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Pembinaan Sosial-Keagamaan Lanjut Usia Dalam Membangun Konstruk Kesalehan Sosial Sakirman Sakirman
Inovasi Pembangunan : Jurnal Kelitbangan Vol 7 No 2 (2019): August 2019
Publisher : Balitbangda Provinsi Lampung

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This paper is the essence of the research on elderly socio-religious development in developing the construct of social piety in the Elderly Social Institution (PSLU) Bhakti Yuswa Lampung aims to find out the superior programs in Islamic religious formation to the elderly followed by why Islamic education is directed towards the elderly are in need and how the influence of the implementation of Islamic religious guidance on the elderly. Data analysis in this study used descriptive qualitative method with inductive thinking method. The results of this study indicate that Islamic religious formation is a process of spiritual rehabilitation. It is considered necessary to help the psychological condition of the elderly who experience spiritual disorders that can be overcome by carrying out activities that improve aspects of spirituality through excellent programs such as recitation, prayer building and fasting. The practice of Islamic religious activities can be done well by the elderly as evidenced by the description of the results of Islamic religious formation can improve aspects of spirituality as measured by the construct of social piety.
Akademika : Jurnal Pemikiran Islam Vol 17 No 2 (2012): Memperkuat Citra Islam sebagai Agama Perdamaian
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Metro

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Kajian ini mengungkap bagaimana konstruksi metodologi KH Ahmad Dahlan dalam meluruskan arah kiblat di Indonesia. Cikal bakal problematika pelurusan arah kiblat terjadi di masjid Kauman Yogyakarta. Rekonstruksi yang dilakukan KH Ahmad Dahlan cukup lentur yang dikemas melalui metode ilmiah yakni menggunakan pendekatan astronomi modern, meskipun pada saat itu masyarakat setempat belum menerima sepenuhnya pembaharuan tersebut. KH Ahmad Dahlan berusaha dengan elegan memberikan pencerahan kepada masyarakat bahwa masjid Kauman Yogyakarta tidak tepat mengarah ke posisi kakbah. Pesan singkat yang disampaikan oleh KH Ahmad Dahlan dalam pelurusan arah kiblat adalah suatu hal yang sakral tapi lentur sifatnya. KH Ahmad Dahlan memberikan contoh bahwa Islam itu sebetulnya tidak kaku melainkan lentur. Dengan syarat, tetap memegang teguh nilai yang berlaku. Karena jauh lebih penting adalah urusan ibadah dengan sang pencipta. pelaksanaan prinsip, nilai, anjuran agama yang telah digariskan arah kiblat tetap menjadi penting. Atas dasar itu, KH Ahmad Dahlan melakukan gerakan pemurnian, yang salah satunya berupa upaya meluruskan arah kiblat umat Islam Indonesia. Kala itu umat Islam Indonesia merasa cukup menghadap ke barat saja, tanpa mempertimbangkan sesuai tidaknya dengan arah kiblat. This study reveals how construction methodology of KH Ahmad Dahlan in straightening Qiblah direction in Indonesia. The forerunner to its streamlining Qiblah direction occurred in the mosque Kauman Yogyakarta. Reconstruction KH Ahmad Dahlan was quite pliable packaged through scientific methods i.e. using modern astronomical approach, although at that time the local people have not received the renewal entirely. KH Ahmad Dahlan tried elegantly giving enlightenment to the people that no proper mosque Kauman leads to the position of the Kaaba. Short messages that are delivered by KH Ahmad Dahlan in the straightening of the Qibla direction is a sacred thing but supple nature. KH Ahmad Dahlan gave an example that Islam is actually not stiff but pliable. The condition, keep holding fast to values that apply. Because it is much more important is the matter of worship with the creator. the implementation of the principles, values, religious advice outlined Qiblah direction remains important. On that basis, KH Ahmad Dahlan purification movements, one of which is an attempt to straighten the Qibla direction Islam Indonesia. At that time Indonesia Muslims feel quite overlooking the West alone, without considering whether compliance with the direction of the Qibla.
PkM Penguatan Kapasitas Mengukur dan Verifikasi Arah Kiblat bagi Pengurus Masjid Sakirman Sakirman; A Jamil; Moelki Fahmi Ardliansyah
GUYUB: Journal of Community Engagement Vol 4, No 2 (2023): Pendampingan Peningkatan Ekonomi, Kesehatan, dan Pendidikan
Publisher : Universitas Nurul Jadid

