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Pengembangan Dan Pengelolaan Fasilitas Objek Wisata Pemandian Alam Kecamatan Namorambe Darmayanti Ompusunggu; Cece Cece
CIVITAS: Jurnal Studi Manajemen Vol 4, No 1 (2022): 28 JANUARI 2022
Publisher : CIVITAS: Jurnal Studi Manajemen

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the purpose of ths research is that namorambe natural baths are widely enjoyed bylocal tourists alone but has not been visited by foreign tourists. Though the potential of naturalbeauty is also no less far from tourist attractions in other areas. It is often unable to receivevisitors anymore because the capacity of the gazebo is no longer available. Many groups ofemployees and families come to visit Namorambe nature baths until mat rentals and cottagesexceed availability. The type of research conducted in this study is qualitative research. The datacollection technique in this study used interviews. Based on the results of research on theconstruction of souvenir stalls and restaurants at tourist attraction sites and road repairinfrastructure leading to the location, it is necessary to intervene by the government and findinterested investors. Existing facilities now need to be kept clean and the role of the governmentto conduct counseling and training is needed.
Kegiatan Reboisasi Hutan Kota Kanal Bantaran Sungai Deli Kota Medan Teguh Satya Wira; Cece Cece; Agus Setiono
Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Inovasi Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): Februari
Publisher : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Inovasi

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Semakin minimnya ruang terbuka hijau di Kota Medan menjadikan suhu di kota ini semakin cukup panas dari masa ke masa. Tak terkecuali dengan semakin sedikitnya hutan kota dan taman-taman hijau yang semakin tergerus akibat adanya pembangunan kota yang tidak dapat dibendung lagi. Hutan Kota yang terletak di Bantaran Sungai Deli Kanal Medan merupakan salah satu contoh hutan kota yang kini masih tersisa. Kini kondisi hutan kota ini tidak seperti hutan pada umumnya. Hutan kota ini terlihat sekilas seperti padang savana. Hutan dengan sedikit pohon besar yang penuh tertutup rumput. Untuk itulah Tim Pengabdian Masyarakat ini bergerak di hutan kota ini. Pengabdian untuk lingkungan dan kehidupan masyarakat yang lebih baik. Tujuan diadakan pengabdian bagi masyarakat ini dimaksudkan agar masyarakat di sekitar hutan kota dapat lebih memahami pentingnya menjaga lingkungan dari bencana (terutama banjir, erosi maupun abrasi sungai). Terlebih hutan ini salah satu tujuan masyarakat melakukan kegiatan rekreasi di sekitar hutan dan sungai. Target yang dicapai dalam pengabdian ini adalah adanya proses reboisasi hutan kota yang berada di hutan kota bantaran sungai Deli yang merupakan urat nadi salah satu sungai terbesar yang melintasi kota Medan. Reboisasi memiliki dampak besar terhadap adanya pengurangan abrasi dan pencegahan banjir di wilayah kota Medan dan sekitarnya. Metode yang digunakan dalam pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah memberikan sosialisasi kepada masyarakat sekitar hutan kota dan bantaran sungai Deli Medan tentang pentingnya menjaga lingkungan sekitar dari ancaman bencana. Dengan adanya reboisasi terhadap hutan kota di bantaran sungai Deli ini diharapkan semakin terjaganya lingkungan sekitar hutan kota sehingga tercipta adanya minimalisir bencana, tercipta udara yang semakin bersih, hingga kontribusi untuk melestarikan alam sekitar. Hasil pengabdian yang dilakukan di hutan kota kanal bantaran sungai Deli Medan ini adalah semakin hijaunya hutan kota yang sebelumnya dipenuhi rumput dan semak belukar. Terlihat masyarakat sekitar hutan kota bersantai di sekitar hutan dari siang hingga sore hari. Terlihat kegiatan ekonomi masyarakat yang semakin menggeliat di sekitar hutan kota, hingga adanya wacana pemerintah yang hendak menjadikan hutan kota ini menjadi sebuat pasar ekonomi kreatif di masa mendatang
Persepsi Mahasiswa Otak Kanan Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Manajemen Sukma Medan terhadap Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Luring Selama Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Cece Harahap
BISMA Cendekia Vol. 2 No. 3 (2022): BISMA Cendekia - Mei 2022
Publisher : Politeknik Cendana

