik merupakan salah satu upaya lembaga peradilan untuk mewujudkan asas sederhana, cepat, dan biaya ringan dalam hal pembaharuan sistem administrasi perkara. E-court merupakan instrumen yang dapat mempermudah proses beracara melaui aplikasi e- Filling (pendaftaran perkara secara online), e-SKUM (pembayaran perkara secara online) dan e- Summons (pemanggilan secara online).
Urgensi Asas Itikad Baik dalam Penyelesaian Perkara Hak Cipta melalui Prosedur Penyelesaian Sengketa Di Luar Pengadilan Ni Putu Riyani Kartika Sari
Jurnal Yustitia Vol 13 No 2 (2019): YUSTITIA
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Ngurah Rai

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Intellectual Property Rights is an intangible object that has economic value so that it can be utilized by its creator to support their life. This may causes some Copyright dispute because some parties who unlawfully commit acts that are detrimental to the creator. As regulated in the Copyright Law that Copyright Cases consist of criminal, civil and administrative cases, which can be settled through Arbitration, Alternative Dispute Resolution and Courts. If referring to the provisions in the Law of Arbitration and Alternative Dispute Resolution, the settlement through Alternative Dispute Resolution shall be carried out by the Parties in good faith. Therefore in this paper aims to examine the urgency of the good faith principle in the settlement of copyright cases through the resolution of disputes outside the court (Alternative Dispute Resolution). We can explain that the principle of good faith is a universal principle, where good faith means both honesty and objectively means propriety. This results in Alternative Dispute Settlement that is conducted outside the judicial process is important to be based on the principle of good faith because, the dispute resolution occurs and is carried out purely by the parties to the dispute. So that the principle of good faith becomes the basis for dispute resolution that can fortify the parties to negotiate, agree, and implement agreements to comply with applicable norms so as to produce decisions that resolve cases, not cause harm to either party, and do not create new problems later on.
Kewenangan Badan Pertanahan Nasional terkait Inisiatif Kementerian dalam menyelesaikan Sengketa Pertanahan Ni Putu Riyani Kartika Sari
Jurnal Yustitia Vol 14 No 2 (2020): Yustitia
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Ngurah Rai

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Aspek pertanahan merupakan ranah yang kerap menimbulkan permasalahan karena memiliki nilai ekonomis yang tinggi. Untuk itu dalam pengaturannya ditetapkan Peraturan Kepala BPN mengenai Penyelesaian Kasus Pertanahan. Didalam aturannya terdapat kewenangan Badan Pertanahan Nasional untuk menyelesaikan sengketa atau konflik pertanahan atas dasar inisiatif kementerian. Tulisan ini akan mengkaji rasio legis adanya kewenangan tersebut dan peranan kementerian dalam penyelesaian sengketa pertanahan yang berkaitan dengan inisiatif kementerian. Menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis empiris maka tulisan ini akan mengkaji dari segi normatif dengan melihat pada data sekunder. Adapun rasio legis adanya kewenangan inisiatif kementerian dalam melaksanakan penyelesaian sengketa didasarkan pada konsep negara hukum welfarestate yang menghendaki adanya keaktifan dari aparat negara untuk melaksanakan tugas dan fungsinya demi mengakomodir kesejahteraan masyarakat. Dimana peranan BPN dalam penyelesaian sengketa yang didasarkan atas inisiatif kementerian tersebut yakni diawali dengan melakukan pemantauan secara berkala terhadap kondisi masyarakat yang berkaitan dengan aspek pertanahan, selain itu kementerian agraria/ BPN berwenang untuk menjadi mediator dalam menyelesaikan permasalahan pertanahan yang bukan merupakan kewenangannya. Kata Kunci : Inisiatif Kementerian, Penyelesaian Sengketa, Pertanahan, Badan Pertanahan Nasional
Jurnal AKSES Vol 12 No 2 (2020): Jurnal Akses
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (LPPM) Universitas Ngurah Rai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (698.076 KB) | DOI: 10.47329/jurnalakses.v12i2.695


The procedure for examining civil cases, especially relating to the examination of a lawsuit in a court, consists of several stages after the lawsuit has been registered and both parties are appropriately called to attend the court session. The procedure started by: mediation in court based on the regulation on Perma No. 1 of 2016 about Mediation in the Court; if the mediation is unsuccessful, the case is continued untill judges provides the verdict to solve the case. Regarding the decision of a judge in a case especially in a civil case, the procedure of proof take a very important role in determining whether the claim will be rejected or granted. The parties who get burden of proof is charged to those who postulate or known as the principle of Actori incumbit probatio. If in the process of proving that the plaintiff has succeeded in proving the argument of the claim by being reinforced by evidence, the claim is granted, whereas if the arguments in the claim are not proven then the claim will be rejected. For this reason the process of proof is very important in the process of examining civil cases because basically in a civil case the Positief wettelijk bewijstheorie theory is where the judge is bound by evidence according to the law. So that this results in the judge making his decision bound to the evidence presented by the parties, if the evidence justifies or negates the arguments in the lawsuit, the judge drops the decision as a proven fact in the process of proof. The judge in making a decision according to the Positief Wettelijk Bewijstheorie does not require the judge's belief in making a decision
Jurnal Yustitia Vol 13 No 1 (2019): Yustitia
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Ngurah Rai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62279/yustitia.v13i1.275


