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Teaching English Process Through Dialogue Technique at SMP Negeri 1 Poso Ingriyani Yohana Rawung
Sintuwu Maroso Journal of English Teaching Vol 7, No 1 (2021): Sintuwu Maroso Journal of English Teaching
Publisher : Sintuwu Maroso Journal of English Teaching

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This study aimed to: Describe the process  and students achievement of dialogue technique in teaching English to the seventh grade students at SMP Negeri 1 PosoThe researcher used descriptive qualitative methods to explain the results of the research in teaching learning by dialogue. These results indicate that the students still lack confidence to speak English, students were shy, their voices were no loud during speak English. In pronunciation, intonation and accuracy not correct. Through dialogue, student more confidence, they were no longer shy, their voices more loudly when speak English. The students more encourages and more active when asked to dialogue. They were motivates to improve their ability speaking skill and to make conversation by their pairs. The results obtained from the scores that students dialogue a significant increase. At the first meeting only 54,5% of students fulfill based on standard KKM was 71. At the second meeting was 86,3%. This proves that dialogue was the proper technique to train the students speaking skill especially English
Approaches in Teaching English based on 2013 Curriculum at SMPN 3 Poso Kota Utara Ingriyani Y Rawung
Sintuwu Maroso Journal of English Teaching Vol 4, No 1 (2018): Sintuwu Maroso Journal of English Teaching
Publisher : Sintuwu Maroso Journal of English Teaching

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This research aims to describe the procedures of teaching English implemented by teachers of English at SMPN 3 Poso Kota Utara. This research is qualitative in nature. Data are collected by observation and documentation, then analyzed in two steps: firstly, the data of English learning process are observed then mapped to find a clearer description; secondly, procedure used during teaching and learning process are identified, and; thirdly, the procedures are decided in terms of appropriateness. The findings show that teachers of English at SMPN 3 Poso Kota Utara strictly followed lesson plan and syllabus as guidelines for teaching, used scientific learning as teaching approach, and the models of teaching and learning practice in this classroom are genre approach learning and discovery learning.Keywords: 2013 curriculum, teaching English, genre-based approach, discoverylearning approach
The English Lecturers’ Speech Style in Teaching English Debora Silintowe Mokere; Ingriyani Yohana Rawung
Sintuwu Maroso Journal of English Teaching Vol 5, No 1 (2019): Sintuwu Maroso Journal of English Teaching
Publisher : Sintuwu Maroso Journal of English Teaching

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This research aims to analyze the speech style of English Lecturers’ speech style in teaching English at Sintuwu Maroso University. Design of this research is descriptive qualitative. The instruments of this research are recording, interview and documentation. Data are gained by the result of recording and interview. The result of this research shows that the most dominant speech style used by English lecturers in teaching English are formal style and the second dominant is consultative style. The component of SPEAKING that trigger the speech style are setting (classroom), participants (lecturer and students) and ends (lecturing)
The Students’ Learning Style Used In Learning English at MAN Morowali Ingriyani Yohana Rawung
Sintuwu Maroso Journal of English Teaching Vol 6, No 1 (2020): Sintuwu Maroso Journal of English Teaching
Publisher : Sintuwu Maroso Journal of English Teaching

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This research aims to describe learning style of the students in learning English at MAN Morowali. Design of this research is qualitative research. The instruments of this research are questionnaire and documentation. Data are gained by the result of questionnaire and documentation. The result of this research obtains that the learning style of Eleven grade students in learning English At MAN Morowali are classified into major, minor, negligible learning style preferences. The major learning style are visual, auditory, kinesthetic, tactile, group and individual. On the other hand sometime minor learning style are visual, group and individual
The Use of STAD Model in Teaching English Ingriyani Y Rawung
Sintuwu Maroso Journal of English Teaching Vol 3, No 1 (2017): Sintuwu Maroso Journal of English Teaching
Publisher : Sintuwu Maroso Journal of English Teaching

