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All Journal Prosiding Snastikom
Ega Zuhairi Ramadhan
Universitas Harapan Medan

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Penerapan Metode Vikor Dalam rekomendasi Pemilihan Bitcoin Mining Tools Ega Zuhairi Ramadhan; Adidtya Perdana; Imran Lubis
SEMINAR NASIONAL TEKNOLOGI INFORMASI & KOMUNIKASI Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): Prosiding Snastikom 2021
Publisher : Universitas Harapan Medan

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Mining is one way to get cryptocurrency through the process of finding a new block that must be worked on by a miner. Choosing the wrong type of mining tools will greatly affect the results, speed and effectiveness of the process. Therefore, to overcome this problem, we need a system that can recommend choosing the type of bitcoin mining tools using the concept of a decision support system. There are several methods that can be used for decision making, but in this study the VIKOR method is used to recommend the selection of bitcoin mining tools. This multi-criteria decision-making technique is based on the theory that each alternative consists of a number of criteria that have values and each criterion has a weight that describes how important one criterion is compared to another. This research will produce an application that is used to solve the recommendation problem for selecting bitcoin mining tools using the VIKOR method. There are seven alternative bitcoin mining tools, namely Antminer S5, Antminer S7, Antminer S9, Avalon 6, SP20 Jackson, Antminer R4 and Antminer S2, The expected research results with the minimum alternative Q value was the best ranking