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Android-Based Horspool Algorithm for Proverb Search Andri Agus Yahya
Bahasa Indonesia Vol 11 No 01 (2019): Instal : Jurnal Komputer
Publisher : Cattleya Darmaya Fortuna

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54209/jurnalkomputer.v11i01.2


A proverb is a sentence or group of words that expresses a purpose or will, a state of a person, or a thing that says the behavior, actions, and things about a person that, although indirect, expresses something that the reader or listener can understand. Horspool algorithm simplifies the boyer-Moore algorithm, which in this text search is searched in large text to find the first pattern. Since the text sought can be so large (allowing hundreds of thousands of characters), it is essential to use more efficient techniques. Based on this, an android-based proverb search application was created to make it easier for someone to find proverbs because not everyone understands them, making it more practical and efficient in terms of its use without having to carry sayings in the form of print media such as books.
Indonesian Proverbs Application Design by Applying Android Horspool Boyer Moore Algorithm Andri Agus Yahya; Nelly Astuti Hasibuan; Putri Ramadhani
The IJICS (International Journal of Informatics and Computer Science) Vol 2, No 1 (2018): March 2018
Publisher : STMIK Budi Darma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (265.645 KB) | DOI: 10.30865/ijics.v2i1.998


Proverbs are words or groups of words which states a purpose or will, circumstance of someone, something, or something that express behavior, actions and things about a person indirectly, but implicitly convey a message that can be understood by both the reader and the listener. String matching is an algorithm to search for all occurrences of short and long strings, and for short strings called patterns and long strings called text. Horspool Algorithm is a simplification of the Boyer-Moore algorithm which in search of text is to search in large text to find the first pattern. Because the text sought can be very large (allowing hundreds of thousands of characters) it is important to use more efficient techniques based on that case, a search application based on android is made to make it easier for someone to find proverbs because not everyone understands this and that makes it more practical and efficient in terms of its use without having to carry proverbs in print media such as books.