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Strategi Komunikasi Pemasaran Jawa Pos Radar Kudus Biro Jepara dalam Menarik Minat Pemasang Iklan: Strategi Komunikasi Pemasaran Jawa Pos Radar Kudus Biro Jepara dalam Menarik Minat Pemasang Iklan khoirul muslimin; Nanik  Cahya Nandy
Jurnal Komunikasi Korporasi dan Media (JASIMA) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020)
Publisher : Program Studi Komunikasi Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Mulawarman

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (183.346 KB) | DOI: 10.30872/jasima.v1i2.16


The purpose of the study was to determine the marketing communication strategy carried out by the Jawa Pos Radar Kudus Bureau of Jepara in attracting advertising interest and to see advertising signals in the June-August 2019 period. This research is a field research (field research) descriptive qualitative research type. This study uses a cybernetics approach. This research is to find marketing communication strategies to attract advertisers in Radar Kudus, Jepara Jawa Pos Bureau, Jepara Jl Pemuda No. 90 Jepara. The data technique is carried out by observation, interviews and literature study that are relevant to the object of research and then the data is analyzed using data reduction methods, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The results of this study indicate that the marketing communication strategy of JawaPos Radar Kudus Bureau of Jepara in attracting advertising marketing interest through (1) advertising; (2) personal selling; (3) sales promotion; (4) public relations; (5) direct marketing. Of the five elements, the Jepara Jawa Pos Bureau Radar Kudus applies the theory of Integrated Marketing Communication.  
An-Nida : Jurnal Komunikasi Islam Vol 7, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Fakultas Dakwah dan Komunikasi Program Studi Komunikasi dan Penyiaran Islam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34001/an.v7i1.291


Television advertisements that are broadcasted on television have to use words and language styles that uphold the values of honesty, clarity, and honor. The special features of the language of advertising are short, dense, clear, and interesting. The advertisement is called successfull if the advertisement is able to attract the audiences. Moreover, they then buy the product. Therefore the advertisement is considered important in determining the success of a product. However, It needs to know that advertisements that are broadcasted on television can not be separated from the interests of capital owner, organizer and television stations that just think about the rating. Thus, the advertisements that are created and broadcasted on television are not appropriate with business ethics. Keywords: television, advertisement, capitalism Iklan yang ditayangkan televisi harus menggunakan kata-kata dan gaya bahasa yang menjunjung tinggi nilai-nilai kejujuran, kejelasan, dan kehormatan. Ciri khusus bahasa iklan antara lain singkat, padat, jelas, dan menarik. Iklan dikatakan berhasil jika pengiklan dapat memikat sasarannya menjadi mitra untuk mendukung bahkan membeli barang produksi yang ditawarkan, oleh sebab itu iklan dianggap penting dalam menentukan keberhasilan suatu produk. Namun, perlu diketahui bahwa iklan-iklan yang tayang di televisi juga tidak terlepas dari kepentingan pemilik modal, pengelola televisi dan pemilik stasiun televisi yang hanya berpikir pada rating. Sehingga iklan yang dibuat dan tayang di televisi tidak sesuai dengan etika bisnis. Kata kunci: televisi, iklan, kapitalisme
Optimalisasi Entrepreneurship Pada UMKM Cemilan Seafood di Desa Tempel Kecamatan Wedung Kabupaten Demak Khoirul Muslimin; Wisnu Nor Cahyo; Novita Putri Mardiana; Sindy Aulia Octaviana
Khaira Ummah Vol. 1 No. 02 (2022): Khaira Ummah Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : Universitas Islam Nahdlatul Ulama Jepara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1399.596 KB) | DOI: 10.34001/khairaummah.01022022-11


ABSTRACT The creative economy is an economic concept in the new economic era that intensifiesinformation and creativity by relying on ideas, knowledge, skills and talents, rather thanhuman resources. Therefore, Human Resources (HR) as the main production factor in itseconomic activities. So that knowledge is needed about self-potential and the local culturalenvironment, from each community member as a source of life and a place to live. The conceptof the creative economy is increasingly getting major attention in many countries because itcan actually make a real contribution to the economy. (Ismurdyawati et al, 2013).One of the problems that occur in the community of outboard village, Wedung Sub-district,Demak Regency, is due to the lack of interest of residents in the development of MSMEs in theirvillage, currently there are only entrepreneurs who are still active until now, namely seafoodcrackers belonging to Mrs. Rohayati, crackers made from this type of fish are still requiresspecial attention to the development process, such as the use of very simple tools such as usingwax as an adhesive, as well as unattractive product packaging and many more. So that thelatest developments and innovations are needed to be able to develop these cracker productsto be even more attractive. The purpose of observations at partners' homes is to find out someof the problems that occur so that later we can help partner development in the future such asassisting in innovation of flavor variants, making partner logos, providing assistance in theform of plastic press tools on packaging to make it more attractive and expand productmarketing. The approach method for implementing this partnership program uses descriptivequalitative methods.Keywords: Development, Products, crackers, Tempel villageABSTRAK Ekonomi kreatif merupakan sebuah konsep ekonomi di era ekonomi baru yangmengintensifkan informasi dan kreativitas dengan mengandalkan ide, pengetahuan skilldan talenta, daripada sumber daya tenaga. Oleh karena itu, Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM)sebagai faktor produksi utama dalam kegiatan ekonominya. Sehingga diperlukanpengetahuan tentang potensi diri dan lingkungan budaya setempat, dari warga masyarakatmasing-masing sebagai sumber hidup dan tempat tinggalnya. Konsep ekonomi kreatif inisemakin mendapat perhatian utama di banyak negara karena ternyata dapat memberikankontribusi nyata terhadap perekonomian. (Ismurdyawati et al, 2013). Salah satu permasalahan yang terjadi pada masyarakat desa tempel Kecamatan WedungKabupaten Demak ini karena kurangnya minat warga terhadap perkembangan UMKM didesanya, saa ini hanya ada pengusaha yang masih aktif sampai sekarang yakni Kerupukseafood milik Ibu Rohayati, kerupuk yang berbahan dasar dari jenis ikan ini masihmembutuhkan perhatian khusus terhadap proses perkembangannya, seperti penggunaanalat yang masih sangat sederhana seperti menggunakan lilin sebagai perekatnya, sertapengemasan produk yang kurang menarik dan masih banyak lagi. Sehingga diperlukannyapengembangan serta inovasi terbaru untuk dapat mengembangkan produk kerupuk ini jadilebih menarik lagi. Tujuan dilakukannya observasi dirumah mitra yakni dapat mengetahuibeberapa permasalahan yang terjadi sehingga nantinya kita dapat membantuperkembangan mitra untuk kedepannya seperti membantu dalam inovasi varian rasa,pembuatan logo mitra, memberikan bantuan berupa alat pres plastic pada kemasan agarlebih menarik serta memperluas pemasaran produk. Metode pendekatan pelaksanaanprogram kemitraan ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif.Kata kunci: Perkembangan, Produk, kerupuk, desa Tempel