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A Simple Survey on Attitude of Computer Science Diploma Students towards STEM Azniah Ismail; Nor Zuhaidah Mohamed Zain; Harnani Mat Zin
International Journal of Humanities, Management and Social Science Vol 2 No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Lamintang Education and Training Centre, in collaboration with the International Association of Educators, Scientists, Technologists, and Engineers (IA-ESTE)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36079/lamintang.ij-humass-0202.35


This article reported a simple survey on diploma students’ attitudes towards science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) objectively to get an initial impression of students taking a STEM-related diploma program. The targeted respondents were diploma students pursuing computer science programs in a Malaysian public university. A quantitative approach using a quantitative survey was used in which data were systematically elicited from 16 male and 17 female students using a questionnaire containing Likert-scale items. The questionnaire consists of three constructs: attitude toward science, attitude toward technology and engineering, and attitude toward mathematics. All constructs use a 5-point Likert scale for the response scale. Descriptive analysis showed that the respondents’ attitude ranged between moderately to highly positive towards STEM with no significance different variation between genders across the STEM fields. Interestingly, they also had, generally, moderate consideration for careers in STEM fields (the average values ranged between 27.2% and 42.4%) with male respondents had very low agreements (18.7%) to consider careers related to technology and engineering fields. Such results were a bit discouraging as the respondents were all pursuing a diploma in computer science.Thus, more efforts are needed by the university to give more exposures and experiences to refine the students’ attitude during their study, to boost their confidence and interest to pursue a career suitable with their diploma certificates.
Development of an Interactive Courseware “MyInterval” in the Topic of Intervals for Music Education Students at UPSI Zuhayril Sutopo; Harnani Mat Zin
Journal of Engineering, Technology, and Applied Science (JETAS) Vol 5 No 1: April 2023
Publisher : Lamintang Education and Training Centre, in collaboration with the International Association of Educators, Scientists, Technologists, and Engineers (IA-ESTE)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36079/lamintang.jetas-0501.484


Perkembangan teknologi sentiasa berkait rapat dengan perkembangan sistem pendidikan. Pembangunan koswer MyInterval ini adalah bertujuan untuk membantu pelajar memahami topik dengan lebih mudah dan dapat memberikan pelajar merasai pengalaman pembelajaran yang menyeronokkan dengan gabungan elemen multimedia. Objektif utama dalam pembangunan koswer ini adalah untuk membangunkan koswer yang mengandungi elemen multimedia yang mampu membantu pelajar muzik dalam topik Interval bagi kursus Aural 1. Metodologi yang digunakan dalam pembangunan koswer ini adalah Model Hanifin dan Peck. Koswer yang telah lengkap dibangunkan, diuji kepada 21 responden yang terpilih. Responden kajian ini terdiri daripada seorang pensyarah dan 20 pelajar UPSI yang mengambil jurusan Pendidikan Muzik. Kajian ini dijalankan bagi mengetahui keberkesanan hasil akhir produk yang telah dibangunkan. Hasil kajian mencatatkan min keseluruhan bagi kebolehgunaan koswer adalah pada tahap yang sangat tinggi iaitu sebanyak 4.35. Maklum balas daripada responden adalah positif. Responden menyatakan pembangunan koswer adalah sangat menarik dan dapat membantu pelajar untuk kemahiran Aural dalam Muzik. Selain itu, Dari segi teks, pemilihan teks adalah bersesuaian dan pemilihan konsep permainan (interval games) juga adalah menarik. Hasil dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa koswer MyInterval yang dibangunkan dapat membantu pensyarah dan pelajar dalam memahami topik dengan lebih baik. Dapat disimpulkan bahawa koswer MyInterval ini telah mendapat respon yang baik dan positif dan sesuai untuk dijadikan sebagai alat bantu mengajar kerana kandungan dan elemen multimedia yang disediakan adalah menarik dan mudah untuk difahami. Development of an Interactive Courseware “MyInterval” in the Topic of Intervals for Music Education Students at UPSI Abstarct: The development of technology is always closely related to the development of the education system. The aim of developing MyInterval courseware is to help students to understand the topic easier as well as providing a fun learning experience with a combination of multimedia elements. The main objective developing this courseware is to develop a courseware that contains multimedia elements which can help music students in the interval topic for the Aural 1 course. The methodology used in the developing MyInterval course by using the Hanafin and Peck model. The completed courseware was tested on 21 selected respondents. The data were analysed with a sample of one lecturer and 20 UPSI students majoring in Music Education as the respondents. This study was conducted to investigate on the effectiveness of the final product of the courseware that has been developed. By the analysis, the overall mean of study conducted on the usability of the courseaware was at a very high level which is 4.35. The feedback from respondents was positive. Respondents stated that the courseware developed was interesting and helps students with the Aural skills in Music. In terms of text, simple text selection was appropriate. The game concept (interval games) was also interesting. The findings show the MyInterval courseware developed helps lecturers and students in understanding the topic much better. As per conclude, MyInterval courseware has received good and positive response and can be used as a teaching tool because the content and multimedia elements provided are interesting and easy to understand. Keywords: Courseware, Hanifin & Peck, Interactive Courseware.