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PROSES PEMBUATAN NPWP CEPAT DAN MUDAH BAGI PELAKU UMKM DI MASA PANDEMI COVID-19 Mainita Hidayati; Ratih Kumala; Wuwuh Andayani; Ridwal Ridwal; Aldino Aldino
JMM (Jurnal Masyarakat Mandiri) Vol 5, No 2 (2021): April
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (412.64 KB) | DOI: 10.31764/jmm.v5i2.4173


Abstrak: Kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat ini merupakan kegiatan pengabdian yang telah dilakukan pada tahun 2020 di Kelurahan Pakis yang terletak di wilayah Kecamatan Sawahan, Kota Surabaya. Pakis merupakan daerah yang terus berkembang dengan memiliki beberapa UMKM di bidang kuliner dan fashion. Tujuan diadakan pengabdian ini adalah untuk mengenalkan tentang proses pembuatan NPWP cepat dan mudah guna meningkatkan pemahaman pelaku UMKM dalam memenuhi kewajiban perpajakannya. Metode pelatihan ini dimulai dengan syarat dan cara pembuatan NPWP, hak dan kewajiban wajib pajak serta manfaat NPWP, tata cara pembukuan dan pencatatan, serta tata cara penghitungan dan pelaporan pajak UMKM. Persiapan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini dilakukan dalam beberapa tahapan, yaitu (1) menganalisa situasi dan identifikasi kebutuhan UMKM, (2) Memberikan materi pelatihan yang disosialisasikan oleh Instruktur kepada pelaku UMKM dan diskusi tentang permasalahan-permasalahan pajak, (3) evaluasi program dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat. Hasil kegiatan yang telah dilakukan bahwa pelaku UMKM yang belum mendaftarkan diri sebagai wajib pajak karena belum mengetahui tata cara pembuatan NPWP dan keterbatasan informasi terkait syarat dan cara pembuatan NPWP, dan pelaku UMKM belum melakukan pembukuan dan pencatatan transaksi keuangannya. Pelatihan ini menunjukkan tingkat pemahaman pelaku UMKM terhadap pentingnya pemahaman terhadap perpajakan, adanya respon positif tersebut dilihat dari antusiasme para peserta pelatihan mengikuti kegiatan pengabdian, Sebagian besar (62,5%) peserta telah memahami tentang perpajakan, arti pentingnya pajak, pembuatan NPWP, dan dapat memahami PP Nomor 23 Tahun 2018. Abstract: This community service activity is a service activity that has been conducted in 2020 in Pakis Village located in sawahan sub-district, Surabaya. Fern is an area that continues to grow by having several MSMEs in the field of culinary and fashion. The purpose of this devotion is to introduce about the process of making NPWP quickly and easily in order to improve the understanding of MSMEs in fulfilling their tax obligations. This training method begins with the terms and procedures for making NPWP, the rights and obligations of taxpayers as well as the benefits of NPWP, bookkeeping and recording procedures, and procedures for calculating and reporting MSMEs taxes. Preparation of community service is carried out in several stages, namely (1) analyzing the situation and identification of the needs of MSMEs, (2) Providing training materials disseminated by instructors to MSMEs and discussions on tax issues, (3) evaluation of programs in the implementation of community service activities. The results of the activities that have been carried out that MSME actors who have not registered as taxpayers because they do not know the procedure of making NPWP and limited information related to the terms and how to make NPWP, and MSMEs actors have not done the bookkeeping and recording of financial transactions. This training shows the level of understanding of MSMEs on the importance of understanding taxation, the positive response is seen from the enthusiasm of the trainees following the devotional activities, mostly (62.5%) participants have understood about taxation, the importance of taxes, the creation of NPWP, and can understand PP No. 23 of 2018.
Jurnal Reformasi Administrasi : Jurnal Ilmiah untuk Mewujudkan Masyarakat Madani Vol 3, No 1: March 2016
Publisher : Institut Ilmu Sosial dan Manajemen STIAMI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (417.455 KB) | DOI: 10.31334/reformasi.v3i1.94


Penelitian  ini membahas tentang perubahan tarif pajak daerah berdasarkan UU No. 28 tentang Pajak Daerah dan Retribusi Daerah (Studi Kasus : Pajak Kendaraan Bermotor (PKB) Di Propinsi DKI Jakarta) dalam bahasannya juga menganalisis mengenai tarif progresif, earmarking dan potensi peningkatan penerimaan Pajak Kendaraan Bermotor. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan desain deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menyarankan bahwa penerapan tarif progresif harus disertai dengan perbaikan sistem adminitrasi melalui Single Identity Number (SIN) untuk mencapai hasil yang optimal, menaikkan tarif pajak parkir dan retribusi parkir, dan potensi peningkatan penerimaan Pajak Kendaraan Bermotor dengan memungut Pajak Kendaraan Bermotor atas kendaraan pemerintah.
An Analysis of the Effectiveness of Samsat J'bret Service (West Java Ngabret) during the Covid-19 Pandemic to Improve the Tax Compliance of Motorized Vehicles at the Office of Samsat Bekasi City Wuwuh Andayani; Septa Prayoga; Mainita Hidayati
Ilomata International Journal of Tax and Accounting Vol 3 No 4 (2022): October 2022
Publisher : Yayasan Ilomata

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (626.516 KB) | DOI: 10.52728/ijtc.v3i4.570


Taxes, both central and local taxes, are the main source of income for the state. One of the regional taxes is the Motorized Vehicle Tax (PKB) which is one source of income expected to help local governments in increasing Locally-Generated Revenue (PAD). This has prompted local governments to innovate tax payment services for motorized vehicles by utilizing increasingly advanced information technology which serves as an effort to break the chain of the spread of Covid-19. This study was conducted to analyze the effectiveness of the J’bret (West Java Ngabret) Samsat service system to improve taxpayer compliance in paying the motorized vehicle tax during the Covid-19 pandemic in Bekasi City, the obstacles that emerged, and the efforts made by the Samsat and taxpayers in realizing the effectiveness of the service system. The research method was a qualitative approach by employing a descriptive approach. The results of this study indicated that the J’bret Samsat service system has been effective and fully following the theory of effectiveness aspects according to Muasaroh (2013). Last, what needs to be improved was more campaigns held for taxpayers about the existence of a motorized vehicle tax payment service system through the Samsat J’bret.