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Journal : JUSIE (Jurnal Sosial dan Ilmu Ekonomi)

Prosedur Pencairan dan Penerimaan Alokasi Dana Desa (ADD) untuk Pembangunan Nagari Tabek Panjang Kecamatan Baso Kabupaten Agam Sabri Sabri; Eka Febrianti; Asnah Asnah; Nasfi Nasfi
JUSIE (Jurnal Sosial dan Ilmu Ekonomi) Vol 4 No 02 (2019): JUSIE (Jurnal Sosial dan Ilmu Ekonomi)
Publisher : Jurusan PIPS FKIP UMMY Solok

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36665/jusie.v4i02.213


The purpose of this study was to determine the procedure for disbursing village fund allocations and how to receive village fund allocation (ADD) in the 2018 fiscal year at Nagari Tabek Panjang, Baso District. This research is located in Nagari Tabek Panjang, Baso District, Agam Regency, West Sumatra Province. The type of data used is qualitative data. Data collection was carried out by means of interviews and documentation by determining the parties who became the resource persons. The results showed that the Village Fund Allocation (ADD) disbursement procedure was carried out in stages namely stages I, II, III. For disbursement in the first phase after the Nagari Regulation on ABPNag 2018 was approved by the Agam Regency Nagari Community Empowerment Agency (DPMN) verification team, and for the second stage disbursement must report accountability to the Agam Regency DPMN. In the ADD Acceptance Process, the Nagari RPJM was compiled, the Nagari RKP Compilation and Determination, and the Nagari Expenditure Budget (APBNAg) Long Term Budgeting Budget Compilation 2018
Prosedur Pemberian dan Penyelesaian Pembiayaan Bermasalah di KJKS BMT Agam Madani Nagari Batu Palano Kabupaten Agam Nasfi Nasfi; Sabri Sabri; Rahmah Moni
JUSIE (Jurnal Sosial dan Ilmu Ekonomi) Vol 4 No 02 (2019): JUSIE (Jurnal Sosial dan Ilmu Ekonomi)
Publisher : Jurusan PIPS FKIP UMMY Solok

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36665/jusie.v4i02.214


This study aims to determine the financing procedures used by KJKS BMT Agam Madani Nagari Batu Palano. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews, and library research using qualitative descriptive methods. The results of this study indicate that the procedure of financing provided by KJKS BMT Agam Madani Nagari Batu Palano Agam Regency can run optimally and in accordance with planned objectives, especially to encourage the efficiency of financing. The efforts that have been carried out by Agam Madani Nagari Batu Palano KJKS BMT Agam Regency to keep the financing provided smooth, productive and non-performing is to comply with every management policy in providing financing.
Pengaruh Knowledge, Skill dan Ability Pimpinan terhadap Kinerja IKM di Kabupaten Pesisir Selatan Rahmad Rahmad; Nasfi Nasfi; Sabri Sabri
JUSIE (Jurnal Sosial dan Ilmu Ekonomi) Vol 4 No 02 (2019): JUSIE (Jurnal Sosial dan Ilmu Ekonomi)
Publisher : Jurusan PIPS FKIP UMMY Solok

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36665/jusie.v4i02.217


The object of this study is IKM Selatan Pesisir Regency, to examine the effect of Knowledge, Skill and Ability of Leaders on Performance in IKM South Pesisir Regency. The purpose of this study is to determine how the model can provide a more precise description of the causality relationship between Knowledge, Skill, Leadership Ability and Performance. The population in this study is the total number of employees in the South Coastal District IKM with a total of 1,656 employees. With a sample of 100 people taken from a number of business units engaged in manufacturing such as the production of handicrafts, food, bags, shoes, crackers, garments and so on at IKM South Coastal District. Analysis of the research data used is the structural equation model with the SPSS application program to test 4 (two) hypotheses that have been developed, the hypothesized relationship is a causal relationship. And the results of the hypothesis show that 4 (two) proposed hypotheses are accepted. The significance value of the Knowledge variable (X1) is 0.031, the significance value of the Skill variable (X2) is 0.028 and the significance value of the Ability variable (X3) is 0.046, it is evident that if the significance value (sig) or probAbility value (probAbility) smaller than the significant level used (= 0.05), it can be concluded that there is a significant influence of the variables Knowledge (X1), Skill (X2) and Ability (X3) on Performance in IKM South Coastal District.
Dampak Membuang Sampah Sembarangan terhadap Kelestarian Lingkungan dan Ekonomi Beserta Sanksi terhadap Masyarakat yang Membuang Sampah Sembarangan Tempat (Studi Kota Bukittinggi) Sabri Sabri; Nasfi Nasfi
JUSIE (Jurnal Sosial dan Ilmu Ekonomi) Vol 5 No 01 (2020): JUSIE (Jurnal Sosial dan Ilmu Ekonomi)
Publisher : Jurusan PIPS FKIP UMMY Solok

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36665/jusie.v5i01.305


With various kinds of progress in recent years, the City of Bukittinggi Government is still faced with various problems/problems, one of which is the problem of waste management and sanctions against people who dispose of littering places. This study examines the impact of littering on environmental sustainability and imposing sanctions on people who dispose of garbage carelessly "studies in the City of Bukittinggi" How not, now the waste problem is still a conversation between the community and the city government, even though Payakumbuh is a city in the region West Sumatra, but the amount of waste produced is very large, so that waste is a fairly heavy problem in this city. One of the solutions provided by the government regarding waste management is by building a Regional Final Disposal Site (TPA) and giving sanctions to people who dispose of litter.