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Demography Population of Sumatran Surili (Presbytis melalophos ssp. mitrata Eschsholtz, 1821) and The Diversity of Vegetation as Their Habitat in Riparian Site of Geopark Mengkarang Purba, Merangin Regency Asrizal Paiman; Novriyanti Novriyanti; Cory Wulan
Media Konservasi Vol 23 No 1 (2018): Media Konservasi Vol. 23 No. 1 April 2018
Publisher : Department of Forest Resources Conservation and Ecotourism - IPB University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (496.442 KB) | DOI: 10.29244/medkon.23.1.92-98


Surili Sumatera (Presbytis melalophos ssp. mitrata Eschsholtz, 1821) is a primate species commonly found in Sumatra and Kalimantan. Thesubspecies of mitrata are known to be found along the Batanghari River, to the Geopark Mengkarang Purba area. However, data on the number ofspecies in their habitat in Geopark Mengkarang Purba is not yet available. Thus, research on the demographics of riparian populations in riparianareas and the diversity of tree species as a residential habitat in the region is required. The data of this study were collected for ± 3 months in theMerangin Geopark area, West Bangko district in Bedeng Rejo and Rengas Ulu Villages. Geographically this location is located at 0210'43.9 "LS,102oo10'47,5" BT with wavy topography. All aspects of population demographics were observed with transect strip technique on the 1.000 x 100 meterline for 10 repetitions per day. The number of paths observed was 3 lines representing the sampling intensity of 0,48% of the total area of the studysite. The results showed that the total population of Sumatran Surili found in Geopark Mengkarang Purba area was 29 individuals with sex ratio of1:2 and age structure which was considered progressive for the growth of Surili Sumatera population in Purba Geopark Mengkarang. The level oftree species diversity found in 31 species at the study site is close to high (H '= 2,96), most of which are found as fruit trees useful for the life anddevelopment of the Sumatran surili population.Keywords: demography population, Geopark Merangin, Presbytis, riparian site 
EFEKTIVITAS KEBERHASILAN PEREKAMAN HARIMAU SUMATERA (Panthera tigris sumatrae Pocock,1929) MENGGUNAKAN KAMERA JEBAKAN DI SPTN I SIPURAK HOOK TAMAN NASIONAL KERINCI SEBLAT: Effectiveness of the Success of Sumatran Tiger Recording (Panthera tigris sumatrae Pocock, 1929) Using Camera Trap at SPTN I Sipurak Hook Kerinci Seblat National Park Asrizal Paiman; Cory Wulan; Fredy Almi Saputra
Jurnal Silva Tropika Vol. 5 No. 2 (2021): Jurnal Silva Tropika
Publisher : Fakultas Kehutanan Universitas Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22437/jsilvtrop.v5i2.17116


This research aims to evaluate the results of trials of the effectiveness of the use of camera traps in knowing the problems and constraints that can be used in developing strategies and solutions to the problem of using camera traps for Sumatran tigers. Number of camera traps installed as many as 14 cameras. Installation of camera traps is distinguished by three mounting heights of soil that is 35 cm, 40 cm, 45 cm. Data analysis is done to collect data recording every camera trap with Sumatran tiger object. The results showed that there were 4 trap camera units that successfully recorded the Sumatran tiger, with the most effective recording activity of Sumatran tiger is at 45 cm height with 86%. There are 4 trap camera units that suffered damage and loss. The most effective mounting height in the recording process is the height of the 45 cm installation with 60% comparison.
KAJIAN MATI MERANGGAS PADA TANAMAN DUKU DI JAMBI (SUATU STUDI BIOEKOLOGI): Study Of Death On Duku Plant In Jambi (A Bioecological Study) Suci Puri; Asrizal Paiman; Mapegau Mapegau
Jurnal Silva Tropika Vol. 6 No. 1 (2022): Jurnal Silva Tropika
Publisher : Fakultas Kehutanan Universitas Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22437/jsilvtrop.v6i1.20972


