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Sistem Navigasi Gerak Robot Lawn Mower Menggunakan Pengendali Fuzzy Logic Selamat Muslimin; Renny Maulidda; Yudi Wijanarko; Dewi Permata Sari
Jurnal Otomasi Kontrol dan Instrumentasi Vol 11 No 2 (2019): Jurnal Otomasi Kontrol dan Instrumentasi
Publisher : Pusat Teknologi Instrumentasi dan Otomasi (PTIO) Institut Teknologi Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5614/joki.2019.11.2.6


Teknologi robot yang semakin berkembang pesat telah banyak membantu manusia dalam mempermudah menyelesaikan salah satu kegiatan yaitu memotong rumput. Robot lawn mower dirancang untuk memotong rumput, menghindari rintangan dan bergerak di sepanjang lintasan yang direncanakan. Sehingga kemampuan untuk mengenali lingkungan, perencanaan lintasan dan pengambilan keputusan harus dimiliki. Robot lawn mower adalah jenis robot yang mampu melakukan pergerakan secara otomatis. Sistem navigasi dan penerapan kecerdasan artifisial merupakan hal utama agar robot dapat bergerak secara mandiri. Dalam hal ini, pengendali fuzzy logic diterapkan untuk menemukan titik koordinat yang telah ditanamkan dalam algoritma fuzzy logic yaitu maju, belok kanan, belok kiri dan putar balik. Sensor GPS Neo-6M digunakan untuk membaca titik koordinat dan sensor kompas HMC5883L digunakan untuk membaca arah dalam sistem navigasi robot yang kemudian diproses oleh pengendali dan menghasilkan keluaran berupa putaran roda yang digerakkan oleh motor
Technologic Vol 5, No 2 (2014): Technologic
Publisher : Politeknik Manufaktur Astra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52453/t.v5i2.39


Lengan Robot Berjari telah banyak digunakan pada industri maupun penggunaan dalam bidang pendidikan. Perancangan lengan robot berjari dibagi atas dua bagian, bagian pengendali pada lengan manusia (Transmitter) dan Lengan Robot Berjari (Reciever). Lengan robot berjari ini berbasis mikrokontroler dengan menggunakan ATMega 32A pada pengendali dan ATTiny 2313 pada robot serta dengan media transmisi wireless menggunakan KYL 1020U. Jari-jari robot dikendalikan oleh Flex Sensor Spectra Symbols 4.5 inch Series SEN 08606 dengan memanfaatkan resistivitas dari Flex Sensor tersebut. Flex Sensor adalah sensor lengkung yang fleksibel secara fisik sehingga dapat mengikuti pergerakan jari manusia. Range resistansi sebuah Flex Sensor berkisar 10 KΩ – 40 KΩ. Flex Sensor sebagai pengendali lengan robot berjari memiliki persentase (%) kesalahan (error) sebesar 13% - 37,7%. Setiap perubahan kelengkungan sebesar 1o pada Flex Sensor berbanding lurus dengan kenaikan nilai resistivitas sebesar 113 Ω. Kenaikan nilai resistansi terhadap derajat kelengkungan Flex Sensor akan berbanding terbalik dengan kenaikan nilai arus yang dihasilkan untuk menggerakan jari robot dengan motor mini servo HS-81. Dibutuhkan keseimbangan perancangan antara mekanik dan elektronik untuk menghasilkan kinerja lengan robot berjari yang maksimal
PENGENALAN KENDALI ROBOT SAMPAH BERBASIS IPAD DI SMPIT HARAPAN MULIA PALEMBANG Nyayu Latifah; Ade Silvia Handayani; Yudi Wijanarko; Ekawati Prihatini; Selamat Muslimin; Yeni Irdayanti; Destra Andika Pratama
Aptekmas Jurnal Pengabdian pada Masyarakat Vol 3 No 1 (2020): APTEKMAS Volume 3 Nomor 1 2020
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1324.039 KB) | DOI: 10.36257/apts.v3i1.1933


SMPIT Harapan Mulia is one of the schools that uses iPad for its teaching and learning activities.  The use of this small, simple and lightweight iPad is certainly one of the solutions to reduce the burden of the books that the students should carry.  All the learning materials can be found easily in the iPad, therefore the students can learn many things anywhere and anytime. In addition, the use of this iPad also will certainly make the students to more focus on the lesson.  The students have an opportunity to be more flexible in terms of self-development.  Besides the benefits provided by the iPad, there are several obstacles that are often faced, including, the use of iPad is monotonous andexcessive use of iPad can reduce student performance compared to those who do not use tablets (according to research from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and University of Michigan). Based on observations and interviews with the principal at SMPIT Harapan Mulia, students who use the iPad are more enthusiastic in joining the teaching and learning process. This can be proven by an increase in the average value obtained by the students of SMPIT Mulia Harapan. However, unfortunately the school also often found the students looked bored with their tablets. This is because their iPad is connected directly to MDM (Mobile Device Management), where the MDM manages the content and activities on each student's iPad.  This MDM limits the student's movement, so that they will not get out of line. However, this MDM also makes students feel uncomfortable and not to be free to express themselves.  Therefore, we need a solution to overcome these problems. This dedication is carried out with the aim to maintain the stability of the students' enthusiasm in using the iPad. In practice, this service provides opportunities for students to develop their skills in using the iPad. Students are equipped with the theory of the development of the use of iPad (in this activity, the iPad is used to control the trash robot). Besides that, the service activity also demonstrated and gave a short workshop on the control of garbage robots using the iPad. The results of this dedication were a simple coding and a monitoring module using a Blynk based iPad.