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Perkuliahan luring adalalah pembelajaran yang dilakukan sebelum pandemi covid-19 melanda, tetapi semenjak covid-19 melanda dunia semua segala aktivitas pembelajaran dilakukan secara daring. Akhirnya setelah dua tahun pembelajaran dilakukan secara daring, kini segala aktivitas pembelajaran sudah dapat dilakukan secara luring. Tujuan penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar antusias mahasiswaotak kanan untuk mengikuti pembelajaran luring setelah sekian lama pembelajaran dilakukan secara daring. Oleh sebab itu kami melakukan sebuah penelitian dengan cara meminta tanggapan dari mahasiswa/i, tentang perkulian luring yang sedang dijalani. Dan apa saja yang diperlukan untuk sarana dan prasarana untuk kenyamanan mahasiswa dalam perkuliahan luring.
Sosialisasi Dan Penyuluhan Tentang Bahaya Narkoba Dan Pencegahannya Di Sekolah Yayasan Perguruan Pahlawan Nasional Medan Cece Harahap; Agus Setiono; Desy Irana Dewi Lubis
Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Akademisi Vol. 1 No. 3 (2022)
Publisher : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Akademisi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54099/jpma.v1i3.250


The purpose of this activity is socialization, counseling and providing understanding about the dangers of drugs for the surrounding community is very important to do because then the community can have the same knowledge and understanding, namely about drug abuse and trafficking is not allowed and is strictly prohibited to do because it can lead to a problems and very large negative effects in social life. Therefore, there needs to be a synergy between stakeholders so that social problems of drug abuse can be overcome together. Socialization must be done early on. so we started from school. School is a place to get education and knowledge as well as a place to hang out, if the relationship is wrong it can lead to negative things, one of which is drugs. The National Heroes Junior High School was chosen to be the target of counseling on the grounds that teenagers at this level need to be educated because their period is a transitional period and they want to know everything. All students know the dangers of drugs, and some students know the types of drugs and how to use them. The information they know is obtained from social media.
Strategi Pengembangan Objek Wisata Ketambe Untuk Meningkatkan Kunjungan Wisatawan Ika Rezeky; Cece Cece
Journal of Comprehensive Science (JCS) Vol. 1 No. 5 (2022): Journal of Comprehensive Science (JCS)
Publisher : Green Publisher Indonesia

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Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui Strategi pengembangan objek wisata Ketambe agar dapat meningkatkan angka kunjungan wisatawan. Berdasarakan analisis SWOT yang dilakukan pada objek wisata Ketambe, terdapat strategi SO, WO, ST dan WT yang dapat digunakan oleh pihak Dinas Pariwisata dan Olahraga Kabupaten Aceh Tenggara sebagai jalan atau solusi untuk mempercepat pengembangan objek wisata Ketambe. Selain itu pembangunan dan pengembangan yang dilakukan mengutamakan penggunaan 4 strategi pengembangan, yaitu attraction (daya tarik utama) dalam bentuk sungai, wahana arung jeram dan keberadaan Taman Nasional Gunung Leuser. Lalu amenity (kenyamanan) dalam wujud keberadaan gazebo, musollah dan toilet. Kemudian accessibility tergambar dari penyediaan akses jalan yang nyaman. Terakhir yaitu ancillary (kenyamanan) dengan keberadaan Gedung Tiket yang sekaligus dijadikan sebagai Tourist Information Centre.
Indonesian Journal of Multidisciplinary Science Vol. 1 No. 12 (2022): IJOMS: Indonesian Journal of Multidisciplinary Science
Publisher : International Journal Labs

