Dahlia Sirait
Universitas Muslim Nusantara Al-Washliyah Medan

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The Effectiveness Of Students Vocabulary Achievement Through Intensive Reading In MTs Al Washliyah Kolam Nur Hasanah Batubara, Dahlia Sirait
Center of Knowledge : Jurnal Pendidikan Dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Volume 2, No 1, Februari 2022
Publisher : Pusdikra Publishing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (283.061 KB)


This research aimed to obtain the empirical evidence of the effectiveness of Intensive reading on students’ reading comprehension. The sample of this research was students of class VII – I (as experimental groups) and VII – II (as control group) of the Mts Al Washliyah Kolam. The researcher used the Experimental Design as the method for the research. The students consists 2 groups, namely experimental group and control group. This research used pre-test and post-test.The result of the conclusion of t-test is that t-observed value : 11.38 with degree of freedom (df) = 76 is higher than the value of t-table (1,99). In conclusion, those findings in imply that the alternative (Ha) : Intensive Reading on vocabulary achievement is accepted and null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected. As a result, the impact of Intensive Reading has a significant effect on student vocabulary achievement.
AMALIAH: JURNAL PENGABDIAN KEPADA MASYARAKAT Vol. 1 No. 1 (2017): Amaliah: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32696/ajpkm.v1i1.8


Pembelajaran sains sebagai subsistem pendidikan nasional memberi kontribusi penting dalampembentukan karakter siswa. Pembelajaran sains yang benar akan mengarahkan siswa untukmemiliki karakter-karakter diantaranya berupa kecermatan, disiplin, kejujuran, ketekunan,berpikir kritis, bertanggungjawab, dan saling bekerja sama. Desa Percut Sei Tuan salah satu desadi Kota Medan akan menjadi sasaran pengabdian masyarakat untuk melakukan pelatihan dansosialisasi terkait Membangun Pendidikan Karakter Melalui Pembelajaran Sains di Sekolah DesaPercut Sei Tuan. Hal ini dilakukan karena permasalahan yang berkaitan dengan Narkoba di Desaini agak mengkhawatirkan dan ini berkaitan dengan keluarga terdekat yang merupakan pemakaidan pengedar. Agar pendidikan karakter tidak bertambah merosot dan pengaruh narkoba tidaksemakin menjadi-jadi, maka perlu adanya penyuluhan ke sekolah- sekolah khususnya sekolah.Metode yang digunakan pada pengabdian ini adalah pendekatan keterampilan proses melaluipelatihan dan sosialisasi. Pendekatan keterampilan proses adalah proses pembelajaran yangdirancang sedemikian rupa sehingga siswa dapat menemukan fakta fakta, membangun konsepkonsepdan teori teori dengan keterampilan intelektual dan sikap ilmiah siswa sendiri.
FORUM PAEDAGOGIK Vol 10, No 2 (2019): 10 Articles, Pages 1-143
Publisher : IAIN Padangsidimpuan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24952/paedagogik.v11i2.2267


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menegetahui perkembangan pemerolehan bahasa pada anak usia 2 tahun khususnya pemerolehan fonem. Pengumpulan data diambil dengan merekam ujaran-ujaran anak sebagai subjek dari penelitian ini dalam percakapan sehari-harinya. Cara perekamannya dilakukan secara natural yaitu tanpa menyuruh anak mengucapkan kata-kata yang telah diatur. Perekaman dilakukan saat anak sedang bermain dengan menggunakan perekam dari handphone. Berdasarkan data yang telah dianalisis telah didapatkan temuan yaitu anak pada usia 2 tahun telah mampu mengucapkan kata. Beberapa fonem konsosnan  yang dapat  diproduksi  anak  usia  2  tahun ada  11 fonem yaitufonem/b/,/d/, /g/,/k/,  /l/,  /m/,  /n/,  /p/, /t/,  /y/, /c/. Ada 9 fonem konsonan variasi seperti/t∫/, /dj/, /ŋ/, /bh/, /dh/, /gh/, /‟/, /ch/, /ph/. Sehingga total fonem yang telah dapat di ucapkan anak berjumlah 20 fonem. Selain itu anak juga sudah mampu memproduksi fonem vokal seperti /a/, /i/, /u/, /e/, /o/. Dan 4 fonem vokal variasi yaitu /∂/, /ʌ/, / ε/, / ô/.
The Influence Of Using Series Pictures Towards Students’ Reading Comprehension In Narrative Text At SMP Negeri 1 Pagaran Simamora Nabolak Academic Years 2021-2022 Lasnita Lumbantoruan; Dahlia Sirait
Cybernetics: Journal Educational Research and Social Studies Volume 3 Nomor 3 Juli 2022
Publisher : Pusdikra Publishing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


The research aims to determine the influence of using series pictures towards students’ reading comprehension in narrative text at Smp Negeri 1 Pagaran .This is research design is experimental research.It was carry out into two groups; The experimental group (VIII 1) was taugh using the series pictures while the control group (VIII 2) was taught without series pictures .The instrument of this research is a multiple choice consisting of 20 question,the test consist of two types ,namely pre-test and post-test to collect data .After collecting data ,the writer then analyzed the test result using –test formula.Based on the data obtained ,it shows that the average pre-test score of the experimental group is 39.33and the control group is 36.33. Meanwhile,the post-test avverage score of the experimental group was 46 and the control group was and the control group was 53,66.Furthmore,it is obtained that the t-test is 1.96 and the table is 1.70 for 0.05 Because the t-test is higher than t-table (1.96>1.70) Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted there is a difference in the post-test mean score between the experimental group and the control group .Based on the result ,it was concluded that using the series pictures was influence in students’ reading comprehension skill in narrative text at SMP N.1 Pagaran.
The Effectiveness of Using Picture as Media Towards Students’ English Speaking Skills Fitri Wahyuni Manurung; Dahlia Sirait
Education & Learning Vol. 3 No. 1 (2023)
Publisher : Medan Resource Center

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (453.564 KB) | DOI: 10.57251/el.v3i1.725


The objective of this research was to find out the effectiveness of using picture as media towards students' English speaking skills. This research was conducted at MAS Al-Manar Medan in the academic year 2022/2023. The samples of this research were 37 students of class XI IPA and IIS. This research was conducted using an experimental research design with two classes, the experimental class consisting of 19 students and the control class consisting of 18 students. The experimental group was given pre-test, treatment and post-test and the control group was given pre-test and post-test. The instrument of this research was an oral test, which was given in the pre-test and post-test. The results of this research showed that the t-observed value was higher than the t-table (15.288 > 2.030). The alternative hypothesis was accepted. It means that the effectiveness of using picture as media significantly affected towards students' English speaking skills.