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Navigating Family Economic Resilience During and After Covid 19 PPKM in Bintuju Village, Angkola Muaratais District, 2021 Normayanti Rambe; Lisna Khairani Nasution; Rahmah Juliani Siregar
IJCS: International Journal of Community Service No. Special Issues December (2021): International Journal of Community Service (IJCS)
Publisher : PT Inovasi Pratama Internasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55299/ijcs.v2iSpecial Issues December.374


Covid19 has been spreading for more than two years as the epidemic has changed the way people think and live, including Indonesian citizens. PSBB's proposed restrictions continue, but the impact of the epidemic is not only decreasing but increasing. Now the government is rebuilding PPKM, which has blocked its spread and has not seen any decline. Household income decreased during the epidemic, especially the family's ability to meet their needs and income. To meet the needs of the residents of the neighborhood, the Abdimas team prepared a presentation about household income during the epidemic period for the residents of Bintuju Village. The first task is to conduct preliminary research to document the problems in Mindu village. After gathering information and consulting on how to manage household finances in the region. Empirically, it has had a significant impact. These restrictions will have an impact on the local economy, including layoffs, and small business closures, and will affect small businesses that are the family's livelihood. After Abdimas reports to the regular care team, the aim is to assist the family in their difficult times, especially after PPKM regarding work.
Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Aufa (JPMA) Vol 3 No 2 (2021): Vol. 3 No. 2 Agustus 2021
Publisher : Universitas Aufa Royhan Di Kota Padangsidipuan

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Penyakit kanker di Indonesia dan di dunia merupakan penyakit tidak menular. Menurut data WHO tahun 2013, insiden kanker meningkat dari 12,7 juta kasus tahun 2008 menjadi 14,1 juta kasus tahun 2012. Sedangkan jumlah kematian meningkat dari 7,6 juta orang tahun 2008 menjadi 8,2 juta pada tahun 2012. Kanker menjadi penyebab kematian nomor 2 di dunia sebesar 13 % setelah penyakit kardiovaskular. Diperkirakan pada tahun 2030 insiden kanker dapat mencapai 26 juta orang dan 17 juta diantara nya meninggal akibat kanker, terlebih untuk Negara miskin dan berkembang kejadiannya akan lebih cepat. Di Indonesia, prevalensi penyakit kanker juga cukup tinggi.Kanker payudara memiliki prevalensi yang cukup tinggi. Salah satu upaya yang tepat dalam melakukan pendeteksian secara dini terhadap kelainan-kelainan pada payudara terutama kanker payudara adalah dengan melakukan pemeriksaan payudara sendiri (SADARI). Pencegahan ini menjadi intervensi deteksi dini yang paling memungkinkan dan memiliki banyak keuntungan diantaranya mudah dan praktis. Hasil dari kegiatan pengabdian ini di lanjutkan dengan memberikan evaluasi kepada audien. Terdapat 3 pertanyaan yang di berikan kepada peserta dan peserta mampu mengetahui dan mampu menjawab pertanyaan tersebut dan peserta telah bisa melakukan kegiatan pemeriksaan payudara sendiri sebagai cara untuk deteksi awal kanker payudara.Hanya saja ibu masih kesulitan dengan istilah-istilah yang baru bagi mereka. Kata kunci : Kanker Payudara, Sadari
Penyuluhan tentang Bahaya Merokok pada Pria di Desa Sorimaon Kec. Batang Angkola Muaratais Kab. Tapanuli Selatan Tahun 2020 Rahmah Juliani Siregar; Norma Yanti Rambe
Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Aufa (JPMA) Vol 2 No 3 (2020): Vol. 2 No. 3 Desember 2020
Publisher : Universitas Aufa Royhan Di Kota Padangsidipuan

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Smoking is a habit of smoking cigarettes that is carried out in everyday life, is a necessity that cannot be avoided for people who experience a tendency towards smoking. Cigarettes are an addictive substance, meaning that they can cause dependence on the wearer. The addictive nature of cigarettes comes from the nicotine they contain. After a person inhales cigarette smoke, within 7 seconds the nicotine will reach the brain (Soetjiningsih, 2010)All health experts including the World Health Organization (WHO) have long concluded that in terms of health, smoking has many negative impacts, especially for children and their future. Cigarettes contain 4000 chemical substances with 200 types of which are carcinogenic (can cause cancer), where this toxic material is found in the main smoke, namely cigarette smoke which is inhaled directly into the smoker's lungs and side smoke, namely cigarette smoke produced by the tip of the cigarette burns, for example carbon monoxide, benzopirene, and ammonia (KPAI, 2013). This PKM activity aims to increase the knowledge of the Sorimanaon Village community about the dangers of smoking by providing education related to efforts to increase knowledge about MKJP. The methods used in the implementation of this activity are through lectures and discussions. The results of this PKM activity aim to increase knowledge by providing good Communication, Information and Education (IEC) with IEC, a communication process will occur with the dissemination of information that accelerates the behavior change of the community.