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The research aims to describe the use of Students Team Achievement Division as a cooperative learning model in teaching English to students of SMPN 2 Poso. The subject this research was the eighth grade students at SMPN 2 Poso. Data were collected by observation, interview, documentation and questionnaire. The findings show that the English teacher of SMPN 2 Poso applied STAD model consists of five steps in teaching English.Keywords: student teams achievement, model, teaching English
The External Factors that Influence Students’ Motivation in Studying English Ingriyani Y Rawung
Sintuwu Maroso Journal of English Teaching Vol 2, No 1 (2016): Sintuwu Maroso Journal of English Teaching
Publisher : Sintuwu Maroso Journal of English Teaching

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (323.988 KB)


This research is conducted to identify external factors that influenced students’ motivation in studying English. Th is research was a descriptive qualitative. The subjects of research was the first grade students of SMP Negeri 3 Poso. The datagathered were interpreted under the theory of mot ivat ion. The findings show that: 1) The external factors were fear of punishment, rewards and praises, teacher’s role, parent’s role, and environmental conditions, 2) The student’s low motivationswere caused by parent’s role, teacher’s role and environment conditions, and 3) The most influential external factors for student’s high motivation were rewards andpraises, and fear of punishment.Keywords: external factor, students motivation
Strategi Pembelajaran Aktif Bagi Guru Sekolah Dasar dI SD GKST II Poso Kota Utara Ingriyani Rawung
Abdimas Toddopuli: Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat Vol. 1 No. 1 (2019): Desember 2019
Publisher : Universitas Cokroaminoto Palopo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (751.649 KB) | DOI: 10.30605/atjpm.v1i1.127


Proses belajar mengajar guru mempunyai tugas untuk memilih strategi/model pembelajaran yang tepat sesuai dengan materi yang disampaikan di sisi lain permasalahan yang ada yaitu proses berlangsungnya pembelajaran di SD cenderung hanya sebatas bersifat tekstual dan monoto . Tujuan kegiatan ini adalah meningkatkan pemahaman guru dalam mengelola kelas dengan mengunakan strategi pembelajaran yang aktif. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan ini yaitu dengan workshop strategi pembelajaran aktif bagi guru sekolah dasar sehingga para guru bisa menambah wawasan serta pengalaman dalam melakukan proses pembelajaran di kelas dengan aktif serta kreatif. Strategi ini dilakukan dengan cara memberikan secara bertahap, mulai dengan pemberian materi ceramah dan tanya jawab. Metode pelaksanaan merupakan landasan atau acuan agar proses dalam program pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini berjalan secara sistematis, terstruktur, dan terarah. Peserta yang hadir dalam pelaksanaan program kemitraan masyarakat 9 orang guru dimana semua guru yang ada di sekolah tersebut ikut berpartisipasi dengan kegiatan PKM ini. Peserta yang hadir menunjukan keantusiasan dengan keaktifan selama kegiatan PKM ini berlangsung. Pada kegiatan tahap pertama peserta workshop akan menerima materi tentang Guru SD yang kreatif menjadikan siswa aktif. Kemudian pada tahap kedua peserta akan mendapatkan materi terkait Strategi Pembelajaran Aktif di Sekolah Dasar, dan model model pembelajaran aktif dan efektif. Kata Kunci: strategi pembelajaran aktif, Guru SD
The Strategies in Learning English Language Used By Civil Engineering Students of Sintuwu Maroso University Ingriyani Yohana Rawung; Sherliane Trisye Poai
Journal on Education Vol 5 No 3 (2023): Journal on Education: Volume 5 Nomor 3 Tahun 2023 In Press
Publisher : Departement of Mathematics Education

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/joe.v5i3.1443


The Strategy is used by the students in learning English to help them achieve the objective of language learning. Learning English language was involved in learning reading skill, writing skill, listening skill and speaking skill. Students has their own strategy in learning. Each students used their strategy depend on their pation. The used of strategy in language learning is needed to study. The objective of this research is to describe the English Language Learning Strategy used by Civil Engineering students in New Normal Era. The subject of the research was 82 students of Civil Engineering Students that follow the Basic English Subject in Sintuwu Maroso University Poso. Survey resarch is used in This research as the method. The data was colleceted by questionnaire. The result of the research obtained in Learning English Language Used By students Civil Engineering of Sintuwu Maroso University used many learning strategies in learning English. Those learning strategies were Cognitive, memory, social, and compensation strategies