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1354.109 KB) | DOI: 10.55324/ijoms.v1i12.242


Stifin is a tool for detecting intelligence and a person's brain type, it is used to find out a person's character and to find out what learning methods are suitable for each student. This type of research is a quantitative descriptive study using a survey method conducted online. Primary data collection in this study was carried out by distributing online questionnaires to 34 respondents who were students of KIP STIM SUKMA MEDAN which included students studying in the second semester in afternoon classes with combined concentrations. Respondents from this study were students of right brain b and left brain b management study program which included 2nd semester students. In this study students who were respondents and were willing to fill out google forms. Based on the analysis above, it can be concluded that many students think that they are more familiar with character their personal after knowing their MK. but having the Constitutional Court and adjusting the class according to the Constitutional Court does not guarantee that all students are comfortable, because there is no difference in assignments or anything else between right brain class B and left brain B.
Analysis of The Role of Savings and Loans Cooperatives An Effort to MSMEs Case Study on Ksp. Credit Union Harapan Kita Andre Ramora Sirait; Cece Cece
SITEKIN: Jurnal Sains, Teknologi dan Industri Vol 21, No 1 (2023): December 2023
Publisher : Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24014/sitekin.v20i2.22928


This thesis aims to Analyze the Role of Savings and Loans Cooperatives in Efforts to Improve Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) Case Studies on KSP. Credit Harapan Kita. This research used a qualitative descriptive method with direct interviews with leaders of KSP: Credit Union Harapan Kita, Field Observations and Documentation. The research results show that saving and loan cooperatives are essential in increasing (MSMEs). Saving and loan cooperatives can provide easy and affordable access to finance for (MSMEs. With that, savings and loan cooperatives can also guide their members in managing their businesses. However, there are several obstacles faced by savings and loan cooperatives in increasing MSMEs. Some of these obstacles include the lack of awareness and understanding of cooperative members in managing loans, limited capital owned by savings and loan cooperatives, and the lack of support from the government and the community in developing savings and loan cooperatives for the public, as well as providing government incentives and support to saving and loan cooperatives can play a more effective role in increasing MSMEs and encouraging economic growth in the Regions
Jurnal Ekonomi Vol. 12 No. 3 (2023): Jurnal Ekonomi, 2023, September
Publisher : SEAN Institute

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The data analysis technique used in this study is data analysis technique in quantitative research using statistics. So this study uses statistical inference. Which statistical inference is a part of statistics that studies the interpretation and drawing conclusions that apply in general from the available data, namely the Analysis of Consumer Satisfaction in Increasing Sales of the Medan Branch of DHF Powder Case Study. This study shows that there is a positive influence between customer satisfaction and increased sales. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of customer satisfaction on increased sales. It can be concluded that there is a positive influence simultaneously on customer satisfaction on increasing sales, meaning that the higher the customer satisfaction, the higher the number of sales, and vice versa. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of customer satisfaction on increased sales. It can be concluded that there is a positive influence simultaneously on customer satisfaction on increasing sales, meaning that the higher the customer satisfaction, the higher the number of sales, and vice versa.
Pemanfaatan Teknologi Gadget Sebagai Media Pelajaran Neni Triastuti; Cece Harahap
Jurnal Masyarakat Indonesia (Jumas) Vol. 2 No. 02 (2023): Jumas : Jurnal Masyarakat Indonesia
Publisher : Cattleya Darmaya Fortuna

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54209/jumas.v2i02.52


This community service activity is in the form of an introduction to the use of gadgets as learning media. Just like other technologies, gadgets also have advantages that can be used as a support for reading and learning facilities for students. The purpose of this research is to find out whether using gadget media can create an effective learning atmosphere for students. The results showed that gadgets were used by students to make it easier to access subject matter, watch and analyze learning films or videos. With the use of gadgets, students become more interesting and learning becomes more varied and fun.