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Akutansi Bisnis & Manajemen ( ABM ) Vol 8 No 2 (2001): Oktober
Publisher : STIE Malangkucecwara

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We find that government intervention by sales of US dollar in the 1985-1987 period is insignificant. This means the dealers did not believe the signal, which was given by the government through coordinated government intervention. Intervention by purchase of the US dollar was significant with a positive but incorrect sign. The positive sign means that the dealers shifted down the quote to discourage their customers from selling US dollars (buy DM and Yen) and to encourage them to buy US dollars (sell DM and Yen) as they anticipated the US dollar would depreciate. The purchase of US dollar signal led to the market believing that the government had an intention to appreciate the dollars in the future. Thus, the dealers reacted in the opposite direction to the government?s intention. We believe this was supposed due to the lack of credibility of the government intervention. We also note that the large scale of G-3 (Japan, Germany and USA) intervention to support the US dollar (purchasing dollars against DM) after the stock market crash of October 1987 was perceived by market participants as a commitment of US to prevent a post-crash liquidity crisis rather than a commitment to support the dollars (Dominguez, 1990, p. 139). In summary, the intervention during this period (1985 to 1987) was not credible. Consequently, the intervention was not effective. The ineffectiveness of the intervention was due to the lack of commitment of the monetary authorities (DeGrauwe, 1996). The G-5 needed to hasten their efforts to build a more credible and effective international monetary regime or they should have committed themselves fully to policy coordination (Funabashi, 1988, p.246)
IbM Industri Kreatif (Sandal dan Sepatu Lucu) Nevi Danila; Ali Lating
Jurnal ABM Mengabdi Vol 4 (2017): Desember
Publisher : STIE Malangkucecwara

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The development of creative industry which is a product of sandals and cute shoes is one of the efforts that has been declared by the government. People with their various ideas and creativity strive to get this business opportunity because the results can promise for the improvement of society. The partner industry in this creative is Mrs. May (mitra1) and Ibu Indayanik (partner 2). The first growing problem is: (1) Unfulfilled consumer demand for the resulting product, this is due to the use of tools used for sewing edges is still limited and requires a tent for the exhibition. The growing problem is its impact in the use of juki machines and embroidery machines. The solutions offered are: (a) for production aspect to the first partner will be provided: (1) sewing machine, so it can be utilized optimally; (2) Spon scissors to cut the mall that has been drawn with variation so that more neatly and its use more) Tents are used for activities at the time of the exhibition. While for the second partner (1) will be provided additional juki machine to facilitate the production process, (2) Sewing machine to sew from cute shoes and tents for the exhibition; (3) Tents are used for exhibition (b) for management aspect, both partners will be given: (1) Training in recording of simple financial report for SME. This activity is done so that the two partners can find out what the results are needed or what costs should be incurred, so later can be used for decision making. (2) Training on internet marketing and (3) internet marketing module development and financial report module for SMEs. The outcomes to be generated are (1) reports on the results of activities, which are the outputs that must be made by the implementing team as a form of grant responsibility and (2) scientific articles to be published in national journals and printed publications
Peningkatan Kualitas Produk dan Pengembangan Ketrampilan Pengusaha Konveksi di Malang Rina Irawati; Nevi Danila
Jurnal ABM Mengabdi Vol 2 (2015): Desember
Publisher : STIE Malangkucecwara

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Usaha Konveksi adalah termasuk salah satu usaha prospektif saat ini didukung dengan kemajuan tehnologi dan telekomunikasi. Gaya hidup manusia senantiasa berubah dari waktu ke waktu sehingga permintaan pasar senantiasa ada. Pengusaha konveksi yang menjadi mitra dalam program IbM ini adalah Farisa Collection dan Mutiara Collection. Produk yang dihasilkan mitra bermacam macam namun sebagian besar didominasi busana muslim, seragam dan aneka macam mukena. Beberapa produk di pesan dengan spesifikasi khusus sehingga perlu finishing lebih lanjut baik dalam bentuk bodir, payet dll) sehingga dengan demikian produk yang dihasilkan menjadi berbeda dengan produk yang lain di pasar. Target luaran yang akan dihasilkan dari program IbM ini adalah: (1) Penambahan perlengkapan dan peralatan yang lebih modern, (2) Peningkatan keterampilan dan pengetahuan tentang pencatatan keuangan dan penetapan harga jual yang tepat agar produknya mampu bersaing di pasar baik nasional maupun internasional, yang nantinya akan diwujudkan berupa kegiatan pelatihan dan pendampingan, dan (3) Hasil program ini akan dipublikasikan dalam jurnal ilmiah nasional agar dapat disebarluaskan kepada masyarakat.
IbM Pengusaha Jamu Untuk Meningkatkan Pendapatan Masyarakat Fera Tjahyani; Nevi Danila
Jurnal ABM Mengabdi Vol 3 (2016): Desember
Publisher : STIE Malangkucecwara

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Tujuan dari pelaksanaan pengabdian kepada masyarakat melalui program IbM Pengusaha Jamu ini adalah untuk meningkatkan taraf hidup masyarakat melalui peningkatkan produktivitas produk dan variasi produk yang akan dihasilkan. Permasalahan yang dihadapi mitra adalah: (1) Keterbatasan mesin penggilingan yang berkapasitas kecil sehingga hasil produksi tidak dapat memenuhi permintaan dari consume; (2) Penyediaan meja, kompor, panci dan saringan dan ember; (3) Pengusaha jamu tidak melakukan pencatatan keluar masuknya uang hasil usaha karena mereka tidak mengerti dan memahami betapa pentingnya melakukan pencatatan tersebut; (4) Pelatihan Pengemasan produk dan pemberian label belum dilakukan sehingga tampilan dari botol jamu tersebut menjadi kurang menarik. Solusi yang ditawarkan untuk menyelesaikan masalah adalah: (1) Dengan melakukan penambahan peralatan mesin penggilingan jamu, meja, penambahan peralatan berupa kompor gas dengan 2 tungku, tabung gas 3 kg, panci stainless dengan ukuran yang besar, saringan stenless dan ember plastik; (2) Melakukan pemberian pelatihan cara pencatatan keuangan serta pelatihan packaging produk; (3) Hasil Program IbM ini nanti akan disebarluaskan ke masyarakat melaui artikel dan dipublikasi pada jurnal/majalah Nasional; dan (4) Pembuatan laporan. Dari hasil kegiatan yang sudah dilakukan maka sudah dilakukan: (1) Penyerahan mesin penggilingan jamu; (2) Penyerahan meja, kompor, panci dan saringan dan ember; dan (3) Pelatihan akuntansi untuk mencatat keluar masuknya uang hasil usaha serta pelatihan pengemasan dan pemberian label.
Akutansi Bisnis & Manajemen ( ABM ) Vol 7 No 1 (2000): April
Publisher : STIE Malangkucecwara

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We find that during 1985 to 1987 intervention in the Japanese yen widened the spread and intervention in the Deutsche mark did not have any influence on spread. This finding is supported by several authors: Federal Reserve intervention either increased the volatility of yen/US dollar or had no impact on the volatility of DM/US$ during the period 1985-1991.