Asas sederhana, cepat, dan biaya ringan merupakan salah satu asas yang mendasari proses beracara di pengadilan di Indonesia. Keberadaan asas ini tentunya menghendaki bahwa dalam pemeriksaan perkara dalam proses peradilan dilakukan dalam waktu yang cepat, tanpa proses berbelit- belit, dan memakan biaya yang ringan atau dapat ditanggung oleh subjek hukum. Asas ini amat penting karena bertujuan untuk menjamin tujuan hukum yakni keadilan, kemanfaatan, dan kepastian hukum. Asas sederhana, cepat, dan biaya ringan mendasari pelaksanaan perkara baik di peradilan tingkat pertama, peradilan tingkat banding, dan Mahkamah Agung, dimana pelaksanaan dalam proses peradilan mulai dilaksanakan sejak para pihak mendaftarkan perkaranya di pengadilan sampai dengan eksekusi putusan; tidak semata-mata hanya pada saat hakim memeriksa perkara. Seiring dengar berkembangnya teknologi mengakibatkan adanya tuntutan bagi pengadilan untuk melaksanakan administrasi berbasis elektronik, atau saat ini dikenal dengan nama E-Court Eksistensi e-court yang ditetapkan oleh Mahkamah Agung melalui Perma No. 3 Tahun 2018 tentang Adminstrasi Perkara di Pengadilan secara Elektronik merupakan salah satu upaya lembaga peradilan untuk mewujudkan asas sederhana, cepat, dan biaya ringan dalam hal pembaharuan sistem administrasi perkara. E-court merupakan instrumen yang dapat mempermudah proses beracara melaui aplikasi e- Filling (pendaftaran perkara secara online), e-SKUM (pembayaran perkara secara online) dan e- Summons (pemanggilan secara online).
Urgensi Asas Itikad Baik dalam Penyelesaian Perkara Hak Cipta melalui Prosedur Penyelesaian Sengketa Di Luar Pengadilan Ni Putu Riyani Kartika Sari
Jurnal Yustitia Vol 13 No 2 (2019): YUSTITIA
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Ngurah Rai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62279/yustitia.v13i2.402


Intellectual Property Rights is an intangible object that has economic value so that it can be utilized by its creator to support their life. This may causes some Copyright dispute because some parties who unlawfully commit acts that are detrimental to the creator. As regulated in the Copyright Law that Copyright Cases consist of criminal, civil and administrative cases, which can be settled through Arbitration, Alternative Dispute Resolution and Courts. If referring to the provisions in the Law of Arbitration and Alternative Dispute Resolution, the settlement through Alternative Dispute Resolution shall be carried out by the Parties in good faith. Therefore in this paper aims to examine the urgency of the good faith principle in the settlement of copyright cases through the resolution of disputes outside the court (Alternative Dispute Resolution). We can explain that the principle of good faith is a universal principle, where good faith means both honesty and objectively means propriety. This results in Alternative Dispute Settlement that is conducted outside the judicial process is important to be based on the principle of good faith because, the dispute resolution occurs and is carried out purely by the parties to the dispute. So that the principle of good faith becomes the basis for dispute resolution that can fortify the parties to negotiate, agree, and implement agreements to comply with applicable norms so as to produce decisions that resolve cases, not cause harm to either party, and do not create new problems later on.
Kewenangan Badan Pertanahan Nasional terkait Inisiatif Kementerian dalam menyelesaikan Sengketa Pertanahan Ni Putu Riyani Kartika Sari
Jurnal Yustitia Vol 14 No 2 (2020): Yustitia
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Ngurah Rai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62279/yustitia.v14i2.496


Aspek pertanahan merupakan ranah yang kerap menimbulkan permasalahan karena memiliki nilai ekonomis yang tinggi. Untuk itu dalam pengaturannya ditetapkan Peraturan Kepala BPN mengenai Penyelesaian Kasus Pertanahan. Didalam aturannya terdapat kewenangan Badan Pertanahan Nasional untuk menyelesaikan sengketa atau konflik pertanahan atas dasar inisiatif kementerian. Tulisan ini akan mengkaji rasio legis adanya kewenangan tersebut dan peranan kementerian dalam penyelesaian sengketa pertanahan yang berkaitan dengan inisiatif kementerian. Menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis empiris maka tulisan ini akan mengkaji dari segi normatif dengan melihat pada data sekunder. Adapun rasio legis adanya kewenangan inisiatif kementerian dalam melaksanakan penyelesaian sengketa didasarkan pada konsep negara hukum welfarestate yang menghendaki adanya keaktifan dari aparat negara untuk melaksanakan tugas dan fungsinya demi mengakomodir kesejahteraan masyarakat. Dimana peranan BPN dalam penyelesaian sengketa yang didasarkan atas inisiatif kementerian tersebut yakni diawali dengan melakukan pemantauan secara berkala terhadap kondisi masyarakat yang berkaitan dengan aspek pertanahan, selain itu kementerian agraria/ BPN berwenang untuk menjadi mediator dalam menyelesaikan permasalahan pertanahan yang bukan merupakan kewenangannya. Kata Kunci : Inisiatif Kementerian, Penyelesaian Sengketa, Pertanahan, Badan Pertanahan Nasional