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Komunikasi, Keberagaman, dan Pariwisata: Strategi Warga Rama Agung menuju Desa Wisata Religius Yulizar Pramudika Tawil; Giska Mala Rahmarini
JURNAL ILMIAH SYI'AR Vol 20, No 2 (2020): Desember 2020
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29300/syr.v20i2.3993


Indonesia is experiencing an emergency communication between religious communities. The issue of division is easier to emerge and be consumed quickly by the community than the issue of togetherness. Interestingly, it is always the best practice of harmony between religious communities in rural areas which raises optimism that diversity in Indonesia continues. This study explains communication between religious communities in the success of the implementation of a religious tourism village in Rama Agung. A qualitative case study approach was carried out. Data were collected through interview techniques, observation, and search for relevant literature. Specifically for the interview data, we processed it through the transcript mechanism, keyword search, keyword categorization, and wording. Our findings include three important focuses: indicators of diversity, communication patterns in religious tourism villages, and forums for communication. We found three salient social capitals: the legacy of value systems brought by immigrant communities and the results of value processing in the environment, written rules or agreements between communities, and the leadership of religious leaders who were able to balance internal and external desires. Informal and formal communication forums have been used by the community to communicate their ideas. Then we present a communication pattern from the idea discussed, the development, to the execution stage. In the end, this study suggests a narrative approach to describe more clearly the way of communication in the village of religious tourism organized by religious diversity
The Fate of Jakarta Special Autonomy After The Movement of The Capital City of The United State of The Republic of Indonesia Yulizar Pramudika Tawil; Syugiarto; Giska Mala Rahmarini
Journal of Public Administration and Government Vol. 4 No. 2 (2022)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Tadulako

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22487/jpag.v4i2.475


The purpose of this research is to determine if Jakarta retains unique autonomy if the capital city is relocated to East Kalimantan. Furthermore, this article analyses various nations that have relocated their capital cities and compares them to Indonesia, which is now considering to relocate its capital city. The case study technique was employed in this investigation. The results of this article suggest that Indonesia can choose one of three strategies (1. Moving the Capital City, Government Center, and Business Center; 2. Moving just the Capital City and Government Center; or 3. Moving only the Government Center), with the impact of picking one of these schemes being: 1) If the capital is relocated, Jakarta would lose its unique autonomy as a special capital city; 2) If laws are implemented as a special commercial region or trade hub in Indonesia, Jakarta will still have special autonomy; 3). If just the center of the Indonesian government is relocated to East Kalimantan, Jakarta will retain special autonomy as a special capital region.
DAYA TARIK PESAN PERSUASIF UNTUK MENINGKATKAN MOTIVASI BERWIRAUSAHA PADA MAHASISWA: Analisis pada Mata Kuliah Kewirausahaan Israwaty Suriady; Fitriani Puspa Ningsih; Giska Mala Rahmarini
KINESIK Vol. 9 No. 3 (2022): December
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Tadulako

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22487/ejk.v9i3.552


Unemployment is one of the problems faced by Indonesia. The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) stated that as of August 2021 the number of unemployed had reached 9.1 million people. The highest unemployment rate is actually created by the educated group. The phenomenon of low interest and motivation for entrepreneurship today is being taken seriously by various parties, both the government, the world of education, the industrial world, and society. The large number of unemployed and the lack of interest in entrepreneurship have become auto criticism of the role of universities. The purpose of this study was to determine the attractiveness of messages in entrepreneurship education courses which are expected to increase students' interest in choosing entrepreneurship as a career choice. This research uses descriptive research type. The sample technique used was purposive sampling and 5 students who had taken the subject of entrepreneurship were selected as informants in this study. The appeal of the message is the theory used in this study. Data analysis used qualitative methods. The results of the study show that messages containing fear are felt by students in material that illustrates the difficulty of getting a job as a civil servant or in a private company, the ever-increasing unemployment rate and the challenges and competition going forward in finding work. Emotional messages are formed through efforts to develop positive feelings in students when they become entrepreneurs.

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Proses interaksi yang dilakukan oleh setiap manusia, seiring bertambahnya usia dan pengalaman hidup, umumnya terjadi proses relationship yang di dalamnya terdapat komitmen sehingga mampu dibuktikan dalam hubungan pernikahan baik sah berdasarkan agama dan hukum yang berlaku di negara Indonesia. Hidup bersama dengan orang yang dicintai dan mendapatkan keturunan adalah impian dari setiap orang. Terbentuknya keluarga kecil yang bahagia menandakan bahwa antar suami dan istri mampu menjalankan pernikahan dengan proses manajamen yang baik. Menurut Brehm (1992) mengatakan bahwa pernikahan merupakan ekspresi puncak dari sebuah hubungan intim dan janji untuk bersama seumur hidup (dalam Wisnuwardhani & Mashoedi, 2012: 90). Pada dasarnya,bagian terpenting dalam sebuah pernikahan yaitu membentuk sebuah keluarga bahagia yang di dalamnya terdapat suami, istri dan anak baik berdasarkan pada ikatan darah atau melalui proses adopsi. Berdasarkan realita yang terjadi saat ini, meskipun telah melalui tahap pranata sosial untuk mencapai level pernikahan, namun banyak ditemukan pasangan suami istri yang mengalami konflik rumah tangga disebabkan adanya tindakan perselingkuhan. Artinya bahwa komitmen yang sudah disepakati secara bersama-sama dan aturan yang berasal dari agama dilanggar dengan penuh kesadaran meskipun telah dipahami bahwa tindakan yang dilakukan adalah sebuah kesalahan. Pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi dan memberikan gambaran terkait dengan strategi komunikasi antarpribadi dalam mencegah terjadinya tindakan perselingkuhan pada hubungan rumah tangga suami dan istri di Kabupaten Donggala. Adapun sasaran pada pengabdian yakni ibu Pembinaan Kesejahteraan Keluarga (PKK) desa Nupabomba Kecamatan Tanantovea.