ABSTRACT                Duku (Lansium domesticum) has become the flagship fruit of Jambi and is widely planted and becomes a source of income for farmers. In the last 5 years, around 310,828 trees have been damaged, that is, they die and die. In natural conditions, duku jambi plants are often flooded. Thus, conditions of hypoxia or anoxia are often experienced by the root system of plants. This limited O2 condition can affect the growing environment of the duku plant which in turn will affect the growth, development, and survival of the plant due to a decrease in energy. The method used is a field survey and takes environmental and soil data. Observations of duku plants and other vegetation include: the number of clumps, the number of duku individuals according to the growth phase, the type of vegetation, the number of individual species found in each sample unit, and the coverage area. . Based on the results obtained, it can be seen that the highest density is found in the Kelopak Alai area with the highest density value being the duku tree of 325, and the highest frequency is found in the area of ​​the Karang City area with the highest frequency value being the duku tree of 87.50, while for dominance The highest value is found in the village of Olak Rambahan with the highest dominance value is the duku tree of 3300,955. Keywords : Duku, Bioecological, Death On  ABSTRAK  Duku (Lansium domesticum) sudah menjadi buah unggulan Jambi banyak ditanam dan menjadi sumber pendapatan petani. Dalam kurun waktu 5 tahun terakhir sekitar 310.828 pohon mengalami kerusakan yaitu mati meranggas. Pada kondisi alami, tanaman duku jambi sering tergenang air. Dengan demikian, kondisi hipoksia atau anoksia sering dialami oleh sistem perakaran tanaman. Kondisi O2 yang terbatas ini dapat mempengaruhi lingkungan tumbuh tanaman duku yang pada gilirannya akan mempengaruhi pertumbuhan, perkembangan, dan kelangsungan hidup tanaman karena terjadi penurunan energi. Metode yang digunakan adalah survey lapangan dan mengambi data lingkungan dan tanah, Pengamatan tanaman duku dan vegetasi lain meliputi : jumlah rumpun, jumlah individu duku menurut fase pertumbuhan, jenis vegetasi, jumlah individu spesies yang kedapatan pada setiap unit contoh, dan luas tutupan (coverage). Berdasarkan hasil yang didapat terlihat bahwa Kerapatan tertinggi terdapat di daerah Kelopak Alai dengan nilai kerapatan yang tertinggi adalah pohon duku sebesar 325, dan Frekuensi tertinggi terdapat di daerah di daerah Kota Karang dengan nilai frekuensi yang tertinggi adalah pohon duku sebesar 87,50, sedangkan untuk Dominansi tertinggi terdapat di daerah desa Olak Rambahan dengan nilai dominansi yang tertinggi adalah pohon duku sebesar 3300,955. Kata kunci : Duku, Mati Meranggas, Bioekologi
Bioma Vol 19 No 2 (2023): Bioma
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21009/Bioma19(2).3


This study aimed to determine the diversity of amphibian species in different habitat types along shore of Lake Sipin. This study used a combination of path (Transect) and VES (Visual Encounter Survey) methods. Research area was determined using purposive sampling based on the function of the habitat and the number of prey animals. The population in this study was all amphibians in the Sipin Lake. The samples were all amphibians caught using fishing nets or bare hands. Identification of amphibian species found in the lake used field guidebooks and online-based guide. The results of research carried out along the edge of Lake Sipin showed 215 individuals, 8 species and 4 families were found to be amphibians. The diversity index for amphibian species generally shows an H' index with an H' value of 1.19, which is included in the medium diversity index value. The overall amphibian species evenness index value is classified as an unstable community (E=0.573) and the amphibian species richness index value generally shows a low species richness index (Dmg=1.303). Meanwhile, the value of the community similarity index or Index of Similarity (IS) generally shows that natural habitats and tourism are relatively high with an index value of 90%.