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Meningkatkan Kedisiplinan Siswa Melalui Perspektif Syariah di SMK Bina Mandiri Multimedia Novingky Ferdinand; Guruh Herman Was'an; Rizky Maulana; Nurul Oktaviani; Siti Aminah; Komarudin Komarudin
Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Madani Vol 2 No 1 (2022): Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Madani (JPMM)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ekonomi Bisnis Syariah Bina Mandiri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51805/jpmm.v2i1.72


The goals of national education will not be achieved without discipline. Islam is a religion that teaches discipline as well as gentleness. Students in schools should carry out a disciplined attitude by obeying all the rules that apply in their school which is called student discipline. The Covid-19 pandemic has reduced the level of student discipline, especially student discipline at school. Community service activities in the form of counseling aim to improve student discipline through a sharia perspective at SMK Bina Mandiri Syariah. The method used is counseling activities and activity evaluation. The results of the extension activities found that there were main obstacles experienced by students in the application of discipline in schools, namely the adaptation process from the online teaching and learning system to the face-to-face system. The results of the evaluation of activities are known to increase the insight and commitment of students of SMK Bina Mandiri Multimedia in applying student discipline through a Sharia perspective, both inside and outside school. This community service activity is very useful for students at Bina Mandiri Multimedia Vocational School to improve student discipline through a sharia perspective.
The Effect of Remuneration on Employee Job Satisfaction in Government Agencies at the Jayakarta Military Regional Command (Kodam Jaya) Novingky Ferdinand; Rizky Maulana; Eliza
International Journal of Sharia Business Management Vol 1 No 1 (2022): IJSBM: International Journal of Sharia Business Management
Publisher : Sharia Business Management Department of STEBIS Bina Mandiri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51805/ijsbm.v1i1.55


In implementing good governance, the civil servant (PNS) factor is an essential factor because it is the central pillar in service to the community to create excellent service. Therefore, one of the factors in creating good civil servants is paying attention to their employees' welfare according to their position. Based on this, a study was conducted to see the effect of remuneration on job satisfaction in Government Agencies at the Jayakarta Military Regional Command. The allowance is expected to increase employee job satisfaction. This research is associative quantitative research, with a significant level of = 0.05 (5%) with a 95% confidence level with a sample of 58 people using a saturated sample. Data collection uses primary data systems, namely observation and questionnaires, and secondary data, namely literature study. Testing the instrument using the validity test, reliability test, and normality test. As for the data analysis method using frequency distribution analysis, simple linear regression, correlation coefficient, coefficient of determination, and t-test. Data calculation is done using SPSS. The results showed that the remuneration in the frequency distribution analysis was perceived as good at 4.12, and employee job satisfaction was quite good at 3.79. In linear regression analysis Y = 39,193 + 0,54X, the correlation coefficient is perceived as strong as 0.611, the coefficient of determination is 37.3%, in the t-test it is perceived that t count > t table is 5.773 > 1.673. then Ho is rejected, and Ha is accepted. So it can be concluded that there is a significant influence between remuneration on employee job satisfaction