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33650/guyub.v4i2.6524


The needs of Muslims in ruhiyah are to be able to perform prayers in the mosque with khusyu', which is characterized by the fulfillment of the conditions for the validity of prayer, namely facing the face and limbs towards the qibla both during ruku and prostration. The mosque as a place of worship for Muslims must be accurately measured facing the Kaaba. The role of mosque administrators as assisted subjects has a considerable contribution to community change. Through mosque administrators, public trust can be integrated, when there is a debate about Qibla direction. How to provide an understanding to mosque administrators of the importance of Qibla direction and verification of mosques sampled in this service research is a problem that will be unraveled. this study program-based service-research is based on qualitative research. The approach used is participatory action research or participation research. This approach aims to see, hear, and understand social symptoms that occur in society. The results obtained through this service-research are based on the verification results of the al-Hidayah mosque, al-Jihad mosque, Baiturrohman II mosque, Nur Hidayah mosque, and Nurul Iman mosque, it can be concluded that the accuracy level of the five mosques is very low.
Unifikasi Kalender Rasydhul Qiblah Harian Wilayah Sumatera Barat Sakirman Sakirman
Astroislamica: Journal of Islamic Astronomy Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023): Astroislamica: Journal of Islamic Astronomy (Desember)
Publisher : Islamic Astronomy Department, Sharia and Law Faculty

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47766/astroislamica.v2i2.1701


Part of one of the obligatory conditions that must be fulfilled when Muslims perform the prayer service is facing the face and all members of the body towards the Qibla. The main problem with Qibla's direction is the long distance between the Kaaba and the mosque as a place of worship for Muslims. West Sumatra is an area thick with religious nuances, there are many mosques as places of worship for Muslims. So, the Qibla direction of the mosque must be accurate with the Kaaba. One method that can be used is to use the sun's shadow reflected by an object. The utilization of sunlight in determining the Qibla direction with this model is known as Rashdul Qiblah. This paper examines the importance of the unification of the Rasydhul Qiblah calendar with the central point of the district capital and the center of the regional capital of West Sumatra. The validity of the rashdul qiblah calendar at the center of the regency capital in the West Sumatra region can be used by the districts within it. This type of research is field research using a descriptive-analytical model. The results of a study of areas located in the center of the district capital of West Sumatra show that the timing of the implementation of the rashdul qiblah for the districts covering the center of the district capital has a time difference that can still be tolerated.
Political Hoaxes in the Post-Truth Era: An Islamic Political Analysis Isna Fitria Agustina; Zezen Zainul Ali; Sakirman Sakirman; Helena Octavianne; Muhammad Jamal
AL-ISTINBATH : Jurnal Hukum Islam Vol 8, No 2 November (2023)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Curup

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29240/jhi.v8i2.8457


This study aims to examine how the phenomenon of political hoaxes in the post-truth era occurs and what impact it has on the religious life and political direction of the Muslim community. This research departs from the phenomenon of political hoaxes that are getting stronger, especially when approaching election contestation. This condition is reinforced by the post-truth era where the truth is no longer urgent and trusted because the many hoaxes circulating make hoaxes like the truth. This research is a literature study explaining the phenomenon of political hoaxes in the post-truth era with an Islamic political sociology approach, data obtained from literature related to hoax politics, the post-truth era and analyzed in depth. The findings of this study are: First, the phenomenon of political hoaxes is carried out massively and repeatedly, especially before political events, Second, the reinforcing factors of political hoaxes in Muslim societies are caused by identity politics and low digital political literacy that are spread repeatedly. Third, political hoaxes can trigger inter-religious conflicts including intolerance and radicalism, disrupt religious life, and increase polarization and distrust of political institutions, as well as distrust of the media. Fourth, overcoming the impact of political hoaxes can be done by taking an Islamic political approach in society, namely by always telling the truth and bertabayyun against news and increasing digital literacy and the role of religious authorities.